Chapter 68

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Elliot's brown eyes deepened with passion, lightened with emotion.
His pink full lips were dampened with his tongue running across them.
And his pants were snug on his hips. He had a bandage across his chest that I could see through his plain v neck white shirt.

"Kitten," He simply whispers and Amy shifts off the bed as he approaches me.
My hearts in my throat and its suffocating me.
Elliot Carter. Business man from Utah with intoxicating brown eyes.
Tanned skin and a Hollywood smile.
How did I ever get so lucky?
I lean forward trying to reach for him, to touch him, feel him.

"No baby, relax. I'll come to you." He whispers and inches closer.
I lean back, trying to catch my breath.
The heart monitor began to increase in speed as my heart began to race.
"Breathe babygirl. It's just me." He assures and finally reaches the head of my bed.
I gaze up at him, his hand gently caressing my cheek.
"How?" I whisper and he chuckles.

"I snuck out the back. I gave Evan a few more words and quickly slipped out. But I passed out from the bullet and blood loss." He explains and I grab on his pointer finger, trying to pull him closer.
Touch me please.
I wanted to beg.

"Who took care of you?" I ask him and he strokes my head.
"Javier. I would have came sooner but I was unconscious for a few days. Then I needed to heal, but I lost my mind without you, so we came to look for you," he whispers and I nod, pressing my lips together.
He stares at me, looking into my eyes, unraveling me.

I know you. I know I do.
This was Elliot. My Elliot.

He leans forward, pressing his forehead against mine.
"I love you," I mumble. How did I know? I just did.
I know I did. I felt it when I stared at him. When he approached me. When he looked at me.
I just knew.
"I love you," He echoes and presses his lips to mine.
Fiery passions igniting between are lips.
Electrifying my body.
Our love colliding and tantalizing me. It was if it were just us two in the world.
It was so intense, I felt tears in my eyes.
I missed this. Our love.
We pulled away, our breath rigged and our eyes locked in an intoxicating daze.
"You came back," I whisper, grazing his dark brown hair through my fingers.
He smiles softly, his thumb brushing across my bottom lip, "I promised you." He says strongly and I nod and smile.

There's another knock on the door and I look past Elliot to see Linda.
"Just came to see if my future daughter in law is awake," She says with her light delicate voice.

Her face looked healthy, her eyes highlighted back to the light color they once were. Making me realize, I was getting my memory back.
I smile at her and she walks in, quickly pulling me into a hug.
She smelt of pinecones, her hair was pulled into a bun while her short blue dress complemented her perfectly.

"Glad to see your man here?" She asks and I nod in agreement.

"Well don't worry, Eli promised to stay until your release and while we wait. It's time to plan for the wedding!" She exclaims in an excited tone.

I glance over at my beaming fiancé, as he twirled the ring on my finger, and I smiled.
"When can we start?" I ask eagerly and Amy smirks and turns around to grab magazines.

"Now!" She replies and hops to my bed.

I look over at the magazines, grabbing one as I read David's Bridal.

"Where do you guys want the wedding anyways?" Link asks and Elliot answers for me, seeing I'm enwrapped in the magazine.

"Utah," and everyone flinches back.
"Seriously?" Linda reports and Eli chuckles.
"For good purpose. Rayleen wants the wedding there since that's where I grew up. Our honeymoon is going to be in Italy." Eli clarifies, leading to our friends in the room to nod understanding.
"Trying to get all sentimental are we Ms. Banks?" Amy asks, giving me a soft wink and I giggle.
"Well what colors?" Linda asks and I glance over at Elliot again.

"Remember Kitten, this isn't a dictatorship. This is your element, what color do you think?" He asks and I smirk, squinting my eye at him with the joke I'm about to make.

"Pink," I tease and I see the corners of his lips form into a devious smile.
"How am I not surprised?" He asks and then there's a small rambunctious commotion outside the door.

It's Javier and his eyes are wild with fear, "Pink? You're seriously going to put your Best Man in pink?" He says in a surprised tone, his face in a disgusted manner.

Amy looks over at him, folding her arms across her chest, "But I look the best in pink." She says flatly.
We all then hover our attention to him and he nervously shoves his hands in his pockets.

"See, baby girl I didn't want to dress in pink to take all the attention off of you. I didn't want to overpower your beauty," he quickly says, adding dramatic hand gestures.
Amy rolls her tongue in the inside of her cheek, nodding quickly, "Yeah, that's what I thought."

"But I don't want it to be a hot pink. A gentle soft pink. Like baby pink." I say.

"Completely agree, any main food courses?" Linda asks.

Elliot clears his throat an I already know that he can take care of this part.

"Scaloppine di Vitello and Ossobuco. I want the finest chefs preparing our meal. Finishing our guests off with Tiramisù. And of course with a wedding cake." Elliot replies.

"Italian dishes." I state boldly and he nods.
"What kind of Italian dish is that? All I know is spaghetti, pizza and pasta." Amy says, blinking back at us.

There's Amy Blackwell for you.

"We might as well get used to it since we'll be there for a week and a half." He replies,
I gape at him, surprised. My eyes widened and my mouth opening.
"Really?" I practically squeal.
"Yes ma'am and when we return, you begin your job as the new boss of management while I go into training." He informs, his eyes glistening as he tells me his information.

"Boss of management?" Amy echoes and she glances at me.
"By the way, you're going to be my personal assistant." I quickly add and she hops up in the air, her ponytail bouncing back and forth.
"No more Executive for moi," She says in a fake French accent.

"Anything else we need to cover?" Link asks.

"Wedding dress." Linda, Amy and I all chime in at once.
Such female intuition.

"But you can't know a thing about it. Bad luck you know." Amy points out and Elliot pauses and bites the bottom of his lip and chuckles.
"I just want to know what goes under the dress." He says slowly and I slap his thigh which might lead him to spanking me later.

"Elliot, our parents!" I remind in a harsh whisper and he just shrugs.
"Ray, we're all grown here, besides that's a serious question. I want my future wife to be dressed in lace, garter belt and all." I can't help but gape at his audacity.
The nerve of this man!
I slap his thigh again and he shoots me a deep carnal glare.
"Don't worry. She'll be all nice and ready for you, when you two land in Italy." Amy assures with a wide smile.

Eli snorts and folds his arms, "Trust me, we won't even last the flight to Italy." I slap him again,
"Elliot!" I practically shout and he just laughs.

"Well now that we have the necessities are taken care of," I say dramatically with a pause, glaring at my ever so cocky fiancé.

"We just have to send invitations." I finalize.
"Like who?" Linda asks.

"I want everyone from the office to be invited. Including from Elliot's old office. I want Amy to be my maid of honor and Felicia and Angelina to be my brides maids." I instruct carefully.
It was if I was getting my memory back in random spurts.

"Angelina and Felicia?" Elliot says, surprised.
Who wouldn't be? Especially with Angelina's dominant and yet bitchy behavior.
"Yes. They have had some toll on my life. Bringing me to the club and everything and letting me watch their playtime." I remind softly.

"I can do that. Anything else?" Elliot asks.

"I want the theme to be different. I want it to be earthly and almost godly. I want there to be statues surrounding us. Something exotic and brings almost a fantasy feel to it all." I say, in a dreamy voice.

"For a woman, who has lost her memory, you really seem to have put a lot of thought into it all." Link points out and we all laugh silently.

"In a way. I remember some things, but I know that I always wanted my wedding to be Heavenly. I want there to be a fountain, surrounded by silhouetted trees, with a light that shines on the aisle. Covered in petals while my dress flows gently along it. I want that out-of-reach feeling with the whole wedding. I want everyone to feel it, you know?" I say, as I watch their faces light up with emotion too.

"Sounds beautiful." Elliot quickly replies, brushing my knuckle with his fingertip.

"Well it's settled then. The wedding's in three weeks!" Linda exclaims in a chipper voice.

2 weeks later, I was released from the hospital.
My memory fully recovered, along with a few other discoveries, but I was perfectly healthy and my excitement for the wedding growing within each day.

I told Elliot I wanted to indulge in celibacy until our wedding night, which he found quite difficult. But he said, he waited this long to have me, four weeks would be nothing.
Although it was better said than done as the long nights grew restless and weary. But we had promised each other.

We were laying on my couch, Jinx sitting on my stomach, purring softly as her tail, swatted back and forth gently.

"Ms. Banks?" Elliot gently calls to me, and I lift my head to prove that I'm still awake, even though its 2 in the morning.

"Yes Mr. Carter?" I respond back, in a weary voice. I couldn't deny, I was a tad fatigue.

"How would you feel about a house?" He asks and I pause for a moment and shift to look up at him.
He hasn't shaven in a few weeks, probably since everything had happened.
It was scruffy, but was becoming a bit long. Even for Elliot, but he knew how much I loved him freshly shaven. Even though he insisted he looked like an old man.

"A house?" I reply back in the same tone he had used.
Elliot was dressed in black sweatpants, with no shirt.
His strong attempt to weaken my guard up that was protecting my sex drive.
But my gate of celibacy was weakening with every waken moment.

So much for the whole chassidy belt concept...

"As in you want to move?" I add and he nods.
"I think an apartment would be unjust for a newly wedded couple." He says, his hand grazing my bare thigh.
I was also engaging in the act of seduction. Only wearing his large t-shirt and boxer briefs.

Something so unlike me that he found so sexy.
"Isn't that kind of off? I think an apartment is something perfect for two newlyweds." I say and he chuckles, the vibrations from his chest elevating to the side of my head.

"Not with our salary. I want to move into the more expensive parts of New York. I don't feel safe with you in this neighborhood." He admits solemnly.
"Why? We have nothing to worry about since everyone is gone." Trust was, we had never talked about the situation.

I never felt the need too, despite my questions about Evan.

"So, there are still sickos out here everywhere." He reports."That's true,"
Another moment of silence and Jinx stretched herself and sauntered off to another room.


"Eli?" I whisper.

"Can I ask you a question?" I ask in a small voice.

"You want to know about Evan, don't you?" He asks and I nod.
He sighs and pulls me into a tighter embrace. His arms protecting me as if he were getting ready to tell a horror story.

"Evan was a twisted boy. We knew it from the start. He would just say and do odd things." He pauses and licks his lips.
"When The Incident happened, Evan thought I was absorbed in the attention I was receiving. Aunts and uncles and even my fathers parents were always over the house. Trying to reach out to me but I shut down. It mostly started in middle school but by then Evan was gone. He was obsessed with taking my identity. It started off in basic aspects. When we would be in class and a teacher would call roll. When they would say 'Elliot Carter' he would reply. He would write my name on his papers and it came so drastic that the school demanded a finger print test to actually determine who was who."

Wow. That's crazy. Identity theft at its worst!

I look up at my tormented fiancé. His pupils dilated and his bottom lip was tucked under his teeth.

He only gave that look when he was aroused.
"You okay?" I ask.
"Yeah, your ass is just catching me off guard. The way it feels in my hand." He groans, giving it a squeeze.
I can't hit his shoulder since its still in the healing stages, so I slap his other shoulder gently.
"Hey crippled, stick to the subject." I quickly remind.

Crippled being his nickname due to his injury.

"Oh yeah. Well anyways, one time at dinner my father had been asking me a boatload of questions. Mostly just concerning how my day was and how I was feeling..."

(This next part in italics is Elliot's flash back)

Dinner was about to start soon, I could smell the food.
I called for my twin brother and slowly slipped into the dining room.

"Elliot, how was your day?" My father asked me, his deep voice could shake the dining room table if he got loud enough.

I simply shrug and hear my twin brother Evan, smashing his fork into his plate as he picked up the hotdog with it.
He was angry.
"Well did you make any new friends?" He adds and I shake my head.
I definitely couldn't eat hotdogs. The thought could be comedic but frankly it made me sick to my stomach.
Evan slammed harder on his plate with his fork, the same noise of metal meeting metal.
"Evan, stop that." My mother snaps quietly.
I don't look up from my full plate as the questions continue to roll in.
"Have you been sleeping well?" He asks.

The fork slams harder.


"Any trouble in school?"

"Is homework easy?"
"Any nightmares?"
"We're only asking because we love you,"
I sigh, my throat ran dry as I I we're asking the questions.
"Can you stop please?" I ask, turning to my identical brother.
He snarled at me and pushed away from the table.
"I'm finished." He pronounces and turns around.
I gaze my attention back down in my food and suddenly hear glass break behind me.

I turn around to see Evan had thrown his plate into the stained glass window and picked up the shard glass and darted for me.

My body grew still.
Since it was used to be attacked by any type of manner. My body did what it was trained to do. What it was told to do by those strange man.
Keep still.

Evan extends his arm, just as my parents run after him, the end of the the shard glass, landing on my back, causing me to flinch back and scream.

My eyes squinted together as I felt the blood seep out and I collapsed to the ground.
"You're the bad seed! The bad child! Not me! You wanted to get the attention!" He screams at me.
I hear my mother and father screaming but I can't hear them. Only my twin brothers insults. The guy who was literally my other half. Who was supposed to support me. Help me.
I covered my ears and felt tears pierce my face.
What the hell? This wasn't me.
"You're the messed up one! You have the problems! You're Evan!"
It replayed in my kind over and over.
Was I really the one with issues? Was I really Evan?

"So he tried to convince you, you were him?" I ask and he nods.
"He tried to confuse my own identity. Seeing that everyone saw him as The Wild Child. He thought I did it to get more attention. Seeing I was always in sports. But he stayed on his academics. That's why he said I had the life he was supposed to have. He wanted the business. I never did. I just wanted my dad to be proud of me. Not pity me." He says and I feel my eyes fill with tears.
"After that?" I ask.
"When we were 12, they diagnosed him with Schizophrenia and Dissociative Identity disorder and sent him off to a mental facility since he was becoming too violent. He began hitting and stabbing teachers and everything. It was too late for him." He explains.
There's a brief pause before he continues.
"So when I was left in the building with him. I cried. Seeing what he had become. Secretly plotting all that time. I told him I felt sorry for him. But I would always love him." He pauses and covers his mouth, blinking quickly and I lean forward to run the side of his face in a comforting manner.
"He said he would see me in Hell. And I told him, I'd see him in Heaven and then I left." He adds with a shaky sigh.
I frown at him confused and turn my head at him.
"In a way, I wanted to do that to impress him. I thought he wanted the baseball fame, so I chose academics. I wanted to prove to my twin, I wasn't messed up. That we were alike. I don't believe people like him go to Hell. Or people with mental disabilities because they can't help stuff like that. They're born that way, it's not like they choose to be like that. I feel as though when they die, suicide or not. They're released from all types of pain. From their chains and their past possession. I believe when you die. You're free. From everything. Anguish, loss, depression. Anything. God loves us all right? He knows how we really are. So I just know Evans up there. And now I know he knows."
Elliot gives me a genuine smile. His eyes dampened with tears.
"Elliot. You're the most selfless man I've ever met. Your brother did all of those terrible things to you and yet you still love him. You still pray that he's in Heaven. How?" I ask and he smiles.
"My mom brought us to church every Sunday and I still go sometimes on special occasion. I don't consider myself super religious but I believe as though, I don't need to read the bible or believe everything that's said about sins and such. But I know he's there. Evan might not have been there in the playroom when I was getting molested but I know God was. Otherwise I don't think I'd be here right now. I know my brother is okay. I know it." I rub my forehead and inhale shakily.
Feeling an overwhelming rush of emotions.

"You never cease to amaze me Mr. Carter." I mumble and he leans forward and kisses my forehead.

"Next week as I make you my wife, is the start of new beginnings for us. A beautiful new start. With you under my name till death do us part." He mutters and presses his lips to my forehead.
"And even then." I add and his red blossom in emotion.

We smile at each other and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"You know next week, you're stuck with me for good right?" I quickly remind and he chuckles loudly.
"Lucky me. I'm not back down now." He says, stroking my back.

We're silent for a moment as I still feel my emotions swirling within me.

I could still cry.
"I may not understand why bad things happen to us. Bad things happen to good people in general but I know it's so I can help other people like me. And even if I can't understand or not even forgive. I wouldn't be who I am today if I didn't go through all of that." I whisper.
"We won't truly understand until we leave this part of our lives. But I'll be with you every step of the way Ms. Banks." He says in a deep intoxicating voice.
"And I wouldn't have it any other way." I mumble and I kiss his lips.

Don't worry. This is NOT the last chapter.
The next chapter will be BUT

I have a beautiful Epilogue planned and also one last authors note that I'll write as a seller are chapter and I'll post it probably it two days after I write the Epilogue.
It's going to be long and heartfelt.

Thank you for all the nice comments on the last chapter .

Please leave a bunch of comments and votes . Tell me what you guys think of this chapter and what you think about Elliot forgiving his brother and the whole wedding ideas. Tell me EVERYTHING. Your comments make me feel better.

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