Chapter 17: Coffee and Granola

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Comment of the Chapter: Everyone gets the dedication! You all are so supportive of me taking a while to do homework, college apps, and everything. Thank you, thank you all so much for being there <3 Thank you for being dedicated readers <3 I love you all! <3


*Tiffany’s POV*

          The next few days were…awkward, to say the least. Liam refused to come out of his room for two whole days. When he was forced to, he wouldn’t look at me, or talk to me, or anything. I hated to admit it, but I really missed his annoying voice. I wouldn’t even mind it anymore if he scolded me for something, or did something I didn’t understand. I actually missed him.

          I tried to stick to the others, mainly Zayn, Harry, and Louis, but it was hard. Even though I remembered a lot about them, there were still parts of them that I felt like I knew, but couldn’t remember. They would do something, or say something about the past that I couldn’t remember. I hated their painful eyes that looked at me sadly, like everything was my fault….but it really wasn’t.

          The most that they would interact with me was when we tried to get my memory back of Niall. They claimed they tried everything- we had a food eating contest, that Niall obviously won. Do you see how much that boy eats? They stared at me in shock for more than 5 minutes, not even joking. I’m sorry I don’t eat that much! That kid is a garbage can! If I tried eating that much I’d probably puke.

          They made us switch snapbacks, and urged us to steal it from one another. I seriously didn’t see the point, and I questioned my fashion tastes. I hated wearing hats, hoods hid your face better! And seriously, what was Epic Meal Time?

          I absolutely refused when they suggested I try dancing with Niall. And when I say dancing, they meant grinding. He’s cute and whatever, but I definitely wouldn’t grind with him! He was just so annoying! And mean! Why would I ever interact with him?

Apparently we were best of friends before…but I seriously have doubts. We were too different, complete opposites. He was always happy and cheerful, very seldom had sad moments. I was always gloomy and dark, rarely fully happy. He loved to run around and be merry and laugh a lot. I preferred to just sit in the corner, thinking about life and random stuff. He ate like there was going to be no tomorrow, while I ate like my stomach was constantly full. Honestly, the only thing we had in common were that we were short….and he was still a few inches taller than me.

“I highly doubt that this is going to work Lou,” I said rolling my eyes.

“Well it’s better than nothing!” he protested.

“Sure, but this is just strange. And stupid. And a waste of time and foil.” Louis had placed metal strainers on my head and Niall’s. He connected the two strainers with a long makeshift tube of aluminum foil, saying that our brain waves would connect or whatever?

“Let’s just leave it Lou,” Niall sighed. “I don’t think she’s going to remember anytime soon.”

“Like I want to,” I muttered. Niall didn’t even flinch, which had me surprised. Maybe he got used to me?

“But we only have 2 days left!” Louis protested. Two days? Of what?

“What do you mean two days?” I questioned.

“Management is gave us a week to fix you,” Harry explained. “Otherwise we’re in trouble.”

“I could just fake it,” I shrugged. “I don’t even think they care.”

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