Chapter 2 the new kid

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"Hi I'm Tyler"
"Sup" I looked him over. He seemed cute but he also seemed like the type to already have a girlfriend or like he would always have girls around him.
"Have fun lifting with that fag!"
"Shut your whore mouth Tiffany." That would be Tiffany. She has hated me ever since I came out of the closet. She admitted she had feelings for me, but I turned her down. Hey not everything has a happy ending.
"At least I can keep a man unlike you! Go die in a pit you worthless homo!"
"Shut up you stupid bitch. He can't change that. What we can change is how we treat him," Tyler then pointed to Tiffany's cross necklace "and a good Christian would know the second commandment, love thy neighbor."
"Whatever fag lover"
"Tiffany Coaley go to the principal!" Looks like the teacher had finally had enough of us going at it.
"Sorry you had to deal with that Tyler. I'm not the most... well liked person"
"It's fine Alex, I don't mind defending a friend." He gave me a cute little smile. He's actually honest in the way he said it too, not many furs out here are honest about things.
"So we gonna lift or what" I quickly try to change the subject and get to work before I start to think about him more.
"Sure thing man!" He seems excited about lifting so we get to work.
After weight lifting I get changed and get ready to head home. I'm only at school to get 2 more credits so I picked first period and last period, that way I can do whatever I wanted during most of the day
"Hey I heard you don't normally have class during the day, would you mind helping me out and showing me around to class?"
I thought for a second. All I planned on doing was taking a nap or riding my ninja, "sure man. Ill show you around"
I guided him around the building and showed him where his classes were and helped him find his locker. He has the same locker I had last year.
After that I went to my last class, he had the same last period as me.
After an uneventful class I was about to hop on my bike and head home when I overheard Tyler on the phone.
"What do you mean can't make it?.. Walk home? That's way out from school... Ok I'll try to be home soon.."
I pulled up on my bike "what's wrong man? No ride home?" I looked at him concerned. I felt a little bad for him. A cute little guy like him on his first day in a new school. Probably doesn't know anyone here but me.
"It's cool man. I was gonna drive my ninja home but my parents came by to pick it up. They are trying to sell it so I can get a car"
"Oh. You're the owner of the other ninja. If you want I could give you a lift. If you don't mind riding bitch that is." I smiled at him and laughed a little bit. He nodded and got on with me "don't forget to hold on tight. And I got an extra helmet. It's got a mike in it so we can talk. Just guide me to your place"
He slipped on the helmet. It seemed like an almost perfect fit. Then we headed out to his house. I swear this house was bigger than the school! 3 story house with a basement. Four car garage, and a pool!
"Dude your family must be rich."
"I wish this was my family, but it's my family now. Thanks for the ride. I know it's quite a ways out"
"It's all good man."
"Maybe we could play games or something at my house some time?"
"Sure dude. Sounds like fun!" He handed me back my helmet and with that I was off to return home.

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