Chapter 23

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Kimberley was in the shower, she was already packed and organised whilst I was scrambling around trying to grab last minute things, chucking them into my suitcase, I could see I was going to have a problem closing it, but I didn’t have much time to worry about that now. I was actually quite nervous about meeting Kim’s family, don’t ask me why. I guess I felt a little bit lower class then them, I didn’t want them thinking I was dragging Kimberley down with my Newcastle ways.  It was weird, I had wanted to go home so badly on my first couple of days, but now I was actually sad I was leaving. I couldn’t wait to see my Mam, although she would be giving me the whole ‘told you do’ about how ‘she knew I would like it here.’  I had let her know I’d be coming home later, I think she was thrilled I’d gotten so close to someone here. It was a cold late October day, so I tried to plan my outfit for the weather,  picking out some black skinny jeans, a top and my very goofy, but favourite woolly hat with a big bobble on the top.  Things I had brought with my hard earned cash working as a waitress back home, something I was reluctant to move away from, I missed the money; thankfully I would get some shifts in the holiday.  I was so engrossed in my thinking I didn’t even here Kimberley come out from the bathroom, dressed in a long top and leggings, placing a grey coat down on her bed.

“You pack well,” she laughed, pointing towards my unravelled suitcase.

I scowled, “Well I know, but I didn’t start packing a week ago like you,” I teased, chucking more things into my suitcase.

“Oi, I didn’t start packing a week ago, I can’t help being organised,” she protested.

“Okay not a week. 6 days ago,” I laughed at my own joke, now attempting to zip up my suitcase, this proving very difficult.

She leaned on the wall, crossed her arms and smiled, clearly amused by my struggle, “Well if you started packing ‘6 days ago’ then maybe you could shut that,”

“*Duck* off,” I laughed, now sat upon the case trying to zip it up desperately.

“Come here,” she said, walking towards me and pushing my lightly off her case. She opened the case up and stared pulling out my very creased clothes.

“What are you doing? Why you taking it all out?” I asked, surely she was just wasting time.
“Shh, this is what needs to be done, you don’t want creased clothes when you get home do you?” Still pulling out my clothes and eyeing up the things she liked.

I shrugged, “don’t really care,”

“Well I care,” once she had pulled out everything, she started to fold them all, placing them carefully in the case. I sat down on my bed, it sounds sad, but I was kind of in awe of her, everything she did was just so gentle and delicate.  Once she had folded and placed everything into the suitcase, she zipped it up with ease. “All done,” she beamed at me, before frowning. “Your not just going out in this are you?” she asked, pulling at my thin top, I had on.

“Yeah why?” I asked, confused.

“Your be freezing,”

“It’s okay, I have a hat.” I replied.

“But what about your body?” She laughed.

“I don’t know I’ll be fine stop worrying, I don’t really have a jacket that goes with this anyway” I reassured her.

“No, come here.” She approached her case, opened it and found something quickly. She held up a dark leather jacket, something that would go perfect with what I was wearing. “Wear this,” she smiled.

“Are you sure Kimberley? It’s gorgeous,”

“I trust you with it babe,” she smiled. “But Mum and Dad are meeting us in about,” she looked at her phone, “10 minutes, do you mind if we head down now?”

“Of course not,” I smiled, picking up my case.

“Check the bathroom babe,” she said.

I frowned, “for what?”

“To make sure we haven’t forgotten anything,”  as if it was the most natural thing in the world to her.

“But Kim, we’re coming back in a week,” I smiled at her.

“Yeah but still, never want to take a risk,”

“Okay then,” I laughed, heading towards the bathroom to check. “Nothing forgotten in bathroom-check!” I shouted, laughing.

“You’re such a loser,” she laughed.

“Says the girl who wants to check every room. Shall I check the classrooms next?” I joked.

“Oh shhh,” She said, putting on her big, warm looking coat, before rolling her suitcase towards the door. I followed laughing.

“Say goodbye to the dorm Kim,” I teased again. “It might miss you,”

She swang her arm around and hit me hard on the thigh.

“Ouch!” I shrieked. “Kimberley, that actually hurt you *Female Dog*,” I said, not sure whether to laugh or cry.

“Shouldn’t of been cheeky then,” she joked back.

I pouted, showing her that I was not impressed. “Aww I’m sorry,” she said softly.

“Not good enough,” I said, averting my eyes and head away from her.

She held my chin in her fingertips and made me look at her, she leaned in and gave me a kiss on the lips – only for a second though, but it still made me tingle all over, “I’m forgiven now aren’t I?” She laughed.

She most certainly was.

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