Chapter 36

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Chapter Thirty-Six

“I know mum.. .I’m sorry.... I’ve just been a bit behind and feeling ill... They won’t take head girl away from me... Yeah I will I promise... I’m sorry.. No you don’t have to arrange a meeting honest... Okay okay, bye mum.” Kimberley hung up her phone, I had just walked in on a conversation between her and her Mum obviously.

“What was all that about?” I asked as Kim sighed deeply and lay down on her bed.

“Oh just my Mum. School phoned her,” she sighed.

“What why!?” I asked, kneeling at the head of the bed and stroking her head.

“Because I’ve been missing lessons and I’m a bit behind, but I’m going to catch up,” Kim smiled at me. “Come up here,” she said softly, “I need a hug,”

“Aww babe,” I said, climbing onto her bed whilst she sat up, propping herself up against the head board, waiting for me to get comfy sat on her lap and wrapping my arms around her neck, pulling away to say,

“Was she really mad?” I asked quietly, resting my forehead on hers.

“Yeah, I think she was just shocked, I’ve normally been quite good, just I’ve had other things on my mind. But let’s talk about something else, actually no let’s not talk,” she said, as a pang of guilt went through me, was this my fault? But I was soon awoken from my thoughts by the touch of her lips against mine, something I was always powerless to resist.

“It will be okay, I promise I won’t distract you from your books again,” I chuckled, even though I was being serious.

“I like being distracted by you though,” she said softly, her eyes boring into mine, before kissing me sweetly again. “Do you have a lesson this afternoon?”

“Yes babe, dance,” I smiled at her look of disappointment. “And so do you don’t you?” I asked.

“Yeah, but I just wanted to be with you, I feel like we haven’t done my favourite thing in ages,” she winked.

“Babe, if your talking about what I think you are, we did your favourite thing yesterday,” I laughed.

“But seems like ages ago,” she moaned.

“God, I must be amazing,”

“Nah, I’m just frustrated waiting for my other girlfriend to come back, the last new girl that was in my dorm,”

“Oh really?” I asked, raising my eyebrows. “She ain’t a patch on me who ever she is,”

“I wouldn’t say that, she gets feisty about me,” Kim teased.

“Oh she sounds familiar,” I laughed. “Do you go for the feisty type then?”

“I sure do,” she answered, kissing me on the lips again. Which quickly turned into something more passionate.

“Babe, we can’t, we both really have to go,” I said reluctantly breaking from the kiss.

“Just quickly,” she said raising her eyebrows suggestively, how could I resist that?

“Okay, quickly... But don’t rush to much,” I said as I swooped my head down to meet her lips again she laughed at my contradiction. 


“Excuse me Miss Jones, but could Cheryl Tweedy please make her way down to the maths department, she is wanted by Mr Harvey,” a teacher poked their head around the door of my dance lesson.

Wtf. I hadn’t done anything wrong in ages, I made sure of that so I wouldn’t get into trouble and end up ‘out for the night.’ The last time I had done something wrong was last week when me and Kim walked out of Maths, but he had given us a lecture and extra work, which we had completed, I guessed that would be the end of it.  I made my way to the Maths block, really not knowing what to expect, I knew I couldn’t be here for anything good though, maybe I had got some questions wrong or something, but I had to keep my cool, or risk a night without my Kimberley.

I approached Mr Harvey’s door with some reluctance, I knocked quietly and entered when I was told to enter,

“Sir I don’t know what’s going on, but I haven’t done anyt-,”

“Miss Tweedy, let me speak. Sit.” He replied bluntly. “Now you were new here at the start of term, correct?”

“Yes?” I answered.

“And you settled in well, with a very popular group of girls, yes?”

“Yes I guess? Sir I don-,” he interrupted again.

“I have noticed that you are particularly close to Miss Walsh, our head girl here,”  with the mention of her name I immediately stared at him, what was this about?

“Yeah I am, but-,”

“Miss Tweedy let me finish. No one knows your here and no one will know, but I feel it is my duty as a teacher here to protect my students,”

“I don’t need protecting,” I said puzzled.

“I know you don’t. But Miss Walsh does, Miss Walsh needs protecting from you.”

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