Chapter 11

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I heard the door to my apartment open, but I didn't pay much attention to it, it was probably just my housemate. Even though I knew she was staying at her boyfriends place for the next couple of weeks; thanks to my begging so I wouldn't have to worry about her telling my parents Michael was coming at some point. They'd probably just think I was being a trashy slut.

The next thing I knew, I heard a voice yell out, "Honey, I'm home!" I looked up from my laptop screen, and there he was, the beautiful, blonde, green eyed boy that had changed my life
"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" I yelled, I took my laptop off my lap and sat it on the couch. I literally jumped off the couch and sprinted over to him, "OH MY GOD!" I exclaimed, "you're real," I launched my self into his arms, literally jumping and wrapping my legs around his waist and I started to cry, "you're real," he wrapped an arm around my waist, the other just resting on my upper thigh, just below my butt; holding me up so I wouldn't fall, "is this even real life right now?" I cried hurrying my face into his neck. He walked me over to the couch and sat me down
"I'll be back in a second babe," he said, moving back to the door and grabbing a massive suitcase. He left it by the front door, and slammed that shut with his foot. He made his way back over to the couch, and sat down, practically pulling me into his lap, "and yes I'm real," he said with a laugh
"I can't believe this," I told him, "you're actually here,"
"Yeah I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon babe,"
"Wait how the fuck did you find my address let alone get in?"
"Ambur," he told me
"That bitch," I said, "you know I would've just picked you up from the airport,"
"Yeah, but I wanted to surprise you,"
"I have told you before how much I hate surprises though Mikey," I warned him
"I'm punk rock," he shrugged with a laugh
"No you're the farthest thing from punk rock, you're a fucking kitten, but that surprise was probably the cutest thing ever,"
"I try my best,"

We sat on the couch wrapped up in each other's arms; not really saying anything. Nothing really needed to be said. He was here, and everything was perfect, "so what were you doing before I came over?" He asked
"Gossip Girl," I told him, pointing at the screen, "been trying to marathon and get this show finished for like the fifth time before you got here. Which I wasn't expecting you for at least a few days,"
"I know, like I said I wanted to surprise you,"
"And you did," I smiled, "thanks for coming Mikey, you don't know how happy you've made me,"
"I think I do," he said, "it's probably the same amount as it is for me," he looked at me and smiled, and it was probably the first genuine smile I'd seen on him in a long time; that wasn't when he was on stage or with his mum
"I'm glad I make you happy," I told him, resting my head on his shoulder. His arm was still wrapped around my shoulder
"I'm glad I make you happy too," he told me, pulling me closer; if that was even possible, and kissing my hair, "so what do you wanna do?" He asked, "do you have work tomorrow?"
"Nah, I was forced to take like three weeks off because I had too much annual leave owing," I told him, "I was kind of hoping to use it next year so I could save and go and actually meet Ambur, but them making me take the time off as soon as possible worked out even better," he nodded, "you didn't have anything to do with this did you?" I asked
"Fuck no! I don't even know where you work," he laughed, "so what do you say, we order pizza and finish watching this shit show of yours, and then tomorrow we can start that marathon we've had planned forever?"
"I like the sound of it," I smiled
"But first," he said, "where am I sleeping?"
"Well there's the couch," I shrugged, "my housemates not home so there's her room, or if you wanna continue our cuddling from all that we'll be doing while you're here, you can sleep with me in my bed," what the fuck? When did I get so confident? I asked myself
"Let's work it out when the time comes, I'm fucking starving," he said. He picked up my laptop and placed it on the coffee table pressing play on the episode of Gossip Girl.

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