Chapter 5 : I'm Going Out Of My Mind

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Comment of the Chapter! : Kat_loves_1D_ : do yiu ever just have those moments when you're reading a really good book amd something bad happens and yiu get all nerves time continue? that's me right now. I love Tiffiny and the boys so much and it kills me to see alkyd of them hurting. I Kove this book you're doing a great job with it. I love ya .!

I think everybody can relate to this comic :) I MEANT COMMENT! -_- 

Also, I'm not doing anymore "Get this many votes and comments and blah blah for an earlier update!" I'm just gonna update every three days...which SORRY!! I FORGOT TO UPDATE YESTERDAY BECAUSE I DIDN'T KNOW YESTERDAY WAS FRIDAY! :'( summer is screwing with my head....


*Zayn’s POV*

          The last of my ice melted just as we pulled up to our rental house. Louis had called Simon and informed him of situation. He wasn’t very pleased, but he said it was fine. However, we had to go to a meeting with management in an hour…or at least, four of us did.

          “You’ll be fine taking care of Tiffany?” I asked Niall. He nodded at me.

          “I won’t leave her alone. Who knows, maybe I’ll help her remember something,” he said, a glimmer of hope on his face. I followed him out of the car into the house. Tiffany was standing awkwardly in front of the doorway, giving us wary glances.

          “So…what are we going to do?” she asked hesitantly.

          “You are staying with Niall, while we go talk to our management!” Louis chirped. Tiffany glanced at Niall, her frown lessening slightly.

          “That’s fine, I guess.” Niall smirked at her.

          “In what circumstance would it not be fine?”

          “If it was one of those two,” she said bluntly, pointing at Liam and me. Those words hurt, and Liam just looked even more heartbroken. Of course, she didn’t look like she cared.

          “Let’s go boys.” Liam’s voice quavered as he ran back out to the car. Louis frowned at her.

          “That wasn’t very nice.”

          “I’m not a nice person,” she said plainly. Niall sighed.

          “Not right now, you’re not. Go boys, we’ll just watch a movie or something.” He motioned at Tiffany and she followed him inside the house. I ran out to the car and opened the door to see Liam hugging his knees, sobbing heavily.

          “Liam….” I murmured. I got inside the car and sat next to him. Louis and Harry got in the back while I wrapped my arms around him, stroking his hair gently. He always liked it when I did that.

          “She hates me,” he cried.

          “No she doesn’t Li,” I said as soothingly as I could. He snorted.

          “You heard her, she doesn’t want to be near me. She hates me.”

          “Just give her time Li. She must have a reason for doing so. She’s going through a lot right now. I don’t think she likes any of us much.” Liam was silent for a bit, save for the occasion sob.

          “Why is she so mean? And sarcastic? And….you know what I mean.” I grimaced at him.

          “I don’t know. It’s strange – this isn’t Tiffany at all.” Suddenly, a thought came to me. “Maybe we can ask Sarah! She’ll probably know why.” Liam nodded slowly.

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