Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

"Ohhh I don't know what to wear," Moaned Sarah. It was finally Friday early evening and we were all getting ready for the party that night.

"Sarah! You have just picked out about a million suitable outfits," Kimberley replied to her.

"Yeah but there all horrible," Sarah moaned.

"Then why did you buy them?" Kimberley laughed.

"Then why did you buy them," Sarah mocked Kimberelys tone and rolled her eyes.

"Oi," Kimberley hit Sarah playfully on the arm whilst I laughed at the scene. 

"And you can shut up, 'miss I look perfect'" Kimberley playfully sniped at me.

"I do not look perfect! Far from it," I replied. I had decided to go for the dressy casual look, I didn't want to over do it, the jeans and heels look. I did not look perfect! Kimberley how ever was close, she was wearing a figure hugging long top with leggings and heels, I really was very envious of her figure, mine just didn't stick out in the right places like hers!

"Nah I agree with Kimberley," Sarah added, whilst deciding on an outfit finally and going into the bathroom to change.

As the door slammed shut Kimberley sighed, "Guess I'll be doing my make up in here then, but first I think we should start on the alcohol," She smiled whilst pointing towards the many bottles that were spread out over the floor.

"I didn't think of you to be the drinking type," I laughed, reaching over for a bottle.

"I'm not usually, but we have to show you a good time, convince you to stay," She smiled, taking a bottle from me.

"It's going to have to be an amazing party then," I laughed, as we heard a knock on the door. Kimberley answered it, letting in Nadine and Nicola.

"Hey girls, your both looking gorgeous," Nadine smiled as she opened up a bottle of wine that she had brought in with her, Sarah knew some people who had access to the outside world as they joked and was the official alcohol supplier to the year!  These girls knew how to drink!

"So do you girls," Kimberley and I both said at the same time, earning a look and a giggle from everyone.

"Sarah in her usual fluster then?" Nicola asked as if it was normal.

"But of course," Kimberley replied laughing.

"Urr how are we actually going to get out?" I asked. Having been curious about it all week, I didn't think school would be that keen on letting drunken girls out to a house party.

"Ohh it's all part of the fun that bit," Nicola winked, " But basically, the room Nadine and I are in has a window like yours, but the difference is the window we have is above the lower story roof and from there onto the soft grass, it's not to much of a fall,"

I wasn't sure if I was to convinced, but they seemed to know what they were doing, "What about getting back up?"

"Oh thats easier, theres a window ledge you can use to pull yourself up onto the lower story and then aslong as our dorm window is left open, which it will be, we can climb back in, easy right!?" Nicola smiled sensing the look of horror on my face, "Don't worry your get the hang of it, we do this alot,"

"Finally!" Nadine's Irish twang came as Sarah came out of the bathroom.

"Sorry girls," Sarah smiled, picking up an alcohol bottle and necking it back. Christ!

We stayed in our dorm for a while, drinking heavily our voices getting louder and louder and the jokes wilder and wilder, until Kimberley, who wasn't to bad, decided it was time to go. We crept as quietly as we could to Nadine and Nicola's room and each made our way out of the window onto the lower story, to be honest it wasn't to bad, the girls were right, once you were on the first story it wasn't to much of a drop, once we were all safely down on the ground and our heels were back in place we started walking into the darkness out of the school grounds.


The party was well in truly in swing, the boy's house wasn't to far from the school and lot's of girls from the school were here, including the slags I had already clashed with. I had lost the other girls but to be honest I didn't mind, when I have alcohol in my system I'm alot more relaxed and talking is a lot easier. 

"Hey sexy!" A boy who was just not my type yelled into my ear.

"Hey," I replied, uninterested. 

"Wanna go outside," He winked. What a wanker.

"I'd rather claw out my own eyes mate," I said, walking away. What an asshole.

I spotted Kimberley in the middle of people dancing, she saw me through the crowd and came towards me, by now she looked totally out of it, she pulled me in and rested her arms on my shoulders and we danced to the music, bodies pressing together. Was this weird? I don't know, but I didn't have many worries about it and she didn't seem to either, so we carried on, until some prick knocked me away from her, the crowd of people closed in and I had lost her, sh!t! I grabbed the nearest guy and started dancing with him and it wasn't long until we were kissing passionatly, alcohol really makes a mess of me. Urghh please get off me, I thought as this guy stuck his tounge deeper into my throat and I was greatfully pulled away by Sarah,

"Youuu don't want him," She slurred.

"I knoww," I probably slurred back.

I saw the sleazy guy who had attempted to take me outside earlier praying on his next victim, his mouth locked on to hers, when they pulled apart, I was shocked to see it was Kimberley he had been kissing, the began to grind against eachother suggestively, I turned to Sarah needing to know more,

"Whoo is that?" I shouted at Sarah, pointing out the guy Kimberley was with.

"That- That, is lovely Kimba's boyfriend, Martin. Bit of a tosser really, but you knoww our Kimba, see's the best in anyone." Sarah shouted and slurred.

I couldn't believe it, what a tosser, he had a girlfriend and he had been hitting on me? Thank god I had more common sense when he hit on me. Hurting Kimberley would of been unforgiveable. I must of looked like a right pervert, just staring at the dancing, but there was something I didn't like about him, them. Kimberley broke me from my stares by suddenely running out of the room and out of the house I guessed, I quickly tried to follow, grabbing Nadine as I went past, telling her I had seen Kimberley run out. It didn't take us long to find her outside, slung over a railing being violently sick,

"Oh Kimberley!? How much have you had," Nadine asked, cringing at the sound of Kimberley being sick. 

I held back her hair and rubbed her back, whilst Kimberley was still being sick, she could hardly hold herself up, I don't know what she'd had, but she hadn't been like this when we left school, she must of been given more.

"Cheryl, can you take her back? I'll try and round up the others and be back as soon as possible, she needs to go back she's a mess," Nadine said, whilst watching Kimberley slump over the railing.

"Of course, come on Kim," I said, trying to steady her against me, once I was sure she had stopped puking for a bit.

"See yous in a bit, be carefull," Nadine warned.

"Don't worry I'll look after her," I reassured her, sighing as it started raining heavily.

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