Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

(Sorry for the short chapter earlier. Just eager to get the book updated. Yay. Love all you readers!!!)

We walked in holding hands and got a booth seat. Me and Tyler sat next to each other and I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Aww. That's so cute! How long have you two been going out?" The waitress asked.
"Today is the first official day" I said blushing slightly.
"And I can't wait to see where it takes us" Tyler said smiling at me.
"OMG I'm gonna die from cute overload. What can I get for ya two lovebirds?" She smiled happily and took our orders. Glasses of milk and an omelet for me, And Tyler got waffles and some OJ.
"So I'm curious" Tyler said, "why is it that you're taller than me. Yet you're always resting your head on me?"
I blushed "because you're so soft and I swear there's cat somewhere in my genes." He laughed and petted the top of my head. I smiled and started wagging my tail.
"Looks like my wolf is more like a teddy bear" Tyler said.
"And looks like my wolf is turning pinker" I smiled.
"What are you talking about?" I giggled and licked his cheek. I smiled as he instantly started blushing hard.
"No fair." I smiled and snuggled into him.
After we had finished eating we paid and left. We headed back to Tyler's place and played some video games.
"Hey. So how are you liking the new school? Any fun classes?"
"School is pretty boring. Honestly the only fun I have is in weight lifting." I smiled as Tyler said that.
"Oh. And why might that be?"
"Because I get to lift with my teddy bear and I got to use the bible against a bitchy Christian." I smiled bigger and tackle hugged him. And hugged him close to me. We lay on the floor blushing holding each other close, looking into his beautiful eyes. I kisses his lips gently.
"Wanna take it to the bedroom?" Tyler asked smiling at me. I could only nod yes.

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