Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I woke up in the nurses office and started to get off the bed there.
"Careful. You need to see a doctor. We have tried calling your parents but they won't answer. If I were you, I wouldn't move, the pain will only get worse if you do. " I nodded and laid my head back down.
"What happened?" I asked.
"You got beaten up. We are getting the camera footage to see who did it." She said calmly.
"I can give ya a name. I know who did it." I said grunting out in pain as I sat up and examined my cuts and bruises..


"Hey faggot! Remember me? I hope you do. Cause my fist remembers your face" Mike yelled from behind me. I turned to face him and tell him off but was caught off guard by a surprise punch to the gut, "what's wrong fag? Not as tough without your friends here?" I heard him yell.
"Mike. Shut the fuck up!" I yelled back. He came at me and tried to punch me in the face but I caught it and broke his elbow forcing it to bend the wrong way. "I'll kick your ass again any day Mike!" I stated.
"Lucky hit faggot" he said and gave me a powerful kick to the ribs. I heard a crack and went flying to the side. I quickly got up swaying a little felling off balance.
"I'll kill you!" I yelled back at him and charged him tackling him to the ground and started punching him in the stomach.
"Get off me you fucker!" Mike yelled and punched me in the side of the head. Everything started fading in and out. My vision was getting blurry. I saw him pull out something shiny and I felt a sharp cutting pain in my legs and arms. I finally blacked out shortly after he ran off. The last part I remember was a bell ringing and people screaming.

-end flashback-

"Well if that's the case then he will be expelled from the school and probably spend time in Juvenal detention. But we need proof that it was him. " the principal said as he walked in.
"Mr. Thorn, how long have you been there?" I asked curious.
"All the story. I was coming to ask you what happened. Also your parents finally picked up the phone. They said you moved out." He said as he sat down on the bed across from me.
"They kicked me out for being gay... And Mike has always hated gays.. So it sorta explains why he picked a fight with me.." I said looking down.
"Just know Alex, if you ever need to talk.. Or if you just want to meet for academics, my office is always open. And you're always welcome." I smiled. Mr. Thorn was a good principal. He really cared about his students.
"So nurse. Can I go to my last class? I'd rather not get behind" I said standing up and wincing in pain.
"Alex, don't push too hard. We will have another student help you but yes. You can go to your last class with the aid of another student. Is there anyone specific you want to help you?" The nurse asked.
"I'm fine. Ill just walk it off. If Tyler Jones could be my aid I'd appreciate it" I said smiling.
"Ok. But you need to see a doctor soon" she said sternly as she made a note. She then called Tyler to the office.
"Damn. You're awake already? I figured you'd be out all day. Guess my cute little fuzz ball is tougher than I thought" Tyler joked as he walked in and picked up my bag.
"Careful. This fuzz ball has a boyfriend who can kill a man" I joked back.
"Haha. Lets head to class" he said and helped me walk off.

-time skip to after school cause I'm lazy and uncreative-

I decided I'd give Riss a call to let her know what happened.

"Hey Riss, I need to talk to ya."
"Yea Hun. What's up?"
"I sorta got in a fight today with the same bull that gave me a black eye. I'm alright, but I should see a doctor sometime they said."
"How bad are you and how bad is he?"
"He has a broken arm.. I think my ribs are broken and I blacked out from loss of blood or concussion or something." There was a long pause of silence. "Riss?"
"Dear god. I'm gonna go raise some hell at that school. Do you need me to do anything for ya Hun?"
"No mom. I just wanted to let you know what happened. Also it's date night. Love ya and ill see ya Saturday."
"Ok sweetie. Love you too"
I smiled and hung up the phone. I'm glad Riss took it well. I know she will worry but it's better she know I'm ok right now than find out and be worried sick later.

It's me!! Your friendly wolf. I love you all and hope you're enjoying reading!! Just message me. I'm starting another book. It will be of my other sona Dimitri wolf.. Ummm. He's straight, but his friend is gay.. Maybe..? I will reuse some characters but the main couple will be straight. Love you all. Please keep reading. Hehe. Tyler seems so protective of Alex, I wonder what will happen to Mike. I can barely wait!

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