Chapter 47: Helen

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Chapter 47: Helen 

Another two days passed where Dawn and I stayed at the Pokemon Center. In those two days she'd become more anxious and shy, often staring into space when we were alone together and uneasy when I began a conversation. 

I'd deduced that since this new behavior was because of what had happened after she'd woken up after our movie night. I remembered it all too well.

Dawn sighed as she woke up, her body curling up before she stretched her limbs along the plushy couch cushions. I had watched as she moved, wondering how she'd react to finding that she'd unconsciously made the decision to use my lap as a pillow. Her right arm then met some resistance from my leg and her eyes had flashed open, staring at the thigh section of my pants for the longest time as if she couldn't figure out what it was. 

Really, how I was supposed to proceed at this point was unknown to me. I didn't want to tease her. I'd enjoyed the experience of having her close to me, and I strangely did not feel a sense of revulsion as I would have months ago at the thought of her touching me. She really had changed me. 

To save myself from having to speak, I'd feigned sleep, though peeked every once and awhile to see her reactions when I thought I could chance it. 

Without a peep, Dawn ever so carefully had swung her body upright, always checking to see if she'd woken me up. She rose from the couch slowly, then tiptoed to our room's door. 

I heard the door close quietly before I opened my eyes, frowning to myself about her avoiding what had happened. 

And I chose that to by my tactic as well. If she was going to ignore what had happened, then I would as well. At least verbally. 

In my head, I continued to wonder why she didn't ever mention us falling asleep on the couch together. Did she think I'd be upset or hadn't woken up at all? Was she embarrassed? If so, why? Because she thought it was a mistake? Or had she enjoyed it? 

The questions piled up in my brain, but none held answers. The more I studied Dawn, the more she avoided my eyes, causing more questions to pop into my head. It became a vicious cycle that frustrated me to the point where I would have to take walks by myself or battle other Trainers that came by the Pokemon Center to free my mind from dwelling on the unknown. 

On the second day after the incident at dinner, Dawn blurted out, "I think I'm ready to travel again." 

I looked up from my piece of apple pie, putting down my spoon. "Oh?" 

"Yeah." She picked at some fruit on her tray, not looking up at me. 

"With me, right?" I asked, trying not to sound at all worried. 

She looked up with concern. "Yes, of course. Why wouldn't I?" 

I gave her a critical look before softening my eyes. "You've been a bit jumpy and quiet the past two days." 

Dawn took a deep breath before meeting my gaze. "I'm just getting bored and anxious to be back traveling, is all." 

Her voice was a bit off. It seemed like a lie. 

"Are you ok?"

She nodded. It was a bit too vigorous to be believable. 

For the first time in my life, I asked myself, What should I do?  

Should I tell her that I knew we'd fallen asleep on the couch together? Should I tell her that I had heard her dream? Should I tell her that I felt that same amount of anxiousness that she, herself, had been displaying? That, for the first time in my life, I felt attached to someone? 

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