Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

"Come on Kim, not to far now," I said, reasurring myself as much as her. I was struggling as I tried to support Kimberley's body weight against my own and trying to coax her into walking, I think the rain was doing her a bit of good though.

"Cheryyllll," She giggled. "It's raining," She told me for the hundreth time, I'd learnt from past experiances its best just to humour the drunk.

"I know it is, but we need to get you inside, otherwise your going to get ill, not that your be feeling to good tomorow anyway," I chucked to myself.

"Lovee youuu Cheryl, I DON'T NEED A PARACHUTEEEE BABY IF I GOT YOUUUU, have you heard that Cheryl? It's new you know, do you like it, shall I sing it again?" She was getting more and more eager and harder to make walk, we were both soaking wet by now thank god I could see the school in the distance.

"Yes I do like that song, but I don't need to hear it again thank you,"

"YOUR GUNNA CATCH MEEEE-" She carried on.

"-Kimberley! Listen you have a lovely voice but I need you to be very quiet for me now okay? Otherwise we're going to be in so much sh!t, so please be quiet for now we can sing tomorow," I tried to bargain with her, it was like talking to a little kid!

"Okay Shh Cheryl Shh, sing tomorow, quiet now," She told herself.

As we approached the school and the window ledge that we had to climb up to get onto the roof, I stopped, this could be probmatic, I took Kimberley's hand and ran her through the plan.

"Now Kimberley, please listen," I pleaded. "Your going to climb up first, I'll be right behind you helping you, but as soon as you get onto the first floor roof you have to stay there and keep stilll okay?" 

"Okay Cheryl, I can do that," She smiled dreamily, I couldn't help but smile back, I just hope she stood still when she was on the first story.

I helped her up onto the window ledge and she pulled herself clumsily up onto the roof, "Okay Kimberley thats really good, now just keep still I'm right behind you," I repeated Kimberley's actions and pulled myself up onto the roof to be greeted by Kimberley who was sat smiling in the rain.

"I kept still Cheryl," She told me, obviously proud of her achievement.

"You did, thank you, now this is when we have to be really silent," I grabbed her hand and led her crawling towards Nadine and Nicola's open window. I climbed in out of the rain and helped her in after me. I took both our heels off and crept out of the girls dorm, through the common room and eventually we were in our dorm. By now she started to look ill again, a slight shade of green,

"Are you okay?" I asked her hesitating slightly.

"Not really," She answered, I could tell it was going to happen,

"Bathroom now!" I ordered, we got in there just in time and sure enough Kimberley was sick in the toilet, I sweeped back her hair into my hands and waited for her to be done. This wasn't really how I was expecting the night to go, but apart from the sick bit, she was quite a cute drunk really.

Eventually she brought her head up out of the bowl, her make up smudged from the rain and her hair sticking to her face, she smiled weakly, " I feel a bit better now," She dreamily slurred, but not as bad as she had been.

"Your going to freeze, stay here and I'l get your pyjamas," I walked into the dorm and pulled out Kimberley's Pj's from under her pillow, she was so tidy it made me chuckle. I walked back into the bathroom to find Kimberley standing there, already undressed and standing in her underwear.

"Those clothes were making me cold, I think they were wet," She said innocently.

"They were," I smiled. "Arms up!" I threw her big t - shirt over her head, "One leg," She put one leg in her bottoms, "Two leg!" She laughed and put her other leg in her bottoms, I pulled them up for her and smiled as I came level to her face, "All done, just another more thing, this is for your own good in the morning," I reached over to Kimberley's toothbrush and applied paste to it, I had meant to hand it to her, but instead she opened her mouth wide signalling for me to do it for her, so I did. "Spit!" She did so and I repeated brushing her teeth. I rummaged in my make up bag looking for my make up wipes and wiped away her make up until she was almost as good as new.

"Right, last thing now, bed time for you I think," 

She didn't put up much of a fight and agreed, following my lead into the bedroom, I pulled back her covers and let her climb in, she led down, getting herself comfortable and I pulled the covers back over her. It was weird looking after someone else, normally I would of refused point blank, but I couldn't help but soften with Kimberley, I still might tease her in the morning though!

"Right Kim, goodnight, your an adorable drunk," I laughed.

"No Cheryl, just stay here for a bit with me," She ordered softly closing her eye lids.

I couldn't refuse her, so I sat cross legged on the floor and held on to her hand that she had outstretched for me. "Alright babe, just until you fall asleep,"

"No all night," She smiled to herself with her eyes still closed.

"Carry on like that and I'll take back the comment about you being an adorable drunk," I giggled. She didn't reply, she just lay there smiling with her eyes closed, drifting off, even without her make up, she really was very pretty. When I was sure she was asleep, I whispered good night and kissed her hand tucking it under the covers along with the rest of her sleeping body.

I got up as quietly as I could, wondering where Sarah and the rest of the girls were, it was now 1.30 am, they should be back, but I didn't have any other the girls numbers. Atleast they were all together, they would look after eachother. I got myself ready for bed and climbed in, trying in vain to keep my eyes open, waiting for Sarah, but I just couldn't find the strength.

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