Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

We got to the mall and found parking. It took us a little while to get to the food court. Once we were there I spotted Riley at the Taco Bell inside. He's a little hard to miss. He has white fur with blue spots. He likes his flannel shirts and normally wears earrings. I walked up behind him.
"So I hear they have some yummy nachos here" I smiled paring him on the back.
"Hmm. That voice sounds like someone I know. But I'm pretty sure he owes me nachos" Riley smiled and hugged me.
"So how are things going for you?"
"Things are going well. I hear you have a boyfriend. When were you gonna tell me?" Riley says as we placed our orders.
"Haha. I was gonna tell you when I made it public. But there goes that idea." I smiled sitting down with Tyler and resting my head on his shoulder as Riley sat in front of us.
"Tell me sooner." He smiled
We smiled laughing and telling jokes to each other. I told Riley about how I met Tyler. We talked for a while then we decided to go to a movie. We went to see avengers. It was pretty good.
"So Riley. What brings you to town?" Tyler asked.
"Oh. I'm moving back. My parents are going to be traveling the world or something while my dad visits businesses. So they wanted me to move back where I was before. I got my own place. My own car. And more importantly I got time to party."
"Riley. We need to crash at your place sometime. Oh. Do you bed work while you're here? Riss might be looking for a new assistant soon." I said. Riss was getting busy at work and I was starting to cut more and more hair. It was getting to the point where we needed to hire more people.
"Fuck ya. Do I need to learn anything before I start?"
"Don't steal. And call her mom. That all she asks."
"Sounds weird but ok." We spent more of the afternoon together then we eventually headed home. I grabbed my things and was getting ready to leave Tyler's house.
"Where do you think you're going?" Tyler asked
"Ummm. I'm headed home. I need sleep before school."
"Not without at least giving me a kiss goodbye" he smiled and winked at me.
I blushed and gently kissed his lips "ill see you at school" I smiled and headed home. When I got home I saw Riss and Tanya sitting at the dinner table.
"Hey Alex. How was spending time with Tyler. You guys have fun" Riss smiled and winked at me. I blushed bright red.
"Yes we had fun. He's good too. And he's sweet"
"So he eats a lot of fruit?" Riss said with a laugh.
"Riss!!" I whined blushing bright red.
"Hey. Call me mom. You're my cute little pup now" I blushed thinking about how things were turning out.
"Ok Mommy" I said sticking my tongue at her.
"Haha. Need a ride to school tomorrow? Then ill bring ya from work."
"Nah. It's all good." I smiled.
"Ok. Just get some rest. You got school in the morning." I nodded and headed upstairs and started putting things away. I took a nice warm shower and got in bed. I couldn't wait till tomorrow, I'd get to see Riley my best friend and Tyler, my sweet loving boyfriend. I smiled and fell asleep happily.

(Sorry it's so short. Writers block is killing me. And I'm sorta not able to update as much. I'm currently serving a Mormon church mission (yea. Hate me if ya want. I sorta hate me for it too. But parents pressured me into it and now it's too late to get out.) and I'm able to write better based on all what I read. So if you have any fav stories that you read send them my way. I love all you little fluffbuckets and can't wait to see you next update. Feel free to send a message or comment. Love you all!!!)

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