Chapter Forty-Nine: Different Intentions

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Chapter Forty-Nine: Different Intentions

"So um, it turns out that Nicole can't make it after all. Santino's really sick and they are possibly considering admitting him to the nearest hospital because he is so feeble. But don't worry, Brittany. Someone is definitely on the way over to train with you. I won't say who it is, but I guarantee that you'll be glad with the choice that Nicole and I made. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon before the pay-per-view, alright?" And as the voice message ended, I stood up and threw my only water goblet straight into the fireplace, where it shattered upon impact with the brick wall.

This is not how I wanted to spend the blissful freedom that I would have leading up to the arrival of my partner: shrouded in mystery as to whom it would be. I wanted to immediately catch a plane to New York and strangle both my brother and soon-to-be-sister-in-law until they were both blue in the face. Of course, I had been warned that something like this could possibly happen, but I didn't assume that the possibility would become an anxiety-triggering reality. But I knew that whomever it would be, John and Nikki wouldn't have selected them without good reason. But in all seriousness, I couldn't complain. Either I train for and prepare for Wrestlemania as much as I can or I will fail and become the bane of everyone's existence. I did not want that possibility to become a reality at all, but I knew that it would happen either way. At least I had college to look forward to after all was said and done. Nothing like alcohol-contaminated adolescents and gruelling classes to lift your spirits.

I ignored the shards of glass and proceeded to put the grate on over the fireplace. Once I was done, I sauntered upstairs and tried to put my training gear on. But as I began to attempt to put on my best sports bra, I noticed that my hands were shaking and that my lower lip was trembling. I was not sad nor depressed, but instead, anxious and full of worry. A nagging suspicion was looming in my mind, causing me to come to the conclusion that something odd yet both relieving and awful would happen before the clock struck midnight. For eight hours, I would be training, and during that time, the events would have to take place. I was potentially screwed, but I had to get ready. My time was short and I had a little over an hour to go before my mystery partner would show up, but a little over a month until I would be put to the test.

I did bother to put makeup on, but only to rim my eyes, not to resemble a raccoon. Once I thought that I was ready, I dashed downstairs and into the basement, nearly breaking out into laughter when I noticed that everything actually seemed to be in order. But once upstairs, I ran to the nearest cabinet and found the infamous bottle of antidepressants, whose supply was running low. It was recommended that I stay on them until I felt that it was safe enough to wean myself off of them. But quite honestly, after what had happened between Jon and I, I think it is safe to say that I will be taking these idiotic pills for the rest of my life. I still felt hollow, with an empty chest cavity that harbored not even a caring and beating heart, but something most sinister that would never be repaired: a gaping black from which my happiness and purpose had died in.

By the time that one o'clock rolled around, my nerves were on edge. I couldn't even remain still whenever I tried to watch Supernatural on Netflix. Nothing seemed to move, not even the clock that was sitting adjacent to the television. I kept checking my phone for something new, but there was nothing. I had even tried eating, but even that did not work. I hated being left in the dark, and now more than ever, I had to know who my trainer would be for the day. The wait was agonizing.

By two-thirty, I feared the very worst. I theorized that no one was coming. As much as I wanted to be left to my own devices, I knew that I needed someone who was qualified enough to help me. Of course, I had known that there had been a live event in Boston earlier today, but I knew that everyone that had been scheduled for it were due to be on the quickest flight to New York. I had purchased a ticket for the only flight that left the airport tomorrow, and I had to be there by six o'clock in the morning. It wasn't something that I was looking forward to. I was dreading Fastlane with every fiber of my being. Everything was quickly drawing to a close, and I was not ready to pack my bags and say good-bye.

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