Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty-One

The morning bell sounded as loud as ever,  this morning however it was much nicer to wake up next to someone, especially that someone being Kimberley.  I quickly rolled out of bed, Sarah of course being in her usual morning position, head underneath a pillow, duvet up to her neck and Kimberley beginning to stir.

“Babe, do you want to use the shower?” I asked, Kimberley, kneeling down at her bed.

She opened her eyes, squinting as they adjusted  to the light, sat up slowly, making her way out of her bed and smiled. “Yes please babe,”

I was so evil, but I just couldn’t resist, “Too bad babe, I’m in there first,” I jumped to my feet sprinting towards the bathroom as she chased me.

“You are such a cow,” She laughed whilst trying to wrestle me out the way to get through the door. We both ended up in the bathroom, I hadn’t planned her to actually beating me to the bathroom.

“I’m using it first, I was up first,” I said defiantly.

“I don’t care, you shouldn’t of teased me then,” she answered back.

“Well I don’t care what you say, I’m using it, whether you’re in here or not,” I said, taking off my pj bottoms and big tshirt. She would give in soon and walk out I was sure, but to my surprise she didn’t,

“Shower in your underwear do you?” She asked, raising her eyebrows and crossing her arms, smirking slightly.

“Yep, as matter as fact I do,” I wasn’t going to lose, so I turned on the shower and jumped in - still in my bra and underwear.
She stood there with her mouth slightly parted in surprise, she hadn’t been expecting that, she turned to make her way out of the bathroom, “Alright, you win,” she sighed.

“Shut the door behind you babe,” I laughed. I actually was going to miss my banter with Kim over the holidays I thought to myself as she shut the door behind her. When I was done, I climbed out of the shower and wrapped myself in a big towel, when I realised I hadn’t thought hard enough about my plan, I had nothing to change into, my bra and underwear were soaking and I didn’t want to put my pyjamas back on, I tried my luck with Kimberley, hoping I could break her,

“Kimberley babe?” I asked through the door.


“Could you please get my uniform and pick out some underwear for me please,” I said sweetly.

She laughed slightly, “Oh no Cheryl, don’t know If I can do that, if I had been allowed in that shower first though it could of been alot different,”

I scowled, she wasn’t backing down, “Please Kim, I’m sorry,” No answer. “Fine I’ll just have to come out like this. I opened the door, still just in my towel, dripping wet, she laughed as I walked quickly over to my bed, thankfully Sarah was in the position that she was when I left the room.

“Mind you don’t bend over to far,” she giggled again, as I attempted to gather some underwear from the drawer under my bed whilst keeping my modesty, harder said then done.

“Okay okay, I’ve learnt my lesson alright!?” I scowled as I headed back into the bathroom to get changed, she was still chucking away to herself, much to my annoyance.

"I win that one!" She gloated from the otherside of the door. I guess she did

It was after final period and I had stayed behind, on my own, in one of the dance studio’s to just make sure I had the moves for my assessed piece completly perfect. I had said goodbye to Sarah and Nicola before they left and said goodbye to Nadine just in case I wouldn’t see her when she left early morning.  Sarah quick to remind me that when we returned after the week, she would not be completing my maths homework for me! I started the music on the loud sound system for what seemed like the hundredth time, but I didn’t care. Dance could never get boring to me,  there was nothing more satisfying then watching myself in the mirror getting the steps correct, when I was in the zone nothing could get me out of it.  I finished the routine, but I was still not happy with it. I stopped the cd player, but spun round when I heard a clap coming from the doorway, I spun round to see Kim, banging her hands together and smiling.

I frowned, I didn’t like having an audience I didn’t know about, “How long have you been there?” I said, trying to wipe my face, very conscience to the fact I had a sweaty forehead.

“Long enough to see why you got in on scholarship,” she smiled, walking over to me, “that was brilliant babe,”

I blushed and said quietly, “Thanks.”

“I’d love to be able to dance like that, how do you not fall over!?” she asked bemused.

“Do you want to have a go?” I asked her, smiling, this could be entertaining.

“What?” her face frowning and starting to look worried.

“Come on, I’ll teach you something, we’re start easily, contempory dance, I’ll be the guy you be the girl.” I said eagerly, taking her hand and dragging her over to the sound system.

“Contempory what? No way Cheryl, I’ll be sh!t,” she said, whilst I ignored her, looking for the right kind of music.

“Aha, this will do,” I said, placing a disk into the tray and selecting the right track. “Right, excuse the sweat, but put your hands like this on me,” I directed one on to my waist and the other into my hand, I in turn placed one of my hands in hers, and one on her lower back. 

“Cheryl, I feel stupid!” she tried to struggle free which I was having none of.

“No you don’t, just try. Right okay, you can’t look at your feet okay. I’m the guy so I lead, just follow me and try and sway to the music. I started to move, having to drag her along with me, “Come on, put some sort of effort into it!”

The look of concentration on her face was cute, “I’m trying,” she frowned. She eventually loosened up a little and started following my lead with more grace.

“That’s it Walsh, your doing really well,” I encouraged her.

“I’m not so sure,” she answered back.

We carried on dancing to the song, me giggling whenever she took a slight stumble. For a beginner though, she was actually pretty good. As the music ended, I tried to swirl her around into a dramatic ending, it didn’t quite go to plan and she stumbled over her own feet, dragging me down to the floor with her.  She fell onto her back and I fell on her chest, I was laughing so uncontrollably, as so was she, that I just couldn’t move. Eventually I managed to sit up a bit, still sitting on her lap, she followed me up, still giggling and she looked at me, in a way that she had never looked at me before. My eyes fell to her lips, her eyes flicked to mine, before we looked at each other again and then it happened. I don’t know who leaned in to who, but our lips touched, then touched again and again. I didn’t know what was happening, I was kissing Kimberley, but the weirdest thing was, I wasn’t pulling away.

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