Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I smiled getting ready for school in the morning. Riley was moving back in town. I'd get to see my sweet boyfriend Tyler. I couldn't wait. I ran downstairs and ate some quick breakfast.
"Slow Down there buddy. If you eat like that all the time people are gonna think we don't feed ya at home." Tanya said while sipping on her coffee.
"Sorry" I said wagging my tail happy.
"Big day or ya just happy to see someone?" She asked smiling.
"Sorta both" I said finishing my food.
"Just don't forget work tonight. Riss and I might love ya. But she won't take any excuses. Have fun and be safe".
"Ok Tanya. Ill see ya tonight when I get home" I grabbed my bag and headed out. Hopped on my motorcycle and headed to school.
I got to school and headed around back to the old secret fort me and Riley found when we were little. It's really just a small little shed in the woods behind school. It's camo so you can't really see it unless you're looking for it. But inside is just a small bed. And a pair of binoculars.
"Riley you here?"
"Is your fur rainbow?" I heard him say inside the shed.
"Only if you got equality" it was an old saying we had to make sure no one we didn't know got in.
"I've always got equality for my best friend" he smiled opening the door.
"Cool. But we gotta get you to class man. And then we gotta find you a lover" I said winking at him. I laughed as he blushed and started wagging his tail.
"Ok. Ok. Lets get everything started. Hey. Is Mike still going here?" He asked concerned. Mike was the school bully. He was literally a bull. He hates gays and anyone smaller than him, witch is everyone, so no one was safe from him.
"Yea. But we never really see him. So you should be safe"
"Ok. Good. "
We headed to school and got his schedule. He has the same one as Tyler except Riley has 2 open periods for lunch. Meaning we had time to hang out for an hour after lunch with Tyler.
"Don't tell me you started showing the fag around without me?" I recognized that voice. It was one I dreaded hearing. It was Mike. I guess if you speak of the devil he will come.
"Why don't you just leave us alone Mike. Picking on those smaller than you doesn't prove anything." I said. I saw him smile and crack his knuckles.
"I'll be seeing you after school fag lover" he said as he walked off.
"I thought you said he's never here."
"They also said democracy would never work. But it did." Riley shrugged and we headed to class. Me and Riley and Tyler all talked about plans for the weekend and what we should do. In the end it came down to us going to Riley's house to play video games. School was pretty boring. Mostly just showing Riley where to go.
After school we all met up outside the front of the main building.
"Hey. So how was your first day back?" I asked.
"Pretty good. There's some cute guys in our English class. Maybe one of them will turn out to be the one." Riley said smiling.
"So the three fags are all together and ready for their beating how cute" we looked over and saw Mike. Mike has been picking on my for years now. He use to pick on Riley too till he moved away.
"Mike. Drop it and leave. Ok. I'm getting tired of dealing with your shit." I said.
"Oh. Little white wolf thinks he's big and tough? Lets see what your made of " he said and came charging at me and tried to tackle me. I moved to the side and elbowed him in the back.
"Come on mike. I thought you wanted to fight" I said angrily. Fully fed up with him picking on everyone.
"Lucky hit fag." He came at me and got a punch at my face right on my left eye. Then when I staggered back he hit me in the ribs knocking me off my feet. "Looks like the little white fag is all bark and no bite."
I got to my feet, filled with adrenaline and anger, "hey you idiotic bull" mike turned around and I punched him hard square in the jaw causing him to fall down. "Call me or any of my friends fag again.. I will kill you" he started to get up.
"Yea right you fa" I gave him a roundhouse kick to the head, knocking him out and to the ground. He fell flat making a nice loud thud.
"Don't push me." I said and headed back to my friends.
"Damn... Where did you learn to fight?" Riley asked shocked.
"Alex. You're gonna need to rest. He got ya pretty good" Tyler said.
"I'm fine. Just needed to get that idiot to shut up." I smiled and hugged Riley and then hugged Tyler and gave him a kiss on the lips. "I need to head to work. I love you guys. And if you need me. You know where to find me"
Tyler whined a little bit his ears dropping. "What if I wanna nurse you back to health" he said as we walked back to my motorcycle.
"Then come to the salon. Riss would understand you keeping an eye on me" I smiled and headed off to work. Only wondering what Riss and Tanya would say about it when I got there.

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