Chapter 25

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 They way we were all looking at each other reminded me of one of the endings in a Trapped In A Closet video. Ms. Newmort was still sprawled a couple inches away from me while Amy and Elliot were holding me back. I couldn't read the Presidents expression, he just looked as shocked as I was. After moments of an agonizing awkward silence, he folded his arms across his chest and cleared his throat again. "Well, somebody better start talking. I wake up this morning to find these pictures I see all over your computer screens, which I'm not suddenly very interested on how they came about." He said, narrowing his eyes at us. Ms. Newmort wiped her face and scrambled to her feet, while fury was still building up inside of me. "Mr. Gary, trust me I can explain everything. This repulsive young lady was having her ways with our new member of staff." She babbled and glared at me. Mr. Gary stood there for a moment and glanced back at the computer screens, he looked down at my curled up body and back at Ms. Newmort. "So?" He said shrugging and I heard Eli chuckle behind me. "What do you mean so?" Ms. Newmort asked completely confused. "So? Two adults can't do what they want? I made the walls sound proof for a reason. I mean come on people, we also advertise a BDSM club for crying out loud!" Mr. Gary said, turning his back to see more members of the staff agreeing with him.

Ms. Newmort jaw dropped and her face scrunched up, "It's against the rules! She cant do that! She needs to be removed from this entire business!" She screeched and I sat up a little straighter, Amy looking at me with a wide grin. "I wrote the rules damnit, I'm pretty sure I can change them too." He said, shrugging his shoulders and looking at his watch. Ms. Newmort continued to babble incoherently but Mr. Gary ignored her. "Do you guys have any of those small little buttery crumpets?" He suddenly asked, holding his hand out to imitate the size. That made me smile even more and the tension in the room was lifted, besides the fact my face and body was plastered over everyone's screen. "Take those pictures down, Ms. NewWhore." Mr. Gary murmured down at her. "It's Ms. Newport." She softly corrected. "I know," He replied, wavering her off. "Now, everyone back to work, I'm just going to steal your soft buttery crumpets." He added and Eli stood me to my feet. I turned to Amy who had a soft gentle look on her face, "I may not have told Elliot everything, but I did tell Mr. Gary." She said, looking at me with hope in her eyes.

My eyes felt wet with tears and I wrapped my arms around her. We rarely hugged on occasion...but this was different. I could give her the world. "You're the best friend I've ever had." I say truthfully in her hair. She was my only true friend, she stood up for me...made me feel beautiful and I didn't feel like I had to compete with her. "Next to your mom." She reminds softly and I giggle. After pulling away from the hug she motions me to go with Elliot, so I do. We get back into his office and he's rubbing his face, "That could have been terrible." He whispers and sits on his desk.

I stand by the door and look at my feet, "Yeah, it could." I chime in softly, entwining my fingers together nervously. "I would have done anything to make sure you didn't lose your job." So this was his doing too? Oh great. "I'm kind of wish you didn't." I mumble and look up at him. "Why not?" He asks, looking a bit hurt. "Because I feel like I made need air, maybe need a new surrounding from here. A new job, closer to my mom, so I can take care of her." I inform softly. He rubs his jaw for a moment and lets out a slow sigh, "I know it may seem hard, but things will slowly turn for the good. Ms. Newmort will get what's coming to her and you will get all the credit you deserve." He encourages with a smile. I don't return the face back, I just nod and look away, "I'm thinking about throwing in the tile. I'm serious, I need to get away from here." I say, closing my eyes. He stands to his feet and it actually looks like he's going to cry. "I'll go with you." He states proudly and I almost burst out in laughter, "You'd leave this high paying job, just to come with me?" I say in disbelief. "Woman, you must not understand that feelings I have for you, I'd follow you anywhere." He says, swallowing hard, his adams apple bobbing. I smile sweetly, walk up to him and stroke his face gently. "Eli that's so sweet of you. But I need to do this by myself." I reply, trying to look in his eyes for comfort. "You've done everything in your life by yourself, you deserved to be cared for. Let me take care of you." He urges, taking my hand in his.

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