Chapter 29

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Short update...What youve all been waiting so patiently for.....

The waiting room was equally as excruciatingly painful as the sight. Eli was rubbing my back as we sat in utter silence. I was staring at an indistinguishable crack in the wall then the ceiling. My head was throbbing and my heart was still clenching together. "Don't worry baby I'm sure she's fine." Eli assured me, planting a kiss at the side of my head. I swallowed and looked at him, trying to fight back the tears in my eyes. "Andre's still out there." My voice sounded strained and it hurt to even say the words. His jaw clenched together and he nodded , "I know. I'm going to rip that bastard to shreds when I see him." He grits through his teeth. "I could've killed him." My mind was still replaying the scene over and over in my head. "The police said it was out of self defense. You're okay. I'm sorry. I should have gone with you." He replies, his expression softening.

"It's fine Elliot. It couldn't have been prevented anyways. And it wasn't Ms. Newmort cause she was in custody." I whisper, referring to the situation with Amy. "But she was released again. We dont know it couldve been her." he points out. More silence, but only for a moment, once the tall, older looking man emerged from double doors. It was the doctor. "Mr. And Mrs. Carter?" He asks with concerned eyes. Out of sheer desperation of knowledge on Amy's condition, I nod frantically. "Well Mrs. Carter I have good news and bad news." He states and my heart leaps forward.

"Bad news first." I babble incoherently. "She's in a coma but it should only last a week or two." I feel a weight relinquish off of me and I finally feel like I could breathe. "How can you tell?" Elliot asked. Don't question the man! She's fine! "Her breathing, heart rate and her physical response to movement and speech." The doctor explains.

"Can we see her?" I ask eagerly. "I'm afraid not. We're still doing some tests to see if there is any signs of head trauma. We're trying to give her an MRI and keep her stabilized." He says unfortunately and my heart dampens a little. The doctor smiles assuringly and pats my hand. "Tomorrow morning." He promises and I nod. I stood to my feet and reached my hand towards Eli. "Come on husband. Lets go home." I say with a sweet smile and a grin spreads across his face. "Alright wife." He replies and grabs my hand.

Linda is out to the police station, sending out search team for Andre. I had insisted it was alright but she threatened to blow up the town if I didn't let her. Which left Eli and I alone. "You are the most fearless woman I've ever met." Elliot says, leading me to his bedroom. "I don't see how I'm still alive." I said, truthfully. He smiles at me softly, "I have a gift for you." He mumbles and pulls out a rectangular box.

"You didn't have to." I protest quietly. "Ray." He starts and I inhale and take the box. I open it to reveal a small necklace with a small circle that dangles from the middle with the initials E.C engraved on the back. My eyes widen and I immediately smile. "It's beautiful." I whisper breathlessly. His eyes flutter and he picks up the necklace. "It's a collar. To represent your submission to me. Not just sexually but that you trust me with all aspects of your life. That you are owned, cared for, an loved by me." He explains softly and my heart jumps. Even though he meant it romantically, it still sounded so damn erotic.

"You do trust me right?" He asks, his voice low. I press my lips together, throughout everything I've been through, he has been there. My rock. He balanced me out. Whether I liked it or not. "Yes. I should have noticed its only been you. Always will be you. Elliot I...I truly submit my body and mind to you. A man of good and peace. A man that I call my Master. I trust you." The only thing that kept me grounded was him in this instant. I belonged to him in all aspects. How did I manage to maintain sanity? Him. Elliot. His brow furrows and he steps forward .

"'re ready. I have another gift for you my sweet." He grabs my hand and leads me to his playroom. Except its different. Mirrors cover every wall and the ceiling. "This is our playroom." He stresses the word out and I noticed a king sized bed in the middle. I swallow nervously, my heart pounding in my chest. "Room of Mirrors." I breathe. "So you can see what I see no matter where you look." He informs and leads me to the bed and turns me around to face my reflection. "Crimson hair to sculpt around your perfectly shaped face. Soft intoxicating eyes and full pink lips." He whispers tracing everything he described.

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