Chapter 3

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After a few hours of more rushed essays back to my cocky rich foriegn men; the asshole I call my boss instructed me to go out and retrieve him lunch. But to my inconvenience- I dont have a car! I didnt want to stir the pot into his anger, seeing I already had earlier this morning, I didnt bother explaining why I didnt have a vehicle to him. I grabbed my purse and walked out my enclosed work space in the back of the bulding. It seemed like the first time I got fresh sunlight in days! I scurried outside to the gusting May wind and waved my hand in the air trying to catch a taxi.

I lived in one of the biggest cities in the nation, which made it ever so difficult. "Taxi!" I called out, waving my hands in the air, looking like a flat out idiot. No use. Damnit. I felt an awkward buzz of my new IPhone in my pocket and I answered, "Rayleen Banks speaking." I try to hide my annoyance in my voice. I guess I should have seen who it was, because the angry voice shouted, "Rayleen are you outside?"

How did this man see? I looked up and saw him perched up against his balcony, scanning around, I guess looking for me. "Um, yes. I'm in the midst of trying to catch a cab. What is it you need sir?" I say pushing the receiver away from my mouth so I can shout, "Taxi!" Nope, still no use.

"A taxi? Stay right where you are Rayleen. I'll drive you." And before I can object the phone goes dead. Great- just fucking great. I stand awkwardly on the sidewalk, the breeze leaving goosebumps on my skin. My brown hair struggled to stay in the ponytail, I had lazily tossed it in this morning. A taxi slowed down in front of me, honking twice. "Need a ride?" The kind man asks, and I nod slowly, looking left and right- perhaps I'd call him.

I shrugged and hopped in the seat, happy to escape the cool wind outside. "Where to ma'am?" He asks, and as I open my mouth to reply, but I'm almost instantly cut off by the booming echo outside of the taxi. Mr. Stevens is yelling, "Rayleen!" He thunders. Ohhh crap. "Jesus," I whisper, and rub my face slowly. "Boyfriend?" The old taxi man humors, and I almost die of laughter at even the thought of that random accusation. It was so absurd and completely out of the question. "No. Boss." I correct and get out of the cab slowly. Mr. Carter storms towards me and grabs my arm in a tight grip and drags me to follow him. "I thought I ordered you to stay where you were." He hisses in my ear. People glanced towards are way, eyeing us like we were an unknown animal exhibit. He was making a scene! "I was going to call you. It's not that big of a deal." I insist, not liking how he was speaking to me. He brings me to a large black SUV and pushes me in the back seat with him. "Lindon, drive." He orders before turning back to me. "Rayleen, when I tell you to do something. You will do it. You're my personal assistant. Mine." He growled, not breaking the intense eye contact. The anger flourished in his pupils and I could clearly see it. My lips were pressed into a thin line, "Then don't speak to me like I'm a child." I grit thorugh my teeth, my nostrils flaring. "I'll talk to you however I want and you will listen. " He whispers. "The board wont be happy to hear that you have been verbally abusing me." I challenge.

He chuckles, "Verbal abuse? Please. I have the upper hand here. I'm not the one who needs this job." He points out, and suddenly he's closer; I can feel his breath on my face. My senses highten and the air seems to thicken. I pull away and look out the window, watching the small droplets of rain paint the window and I sigh...maybe it was a good thing he picked me up. "What do you want for lunch?" He asks, glancing up from his phone, acting as if nothing had happen. My God, this man was confusing. I don't normally eat lunch, because I never find the time, and an apple or my handy dandy Orbit gum usually satisfies my hunger. But I know he'll force me to eat so I say, "I already ate." He shoots up at me, "Don't lie to me." He whispers, his eyes are like daggers, burning away my exterior- my facade. He made me feel...bare and naked. "Don't look at me like that." I breathe, shifting awkwardly. He snorts and smiles, "I know I make you nervous. I see how you squirm in my presence." His words were conceited and yet like liquor- it's inotixcating my mind. There was a hint of erotictism in his words. "Intimidation, Ms. Banks." He suddenly exclaims, making me and the driver, Lindon jump. I wonder how long he had been listening...and what he thought about it? "I like to keep people on their toes." He grumbles, as we come to a stop light. That was an understatement..he made me feel like I was walking on eggshells around him. "It's all about control." He whispers the last part as if I wasnt supposed to hear. My legs are crossed, and his jaw clenches, I cannot read his expression. "Interesting, Mr. Carter." I breathe. "Sir. Call me sir." He says blinking his eyes. I frowned confused my his wishes. "Yes sir." I reply leaning back. He inhales deeply, "Good girl," He mutters.

He didn't force me to eat which I was thankful for. I stormed back to my complex, grabbing Amy on the way there. "Ow, ow, ow. Slow your horses cowgirl, what's up?" She asks as I close the door behind me. I exhale, keeping my eyes closed and I whisper. "I'm sexually attracted to my boss."


A/N Sorry this is so short- but I needed to do something with my life so I was like-ahhh I might as well update lol. But yeah... Now we're getting somewhere! Lol this book will consist of highly erotic and descriptive if you cant handle that..well....I would stop reading if I were you. I'm trying to keep things slow so you can understand all the characters and why they are the way they are. Please comment/vote/fan


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