Meeting The New Family.-4-

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  • Dedicated to Angel

Archer's POV (When he met Tori,Amelia and Ben)

I saw my sister walk to the new neighbors house.I had to change into my 'Nice clothes' but I didn't want to.I heard people talking so I crept to the door and opened it silently."I'm Amelia Silver you have a beautiful home."

I heard a girl say I closed my door and then waited a few minutes.Then I slammed the door open.

My dad scolded me and then I looked at the 'guests'.There was a older woman around thirties then I looked at the girl.

She had long brown hair that came to her ass and very dark brown eyes they looked black I swear on my pets!I have a lot!Like 8.My f--Okay I'm getting off track.

She was wearing a beautiful purple or maybe lavender..?Dress with ruffles but not weird ones.In short?She was beautiful.I'm pretty sure my eyes widened.

I tore my gaze away from her and settled on the guy he was taller then me but not much.He was taller then her She was maybe 5'7 or 5'6 something like that.I got jealous when I saw them.How the hell did I get jealous when I just met her?Whatever.

I slid down the bannister and jumped off in front of them.I was shocked but shoved it aside and put on a blank face I was surprised of what she said to me,"Omigod that was awesome!"And then I almost shook her hand off when my dad scolded me

The next morning we hear a lot of banging so me and my parents walked downstairs I saw my sister smirking and Amelia staring at us.She told us the plan and I smirked.Heh this was gonna be fun.

When Ben grabbed Amelia I was pissed.But I killed the feeling.Then when she came to school and I saw her on the bike I was shocked usually girls are"NO NOT A BIKE!"But she used one!And made Ben sit on the back!She is awesome!

I headed to Homeroom.I sat down next to Ben and talked to him and told him about my pets.I had 3 dogs,a hamster,a rabbit,A guinea pig,a snail,and a snake. His face was :o "A lot of animals huh?" He asked "YUP!"I yelled but nobody noticed.

I looked at Amelia and gaped.She was talking to Juniper Storm one of my best friends.Why do I have a feeling she's gonna befriend all my friends?

I got shanked(*A/N I do that to my friends all the time >:)*) in the side.My head snapped to who shanked me.Damn it.It was Ben."What?"I whispered harshly.

"I don't want you drooling over Amelia."He snapped.I gaped again.Was I drooling over her?

Yes you were Archie.

Who the fuck are you?

Well buddy boy I'm you.

My mouth dropped,your me?


I heard a "eh hem!" and narrowed my eyes.What was that?

Eliza Amelia's inner self/conscience.

I was so confused.

Well I gotta go talk to Amelia maybe tell her something about you...BYE!

Wait!Don't you d-- He already left.Damn it.

Hi Archer I'm in place for Apollo so just talk to me!She smiled

Sure...SAVE ME!


Its been so long o.o...Sorry guys!Hope you like it I would like some comments...hopefully

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