Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

When you think of common room, I always think of Harry Potter, you know, big fireplace's really warm and cosy, this was not like that atall. It was a big cold room with a few sofa's and tables around, the common room had about 5 doors, each leading to a row of dorm's. The school was a performing arts school, they did things like dance, drama, art and things, but to my dissapointment, until you were over 16 you had to do the normal subjects like English, Maths and the Science's. Not my kind of things, and whats worse is that I was always terrible at them. I bet all these girls in here are really really clever, and I'l look like a right idoit infront of them, but I wouldn't act like I cared, I would be going home soon. I was looking foward to dancing, but I can't cope here, these girls aren't my kind of girls. I didn't have close friends back home in Newcastle, but I had a group I hanged around with a group that would no doubt be missing our drinking sessions right now, I knew I was.

A big group of loud girls came bustling into the common room, it was approaching early evening, they looked me up and down and carried on walking towards a door leading to some dorm's. I wasn't having that,

"Oi, what do you think your looking at?" I shouted at them.

"Nothing much clearly," One of the girls sneered at me.

"What did you say?" I asked, stepping closer towards the mouthy girl.

"I said I wasn't looking at much," She repeated.

I flipped, I had always been taught to defend myself, I slapped her hard around the face, she did the same to me making my cheek sting. I pulled her hair, she pulled mine and we scrapped until we were dragged apart by a not very happy looking house mistress. I didn't even hear what the stupid bat was saying to me as I was dragged by my collar to where I assumed was the head's office, I wasn't scared, with any luck they will kick me out, she dragged me into the room and explained what had happened to the woman I recognised as the head because I had had an interview with her earlier in the year,

"Well what have you got to say for yourself?" She asked me. I shrugged, I had nothing to say, I certainly wasn't going to apologise.

"You haven't even been here one night Miss Tweedy and your already scrapping with my students, I will not tolerate violence in my school, I have every mind to throw you out,"

"Go on then," I said quietly, looking at the floor.

"As much as you seem to want me to Miss Tweedy, I will not. I see great potential in you as a dancer, but I will warn you, if anything like this happens ever again, you will be on the first train home, do you hear me?"

A little disapointed that I wouldn't be on the first train home tonight, I nodded and she told me to make my way back to the common room and find out my dorm number. I made my way down the big corridors, trying to remember how I got here, hard to remember when I was practically dragged. 'I bet the dorm's a dump, and if those over girls have got the best beds I'll have them too.' Being brought up in a tough area in Newcastle, violence was a big way in which I was taught to defend myself, something I don't think would go down well here. I entered the common room and got alot of stares from the other girls. Bunch of *Female Dog*'s. I found pinned up on the notice board the dorm numbers for everyones room, I scanned the page and found mine and made my way up, dragging my suitcase that had been left in the common room through the door with me. 

Before I even had a chance to properly get in the door, a loud voice was talking to me, "Woahh, first day and your already beating up the slag crew, whey to go!" A short electric blonde girl who I assumed was Sarah shouted at me, holding up her hand to give me a high five that I avoided. "Your bed's over there by the way, next to the radiator, it gets cold in these dorms and we thought we'd give you being new, a warm bed," She smiled at me whilst waving her hand towards the pretty girl I had met before, Kimberley something. 

"Thanks," I mumbled. Atleast I would be warm. The room wasn't to bad I guess. It was quite spacious, with one big window and window sill and an en suite bathroom complete with a shower. Atleast I wouldn't have to share with all the tramps I thought gratefully. The other two girls carried on thier conversation, about there courses I presumed, I wasn't really properly listening, just working out where I could unpack all my things. The girl Kimberley must of realised I was having trouble and she quickly tried to help me,

"Oh you put your things under your bed, like this you see," She pulled out a big draw from under the bed.

"Oh I see," I mumbled again.

"Technology these days," She smiled at me, making the other girl, Sarah laugh out loud.

I forced a little smile, maybe I was a little bit glad this Kimberley was in with me, she seemed okay, but I wouldn't be trying hard with her any time soon thats for sure. I didn't need anyone. Sarah left the room leaving me and Kimberley alone. It was silent, but I didn't want to talk I think she sensed this and made her way to the door, stopping short before saying, "We're going to be in the common room if you want to join me and some other girls," She smiled. 

I felt the need to reply with a sentance to this so I said quietly, "Oh, no thankyou, I'm just going to unpack and sleep, long day," 

"I understand," She smiled, "But if you change your mind your welcome to, you think Sarah's crazy, wait to you meet Nadine and Nicola,"

I smiled weakly again before she left the room shutting the door behind her.

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