Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

"Are you sure you don't want to eat anything?" Kimberley asked me for the second time. What a worrier.

"Honest I'm fine," I forced a smile, trying to reassure her. 

I don't think the smile worked as she just replied, "Okay," in a very unconvinced manner.

"Leave her alone Kimberley! She'll eat if she wants to, you worry about all of us too much as it is, you don't need someone else added to the list," Sarah, who had joined the girls at the table quite a while after Kimberley and Cheryl had left the room, said smiling.

"Well fine, I won't care about any of you from now on," Kimberley said in mock offense.

"Oh give over, you wouldn't be able to help yourself," Nadine's Irish voice joined in the conversation, causing a laugh from everyone.

"Well I like the looking after thing," Nicola piped up, smiling at Kimberley.  Nice nose rubbing.

"Alright, miss 'I heart Kimberley Walsh' Whens the fan club starting?" Sarah joked, causing even Nicola to laugh.

I just sat there for a while, taking them all in. They really did seem to connect with eachother, all flying off eachothers words, all being funny without actually realising it, I'd never seen that before. I found out what the other three were doing too, Nadine was here for singing as was Nicola. Whilst Sarah was to doing Drama aswell as Kimberley. If I'm honest, I felt a bit in over my head, I didn't want them thinking I thought I was a member of thier group now, but they all did make me seem pretty welcome, even though I was quiet they all asked me questions and listened to my answers like they really cared.

"So Cheryl," conversation was brought back to me, "What kinda' dance is your best?" Nicola asked me, causing everyone of them to turn to look at me.

"Urr, wel I like all dance, but I guess my best would be, street dance, ballet, or like contemporary dance," I answered, truthfully.

"Is contemporary dance like ball room dancing?" Nadine asked. 

"Umm kind of," I answered, I wasn't good at explaining dance, I could just show it.

"Well I might have to come down the to the dance studios," Nadine said, "Watch you in action," She winked making everyone giggle.

I smiled, not knowing quite what to say until Kimberley saved me, "That would be brilliant, but seems our female Michael Jackson here is soon to be leaving," She poked her tongue out at me, reading my awkward expression.   Here come the questions Cheryl. 

"What? Why?" The other three girls said unanimously.

I smiled awkwardly, "I just don't think I'll fit in here," I answered.

"I've told her that you always feel like that when you start, reckon we can change her minds girls?" Kimberley asked the whole group.

"Hell yeah!" Nicola answered, earning nod's from Sarah and Nadine. 

Kimberley looked at me in a 'told you so' way, smiling at me, that girl was something else thats for sure, but I liked her, she seemed to be the one everyone turned to.

I couldn't help but laugh, "We'll see, we'll see," I said casually.

"QUIET!" A short, round man was standing at the front of the hall with lot's of sheets of paper in his hands, "RIGHHT GIRLS, I HAVE HERE YOUR TIMETABLES FOR THE YEAR, WHEN I CALL YOUR SURNAME YOU WILL COLLECT YOURS AND GO BACK TO YOUR SEAT, DO NOT DAWDLE,"

"Twat," Sarah muttered. "If I have him for maths again this year, I may cry."

"Well your soon find out," Kimberley answered. 

Kimberley was the last to get her timetable and when she did, the whole group started comparing lessons and teachers, Sarah making everybody laugh as her swearing got more explicit and louder everytime she looked at a new day.

I looked down at my time-table, not to bad, could do without the double science's, but I did have double dance everyother day which was a good thing. I wondered who would be in my other class's, in dance I didn't need anybody, I could express myself through it, but I didn't want to be on my own for everything else, even If I was only staying a short time.

As if reading my mind, Kimberley turned to me to compare timetables, whilst Nadine, Nicola and Sarah did the same. "Who have you got for Maths?" She asked.

"Urrm a Mr Harvey?"

She smiled, "Well thats not a good thing, but I have him to, he's the guy who handed out the timetables, by the sounds of it sounds like Sarah has got him too," She smiled. She asked about another one, "What about, Science?"

I looked down at my sheet, "Miss Welch?" 

"No way!? Me too," She beamed, holding up her timetable as If I wanted evidence. 

I smiled, atleast I wouldn't be on my own to much and I did quite like Kimberley. We made comparisons for our other lessons, and we were pretty much in the all the same classes, I was in a few with the other girls too, when Kimberley had Drama, I had Dance, causing alot of our free's to be together too. Sarah was still ranting on about having Mr Harvey for Maths, it seems they had had a few run in's in the past.

Still fuming she asked me, "Do you have the twat for Maths too?"

I giggled, "Yes I do,"

"Alright then I'll make you a deal," She smiled mischievously, causing the other girls to look up and listen. "I'll do all your Maths homework for a whole month, if you stick here for that month?"

"Sarah!?" Nadine shrieked, "You can't force her to stay here, that is a good deal though," She softened up.

Kimberley looked at me with a glint in her eye as Sarah waited for my answer. I never back out of challenges, "Alright.. deal," I answered.

The girls carried on chatting, great I was stuck here for a month, but I would have no Math's homework and atleast I could do a bit of dance. Kimberley turned to face me and said quietly, " That was brave to accept that," 

"Ohh I never turn down a challenge Kimberley," I smiled at her. What a month this could be.

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