Pain -9-

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A few weeks after the fallout and the changes at school it was the weekend I heard the doorbell and walked to go it I stupidly didn't look and opened it.

The person I saw at the door I never wanted to see again.

It was my father Lucian Silver.I screamed loud he grabbed me and I fainted.

I woke up to "Amelia..." I tried to open my eyes but it didn't work. I tried to move my fingers but nothing happened. I finally made myself open my eyes. I gasped at what I saw.  Archer who was now a crush..

Yes I said it I like him. Was in the bed I assumed I was in the hospital there was far too much white and hospital equitment for it to be my room.

I was propped up kind of my back hurt and my neck did too. Archer had his arms around me and he was on the side so I could move basically without disturbing him.

  "Archer..." Nothing. I tried 2 more times then gave up and went to sleep I was so tired...


I opened my eyes slowly so they could adjust to the light. I saw Archer in the room and Ben They were asleep in the chair across the room.

"Guys.." But my voice was hoarse from sleep I slowly got out of bed and limped to the chairs why was I limping... I climbed on Ben's lap and hugged him tightly "Ben...." Nothing. "Ben." Nada. "BEN!"

He batted me away "Leave me alone Amelia..." But then his eyes shot open and looked at me. "AMELIA?!" His scream woke up Archer who stared at me in I think relief.  "Thats my name."

I smiled at the two boys and got up I faltered but grabbed Archer's arm ahh the farmailer spark.... I hugged him tight and he hugged me back. "I... I mean.. We were all so scared." He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "You've been asleep for a week." I felt a lump in my throat then remembered something.

"Oh God did he get mom?" No one answered" GUYS?!" They looked at me then each other and then back at me. "She's okay but she's comatose..." Oh no.. Mom.. That bastard did that to you... "Is she stable other then a coma?"

They shook their heads no. I started to cry. I sagged down to the ground and just layed there waiting. I didn't know for what though.

"Its a 50/50 chance. You both lost a lot of blood but she lost more."I looked at them "What happened?" I wiped my eyes and looked up at them.

"Your father was there and tried to take you. Mom tried to stop him he dropped you on the concrete and your head started bleeding. He shoved mom into the coffee table and her head hit the corner. I came home saw you both bleeding and then Lucian ran into me so I called 911 and now your here."

 Ben finished with tears in his eyes. Please mom get through this..

Please... I started crying harder Archer pulled Ben to a corner of the room.

Archer's POV

God this is killing me seeing her hurt like this. I saw Ben's eyes fill with tears,Amelia started crying harder and I pulled Ben to a corner of the room.

"Ben go sit with Juniper I saw her through the window and she's still sobbing please go help her I'll take care of Amelia. Please?" I  pleaded.

"Okay take care of Amelia or I will kick your ass..." I nodded and we fist bumped and he left.

I walked over to Amelia and picked her up she wrapped her arms around my neck,wrapped her legs around my waist and buried her head in the crook of my shoulder.

Amelia's POV (Heh sorry...)

I felt someone pick me and up I wrapped my arms and legs around him and buried my head in his neck  " Thank you Archer"

He stroked my hair" Anything for you.."


"Yeah?" I was getting tired



"Like you..."

I froze and picked my head up and looked at him. "Your kidding."

He looked heartbroken "Yeah I am" He laughed but I could tell it was forced. "Just a joke.."

I felt more broken then ever.

I nodded and looked at him." Can I lay down in the bed..."

He nodded and set me down he was about to walk away but I grabbed his hand"Stay. Please?"

"Ok" He was walking to the chair when I added "Will you sleep in this bed? With me..." I looked down.  Then looked back up and saw him blushing.

Thats odd. he came over and layed down pulling me to him. My eyes dropped and before I fell asleep I said "I like you to Archer," then I drifted off.

I woke up later to something licking my face.  It was a unknown dog. I scratched his head and played with his ears.

"Good Zombie!"

I jumped about 5 inches and glared at Archer who was laughing at me.

"You should have seen your face!" He held his helds laughing so hard.

I glared at him harder. He calmed down after a while and hugged me. "Yo."

I laughed he shoved his finger in my face. "HA!"

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. He had  bags under his eyes. He looked tired. I ran my fingers down his cheek "You alright Archer?"

He was about to say something but then he shut his mouth and nodded his head.

I rolled my eyes AGAIN

"Get on bed."


He sat on my bed looking at me.

I sat on his lap and looked him in the eyes.

"What is wrong?"


I lost it.  "What the hell?! You hate me and then you want a ride and then your afraid of motorcycles and you yelled at Ben and--" I was cut off when he crashed his lips to mine. I sat still in shock and he took it the wrong way. He shoved me away and got off the bed and left the room.

I was stunned. The door crashed open and there stood Ben steam coming from his ears.

"What did he do?"

I couldn't answer I was still in shock I guessed

Ben came forward and shook me but gently

"Ya?" I finally answered

"What. Did. Archer. Apollo. Conway. Do. To. You?"

He said it slow and I got it then after smacking him hard

"He kissed me."

The steam started rolling off in waves.


I rolled my eyes for the 8th? Time and pulled him to the bed

"Relax and I know he likes me and I like him to so let him be."

He nodded reluctlinty

"Where is he?" I asked worried.

"Oh on the roof?"

I took off running I needed to talk about the kiss.

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