Chapter 22: See Me Breaking

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WHAT IS UP PEOPLE?! I AM BACK! :D :D :D :D LOOOOOOOOOOONG OVERDUE I KNOW! I would try to explain...but that would take too long :P Plus, I know you guys are dying to finish this story! I will be writing more, but I might not be as consistent as I used to. So no more promises any more; all I can say is that I will try to update this story as much as possible. Whether it be tomorrow, in weeks, or years (I hope it won't be years....). But I just wanted to thank you all; it's been basically a year since I've last updated this story, but even today I still get comments and support for this series. You guy are the best, and seriously I lush you all so much.

I will still be doing shoutouts to people with awesome comments, and dedicating each chapter to the best comment (Is that still a thing here? Wattpad's layout changed so much....") I'll also still be recommending YouTube channels and songs at the end. Please bare with me; I'm kind of in a "place" right now. Like I said, I don't want to get too much into it here, but if you check my other book "My Life: Day by Day", I'll be writing my thoughts and what is going on with my life. (Hint hint: It's a really good thing to check if I ever stop updating for a while.)

Once more - I love you all. Now back to the story! :D


*Tiffany's POV*

By the time we got into the car, I was on the verge of hyperventilating.

"Is she ok?" Paul asked worriedly, turning around to look at me.

"She'll be ok," Zayn said soothingly, rubbing my arm as he cuddled me. He kissed my forehead. "You'll be alright, right sweetheart?"

"Uh huh, yeah sure," I said hysterically. I let out a crazy laugh, and everybody stared at me weirdly.

"What's wrong?" Liam reached over to rub my arm, but stopped inches away. He looked at me quickly, trying to get some confirmation. I probably would have freaked out before, but I was too stressed to care. I quickly gave him a nod, and he leaned over and started rubbing my arm gently.

"I'm going to mess everything up," I groaned, hiding my face in my knees as I curled up into a ball.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I'm going to mess up! I still don't remember Liam, but since I'm assuming everybody know about us what if they ask me about us?"

"Then I'll answer."

"But wouldn't that be weird? And what if management finds out? And they get you guys in trouble because you were supposed to fix me! And does anybody know that I lost my memory? I don't even remember anything! Should I stay quiet the whole time?"

"Calm down...." By now, all the boys were touching me, either rubbing my arm or giving me kisses. But even with their comforting touches, I couldn't calm down.

"What if somebody finds out about my parents? What if my parents watch it? What if everybody at school saw it? What if-"

Zayn slapped his hand over my mouth, muffling my words. He looked at me sternly, causing my words to fade away.

"What if nothing. Anything can happen in this world. A meteor could come right now and strike this car down."

"Unlikely," I muffled.

"But there's still a chance. But like any situation, we have to make do with what life throws at us. So what if you mess up? Everybody does. But you have to remember we'll help you along the way. We've gone through a ton of mess-ups during interviews. But the key is to say as little and be as vague as possible. That's all you can do. That'll all anybody can do." He kissed my forehead again. "Ok?"

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