Chapter 27

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Elliot and his mom came at 1. I was released with 5 different medicines to take at different times in case I was acting "odd". I had to admit, it felt weird to have Linda here; I figured she think I was some depressed bitch who had emotional issues. As my father would say. But she was just as cheerful as ever. "Well the service is tomorrow, are you fine with that?" Linda asked me, rubbing my arm as the driver up front, isolated Linda, Elliot and I. I nodded and looked at Elliot's concerned face. "Can I go to my mom's house after the service? I just want to go through some things." I asked, and looked down at my hands. Should I really have to ask permission to go to my own mothers house? "Of course you can. I don't feel comfortable with you going back to your house- seeing as that dick head Andre is on the loose still." She murmured and Elliot gaped at her, "Momma, your language!" He exclaimed and she scoffed, "Boy please, you know you were thinking the same thing. Besides he is a dick head! Who inflicts marks on someone else's body- with a knife!" Elliot puts his head down and looks away nervously. "What?" I whisper towards him and he shakes his head. "Besides the dickhead even made her purge!" She continues. "Momma, can you please stop saying dick head?" Eli asks her quietly.

"Fine... the asshole McShitFace needs to be exterminated! I swear once I get my hands around his little neck." Her voice trails off and she pretends to strange the air viciously which gets a small laugh out of me. Elliot just shakes his head with a smile. We arrive at Eli's penthouse and Eli leads me into his room, leaving his mom on the phone screaming at someone about a missing bouquet of flowers. "Eli?" I whisper. He walks ahead of me, his back still turned to me. "Hmm?" He mumbles back and I inhale deeply, "I'm-Look, I'm sorry about yesterday. It took me by surprise and I was angry that you said that." There was a brief moment of silence before he turned around and looked at me with soft eyes, "I just don't get why you were." He says simply with a shrug. I blinked at him, "Well I just don't get why you do." I retort back softly. "Why I what? Why I love you? What you don't believe that I do? I was there wasn't I? I didn't run off. Why cant you believe that?" All these questions were hitting me like boulders. "Cause how can you expect me to love you, if I barely love myself!" I exclaim.

That surely shuts him up. "I don't expect you to love me. I just want you to know that you are unconditionally loved. By me!" He adds, trying to search my eyes for an emotion. "I don't expect for you to say you love me. You don't have to, I'm fine with that. But if you can go to sleep and know that I'm extremely and painfully in love with you- and accept that. That's all that matters and until then I'll teach you to love. Properly. Starting with yourself." He walks towards me slowly and strokes my face. "So what does this mean for us?" I ask, quietly.

"Whatever you want it to mean." He says simply with a shrug. I look down and suck on my bottom lip nervously, "I stood up to my dad." I state and his face turns into a grin. "Ray, that's great! How do you feel?" He asks, moving my chin up to meet his gaze. "I've never felt so in my skin before. I feel like I'm truly on the road to recovery." I say, truthfully with a hopeful smile. "I'm beyond happy to hear that, love." And he smiles at me. I pause for a moment and gaze at his lips then back at him. "I want to show you something." He suddenly says and takes my hand in his. He leads me to what looks like a closet door and turns back at me, "You should already know what to expect to see when we walk in this room." He softly mutters.

Oh shit- it's his playroom.

I walk in and it reminds me of a basement, the floors hard and cold and chains and ropes hang from the ceiling. Does this man collect BDSM toys as a hobby? Lord. "Why are you showing me this now?" I ask him and he turns to me. "This may sound odd. But Angelina had purging problems too and when she felt the urge, she would go to her Master and they would play. It was a form of being grounded and disciplined." He explains. I stand there in the middle of the playroom- feeling naturally submissive. "So are you asking me to do the same?" How can he make my hormones rush at such a fast pace? He nods slowly. "I want to..." My voice trails off and there it is- the look in his eyes. Oh goodness me. "You want to what? Play with me?" He whispers seductively. I bit my lip and nod with soft eyes. He inhales quickly and walks towards me. "I'm going to show you my form of 'playing'. The type that brings emotion. Are you ready?" He asks and suddenly he's in front of me. Lord of all things sexy, this walking orgasm of a man was going to be the death of me! I nod and slowly he wraps his hand around my neck. "Trust is the ultimate requirement in a BDSM relationship and or activity. My first question is: Do you trust me Rayleen?" He asks and his grip on my neck gets tighter.

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