Chapter 45

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Chapter Forty-Five

“That was brave Miss Tweedy,” the head said, as Kimberley walked out the door, giving me a worried look as she passed.

“I know it was maybe out of order, but I just don’t think anyone deserves head girl as much as Kimberley does,” I said sheepishly, very much aware that Kimberley was probably listening in outside.

“I agree,”

“You do?” I asked? Narrowing my eyes.

“I do agree, no one does deserve it more then Miss Walsh, but you have to understand why I have my doubts,” she said, nodding at the seat that Kimberley had previously occupied.

“I do understand that, but it’s going to change, like her  not so good behaviour is going to change,” I said quietly, sitting down.

“It is?”

“I’m going to make sure it does, Kimberley helped me out a whole lot, now this is my chance to help her isn’t it?”

“Well I suppose it is, I still haven’t made my mind up though Miss Tweedy, don’t get your hopes up to much,”

I frowned, “I won’t,”

“For your outburst earlier and for interrupting a meeting with a student I should be putting you out tonight Miss Tweedy – but I’m not going to, don’t ask me why, I must be going soft. But I strongly suggest you leave my office before I change my mind,”

I got up from my seat, “I don’t mind being put out, if it means Kimberley gets hea-,”

“Miss Tweedy,” Miss warned, telling me not to push it. “And don’t be waiting around outside, go straight to your dorm, do you understand?”

I nodded, before approaching the door, “Shall I send Kimberley back in here Miss?”

“Yes please Miss Tweedy and no chatting whilst you’re at it,” I stifled a smile at her ‘at it’ comment.

Sure enough Kimberley was practically hugging the door as I walked out, listening in, I blushed heavily at the realisation that she had heard everything and everything that I had said when she was in the room, all very cheesy stuff. She obviously knew we couldn’t chat now so she pulled me into a very quick hug and whispered, “I love you,” in my ear before making her way back into the office. Leaving me to walk back to the dorm, listening outside maybe pushing Miss a bit to far, I know I had just got away with murder.


The wait for Kimberley in the empty dorm seemed to last forever, I wasn’t in any trouble ands I really hoped she wasn’t either; we both deserved some happiness for a bit surely?  Sat on my bed, not really knowing what to do with myself I flicked through an old trashy magazine of Kimberley’s, smiling at the doodles she had made on each page, delicate heart and stars etched onto the pages, everything she did was just so perfect it was weird. I tossed the magazine to the side as I heard the door open, a radiant Kim walked in, smiling from ear to ear, her head girl badge and tie still very much in tact.

“Is Sarah in?” She asked, walking into the room.

“Uhh no,” I answered, slightly annoyed and taken aback by her question.

By the time I’d answered she’d already landed herself on my lips, kissing me softly, already removing my blazer and working her way up the buttons on my shirt, tugging at my tie to take it off. “I love you,” she whispered into my ear, waking me up slightly.

“What happened?” I gasped at her cold hands on my stomach.

“I’ll tell you after,” she whispered, warming her hands up on my skin.

“After what?” I teased.

“After this,”


“That was dangerous baby,” I winked as she pulled the last of her uniform back on. “The door was very much unlocked,”

“That was dangerous, imagine Sarah’s face,” Kimberley cringed at the thought of it.

“Yeah right,” I agreed. “But you know baby, if you did want to tell them I wouldn’t mind, I don’t care who knows,”

She finished putting on her uniform and moved closer to me, wrapping her arms around my waist, “I know, I’m glad about that,” she smiled and kissed me, “and sometimes I do think about if we should tell them, but I would just feel a bit weird around Sarah, I wouldn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable being in the same room as us you know?”

I nodded, understanding her predicament, “Yeah I defiantly know what you mean, but if you ever want to, I’m completely on board,” I smiled, rubbing my nose against hers.

“You’re way to cute, did you know that?” She laughed.

“I do now,” I grinned. “But we haven’t got around to what Miss said to you yet,” I pulled her over to the bed, making her sit down.

“Well obviously you heard before you came in, she was just like ‘I haven’t been setting a good example,’ and ‘I might not be the best girl for it anymore.’ But then you burst in, my little hero,” she smiled and I squirmed, “and you said some really sweet stuff Chez, but you know that could of been stupid don’t you?”

“I know,” I blushed, “But I just didn’t think you deserved it taken away because of me,”

“I told you, anything that happens isn’t because of you,”

“But even if you say it isn’t I would of thought it was babe,” I said, holding her hands. “I just wanted Miss to know what you had done for me,” I shrugged.

“It was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me Cheryl,” she smiled, interlinking our hands, “I don’t know how true it is though,”

“It’s all true I promise, I never tell lies,” I grinned. “It was just what I felt, I had no idea what I was going to say until I burst in to the office, it just all kind of came out, so it was the truth, because I didn’t even have to think about it,” I smiled at my theory, looking at our interlinked hands.

“How can I make it up to you though? You could of got it loads of trouble Chez,”

“I told you, stuff like that doesn’t worry me, as long as your okay,” I blushed.

“But it worry’s me, I need you here!” She pouted.

“Well I am here, and you still haven’t finished what was said,” I pointed out.

“Oh well after you left, she just said that she ‘now realised what an attribute I can be, but I have to focus more,’ and that was kind of it. I think you saved the day though babe,”

“Well I am a superhero by night,” I winked.

“I know babe, your stamina is amazing,” she winked.

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