Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

“So Miss Tweedy as you feel you don’t have to listen in my Maths class, what is the answer?”

I jumped as I was awoken out of my day dream, I didn’t know, I didn’t care what the answer was, I just wanted to get out of this crap lesson with this pathetic excuse of a Teacher, I could understand Sarah’s problem with him now.

“I don’t know what the answer is Sir and to be honest I don’t care,”

The whole class turned to me and gasped, Sarah was smiling wickedly at me from across the table and Kimberley was muffling her laughs with her blazer sleeve.

“You don’t care?” He repeated.

“No I don’t care, do I need to say it again? ” I threatened, as the whole class burst into laughter. "Your meant to be clever being a teacher and all that,"  Pushing my luck maybe? 

“Get out of my classroom, just get out,” He shouted, going a bright purple whilst pointing towards the door.

“Gladly,” I smirked, picking up my things and walking out, leaving Sarah and Kimberley sniggering behind me.

That probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do, I thought to myself whilst walking back towards the common room, but I didn’t really care, if they sent me home then I’d be most probably happy, I just hope the didn’t give me detentions with him, I couldn’t deal with him for longer then I had to. The bald prick. I didn’t have a dance lesson until the next day, but I was curious at what the dance facilities would be like, they were meant to be the best in the country apparently, maybe I would try and find my way down there. 

I dropped my things into my shared dorm, smiling to myself as I remembered Kimberley’s prank on Sarah, maybe these girls would be okay to stay with for the month the deal was on, if I wasn’t kicked out that is. I dumped my stuff on my bed and made my way back out of the common room, carefully avoiding the Maths block. I knew the dance studios were downstairs so I made my way down the staircase and hoped for the best.  It didn’t take long for me to find two huge studios; I popped my head around one of the doors to one. It looked so professional, a massive hall with mirrors all around the walls and a massive sound system in the corner, I couldn’t wait for my first dance lesson tomorrow, this after all was the reason I was in this dump.

“Cheryl Tweedy?”

Oh sh!t. I turned around slowly, recognising the voice that had called my name, it was the Head Mistress.

“Yes Miss?” I answered casually as if I didn’t know what she had found me for.

“I’ve had complaints from your Maths teacher, Mr Harvey about your attitude and behaviour today in your Maths class,”

I stayed silent, looking guilty.

“I presume you know what I’m talking about Miss Tweedy?”

Miss Tweedy? Why did the teachers keep calling me that, I have a first name.

“I was just annoyed Miss,” I answered truthfully.

“That may be Miss Tweedy, but you have to learn to control your anger in my school, you may come from somewhere where you are taught to defend yourself in that manner, but I won’t tolerate it here, your lucky I’m being so lenient with you,” 

“Why are you being so nice about it then Miss?” I asked.

“Because, like I said before, I believe you have a brilliant potential here, especially in this area of the school, I’ve told your dance teacher my hopes for you and she can’t wait to see you perform, do not let me down. I suggest you get back up to your common room and find something to study.” 

Fat chance was I going to go back and study. But I did as I was told and made my way back up to the common room. It could have been a lot worse then that, the Head isn’t to bad she seems to like me. I entered the common room and made my way towards my dorm to find Kimberley lying on her bed, with her ipod in. Singing. It was a funny sight, but she didn't have a bad voice, pretty good to be honest, I let the door slam as to let her know I was there and when it did she bolted up and looked at me, her cheeks going bright red,

"Ohh I was just, urr,-" She stuttered.

I laughed, "It's okay, you have a lovely voice," I winked.

"Damm you heard me then," She sighed.

"Afraid so, but I don't think your to bad, what were you singing anyway?" I had never heard it before.

"Ohh nothing very interesting, just something from my favourite musical, Les Mis," She again looked embarrassed.

"Ohh I've heard of that, but never watched it myself,"

"Well if your still here.. Thats the production we are doing later this year for the Drama course's," She smiled.

"Might just have to stay for that then," I joked, as I made my way into the bathroom to touch up my make up before dinner.

"Ohh Cheryl?" Kimberley called, from the other room.

"Yeah?" I called whilst looking at my reflection in the mirror.

"Theres a party at one of the lad's we know's house on Friday night, we go alot and us girls just wondered if you'd like to come - obviously you don't have to, but yeah -" She rambled.

She must of been like that because she knew of my reluctance these past few days to get involved with people, I looked in the mirror, why shouldn't I go? I had nothing to lose and these girls were trying, I poked my head around the door to give my answer,

"That sounds good," I said, trying to give my best smile. "Aslong as you get the alcohol," I laughed.

She smiled, suprised by my answer, "Sarah will take care of that don't you worry, it's abit of a military operation sneaking in and out, but it adds to the fun," 

I didn't dread to ask how we were going to sneak out of this prison, so I just smiled and said, "Okay, well gives something to look foward to this week I guess,"

"Well this rate you won't be here at the end of the week, after your performance in Maths," She giggled.

"Ohh you noticed that?" I asked, giving her my my best mock - suprised face.

"Just a tad," She replied and we both fell into fits of giggles.

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