Chapter 44

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Chapter Forty-Four

“Great lesson today Miss Tweedy, I’m impressed,” my dance teacher called as I walked out of the studio.

I turned around and flashed a smile, “Aww cheers miss,” I smiled, I didn’t think the day could get much better, woke up with Kim, had a great chat with Kim, great dance lesson and now I was going to go back to Kim,” I couldn’t help but beam walking along the corridor.

“I’m back,” I sang as I entered the dorm, to be greeted by Sarah.

“Someone’s in a good mood,” she smiled. “I’m glad someone is,”

“Why? Who isn’t?” I asked, my eyes smoothly trying to scan the room, looking for her.

“Well I’ve got a feeling there isn’t going to be happy kimmy for a bit,” Sarah said, weakly smiling.

“Why what’s happened?” I asked, getting concerned.

“Well Kim was dragged out of drama by the head, I reckon she’s going to lose her head girl status, I knew after her being taken out for the night it wouldn’t be the end of it,” she explained.

“Oh sh!t,” I exclaimed, feeling a lot of guilt again.”

“I know right,” Sarah agreed, “she’s going to be so p!ss-,”

“Look Sarah, I’m sorry but I’ll be back in a bit,” I said, turning to walk out the door again, not even changing out of my sweaty dance kit.

“Where are you goin-,”

“I’ll explain later,” the door slamming behind me, I could just make out her muttering ‘what the hell.’ But I could explain to Sarah later, I had work to do now.


I walked purposely down the corridor towards the head’s office, only stopping outside to try and hear what was being said inside behind the closed door,

“I just don’t think you are setting the best example of a head gir-,”

I burst in the office, the head was sitting one on side of her desk, Kimberley the other, both their faces could be quite comical at seeing me, comical if this wasn’t quite so serious,

“Right Miss, I know you’re going to kill us, but just hear me out-,”

“Cheryl, don’t you’re only go-,” Kim started and I finished,

“Look Kim, I love you but just shut up for a minute,” Miss was silent still, just gawping at me, so I carried on, not caring about myself for a minute.

“Miss, please don’t take the head girl status from Kimberley, to me it wouldn’t be a big deal, but for her I know it is. The day she got that, she was so proud, I’ve never seen anyone so happy, she had worked so hard to get it and I know she been slipping a little bit recently, but isn’t everyone allowed to have down times sometimes?”

“Miss Tweedy, not that I’m excusing the rudeness that I have just encountered from you, I just don’t think you realise the impor-,”

“Look miss, do what you want with me, I don’t care, but please, don’t do this to her. When I first came here, I hated it, I didn’t fit in, I was grumpy, convinced I’d hate everyone. When I met Kim on my first night, I was a *Female Dog* to her, just like I was to everyone, but Kim she didn’t give up on me, she didn’t just ignore me, although she had every right to. She kept trying with me, became my friend, made me accepted into her group of friends. A type of person who can do that, bring someone like me, a complete outside, to be accepted, someone like Kimberley is one of a kind and there is no one better in this school to be head girl, no one who deserves it more and wants it more then Kimberley. Please don’t take this away from her.”  I bit my lip in apprehension of what was to come next, I was sure I was for it. Kimberley was turned around in her seat completely, half in shock, half smiling, whereas Miss just looked shocked.

“Miss Walsh, can you step outside for a minute please, I want a word with Miss Tweedy,” Miss pointed to the door, eyeing me up and down. Oh sh!t.

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