Chapter 10

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Amy went ballistic when I told her, it consisted of: 

You two kissed?! 

He fingered you? 

You fingered yourself?! 

You came?! 

Yes bitch, get it! 

And of course I didnt reply. I couldnt sleep after Elliot slipped out of my room. I felt like a dirty whore and yet I craved more. I laid in my bed with no panties and much shame. My centre was still dripping wet with unadultered pleasure. 

I want him and I'm not gonna try to deny it any longer. The morning came way too quickly and I tried to stay in my room at least until 11. I heard the shower running so I took that time to slip into the kitchen and make myself some breakfast real quickly. I was going to call back Angelina and Felicia and attempt to interview Elliot later. Something about him struck me and my ovaries. I felt a desire to please submit to him 

While pondering on my fantasies about him, I hardly noticed that the shower had been turned off. Well I can't avoid him forever, we are sharing a room. I came to the conclusion that I would simply act as if last night had not even happened.

And as Elliot walked in, I see he had that same idea. "Morning." I said, flatly, not looking up from the toast I was smearing my jelly on. "Morning Rayleen." He said, his hair still wet from his shower, he was shirtless and he was wearing his pajama bottoms. Sweet God, now that's what I want for breakfast! He brushed past me, grabbing the orange juice from the refridgerator.

Lord of Fucks he smelt like walking sex!

I swallowed hard and tried to ignore it. "Rayleen, you're trembling, are you alright?" He asked, and I felt his breath on my neck. He was close. Dangerously close. "I'm fine Elliot." I said, hardly. "What did I say to call me?" I felt his hand snake around my neck and pull him back to him. "Stop! I apologize if I gave you any idea that I was attracted to you. But this can't continue." I highfived myself in my head, I was standing up for myself and despite everything I felt. My job was at stake and I was finally the kick-off I deserved. "Bullshit. I already knew you lied about being on your period. I found you touching yourself and moaning my name in your bed. Tell me Rayleen, what do you think about what your touching self? What do you imagine me doing to your body? Hm?"

Amy was wrong when she said I like a little dirty talk- I loved it! His words were sending all of my senses into a frenzy. Everything waist down was aching with need, I had to stand my ground. I just had to. He whispered each word into my ear, the grip on my neck was loosened, but he massaged down to my collarbone and I whimpered. "I asked you a question, answer me." He hissed into my ear, and my body leaned back into his.

"Si-Sir please s-stop." I begged, biting back a moan. "Why should I?" I heard humor in his voice. "Because you're taking advantage of me. I regret yesterday- I'm not this type of girl. Please stop." I said with more power, trying to catch my breath. He let go of me in a complete, and moved so he was in front of me. "I know what type of girl you are but I wont go against your wishes. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable however that doesnt change the insatiable craving I have for you." He looked sincere enough and I smiled weakly at him.

"That's very kind of you to say. But I can't risk my job." He nodded slowly, looking intently into my eyes. "I like your stride, your determination and your professionalism. I dont see how Ms. Newmort catergorized you as unacclimated." I couldnt help but smile like an idiot, but then again I figured he was just trying to get lucky. "May I ask you some questions for the interview? All serious?" This was as calm as I was going to get him so I should make the move now.

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