Thank You -10-

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10 minutes later I found him staring out at the buildings I saw the clouds. It was gonna rain soon. I walked out and called for him. He turned and looked at me the hurt was evident in his big puppy eyes.

"About the kiss..." I started but he held a hand up

"Its fine we never have to think about it again." He got sadder at that

"But Archer I'm not fin--"

"Yes you  are. I liked you but apparently I'm not worth it too you so bye Amelia you don't have to give me rides anymore."

He stalked away my eyes pricked with tears I blinked rapidly but it didn't work. The tears came and the rain washed the reminants of them away. I looked up at the rain clouds and smiled.

I left the roof and went to my mom's room. "I love you mom." I said after I sat down I kissed her forehead and cheek and I got up. "Amelia....."

My head turned so fast I got whiplash. I ran back to her and looked at her she smiled and hugged me the hug wasn't tight but it was still a hug my mom gave me.

A few weeks later I hadn't heard back from Archer and it was killing me. It hurt not seeing him. The next morning I threw on exersize shorts,tank top and laced up my running shoes.

I grabbed my iPod and walked out the door. I put it on shuffle and 3 Doors Down came on. I sang along and ran down the sidewalk heading to Nick's house. It was about 2 miles so I had time. I stopped in front of his house and knocked on the door.  He answered the door and looked at me through sleepy eyes.


"Wanna run with me?"

He looked at his watch and then at me "I guess but give me a minute wanna come in and get some water or something?"

I nodded "please." I laughed and followed him in

He pointed everything out and ran up the stairs to his room.

By the time he came back in basketball shorts and a white t-shirt I had drank two cups of water "Ready"

"Yep" I walked out and stretched then took off at a slow pace he caught up easily and we ran about 3 miles when he fell down I was about 10 feet in front of him and skidded to a stop when I saw him fall.

"You alright?"

"I'm fine Amelia." But he looked half dead

"Sure you are. Harley's and Damion's house is about 3 blocks from here can you walk that?"

"No can't"

"Alright" I grabbed his arm and helped him to their house.

He looked at me with gratitude and smiled I smiled back and knocked on the door.

Damion answered" Oh hey-- Ah! What happened!?"

I laughed at him and showed him Nick

"We went for a run and after about 3 miles he dropped can he rest here?"

"Sure C'mon in"

I cariried him and let him down on the couch and dropped on the floor I was exhausted I heard a phone ring and I looked up at Damion 'Who is that?' I mouthed to him

'Your mom' He mouthed back

I got up albeit difficult and took the phone

"Hi mom"

"Hi I didn't see you get up so I called Archer to see if you were spending time with him or something and he got all mad and hung up did something happen?"

I looked at the two males "I'll talk to you when I get home I don't want to be teased about it"

"OK see you later hon love you"

"Love you to mom"

We hung up and I looked at the boys.

"Can you drive us home Damion?"

"Sure get in the car"

I walked to the car Nick behind me and smirked to myself

"SHOTGUN!" I jumped in the passenger seat and stuck my tongue out at Nick who was glaring at me.

Damion dropped Nick off and then me "Thanks Damion I appreciate it" I smiled

"There's something I should say..."

"What?" I cocked my head and looked at him

"No one else other then Harley ever stood up for me and even then she couldn't save me all the time. We had different classes and all. But you came in and as soon as you found out you cared. You didn't hate me because I was attracted to both genders. You cared about me. Even after knowing me for such a short while.... I'm so lucky to have a friend like you. So is Sonic. I love you Amelia but in a brotherly way"He finished with a grin on his face and hugged me tight.

I hugged him tight and smiled at him.

"It was no problem love you to Damion" I kissed his cheek and got out and waved as he left.

"So... Your dating Damion?"

I turned around fast and saw a sad Archer. He had red rimmed eyes and he looked sick.

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