Chapter 59

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"I think we've become sex addicts." I mumble as I lay sprawled across Elliot's chest.

"No. I'm just a Rayleen addict." He says and strokes my bare shoulder.
I smirk at him and lift my weary head off of his chest.
"Sore?" He asks, obviously quite content with his sexual performance.
Which he should be.

I cringe and realize my whole body does.

"Very," I reply nodding and he sits up a bit , "Nothing a little massage won't fix." He says and I narrow my eyes on him.
"We both know that if you put your little happy hands anywhere on my skin, we'll go straight into round 10." I point out and he chuckles, "And that's a problem?" He teases.

"Insatiable." I murmur and turn my back towards him for a moment.

"How did you feel about earlier?" He asks me and I pause.

I never really had time to think about how I felt about the club situation.
Because right after I had orgasmed on stage, Elliot undid all my restraints and practically tossed me in the car, telling me what he was going to do to me once we got home.

For the past 6 hours all I was focused on was fucking him into a coma.

"Is that what a collaring ceremony is?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Usually it's in front of family and close friends, sort of like a wedding. But most quick ceremonies are in clubs, kind of like going to Vegas for quick collarings. I pleasured you on stage to show the crowd that I can give you pleasure without touching you. I can use all these toys and machines on you but you would still show me my gratitude . That I didn't have to fuck you in front of all of them, because that's what's usually done on stage unless it was a punishment." He explains.

"So you did it, in an odd sort of way to show me off?" I ask an he nods.
"Gee, thanks." I say and smile and he laughs. "You still seem confused." He points out and I shake my head.

"It's not as difficult as you think, just know. They know your place in my life." He says, kissing my forehead.
"Thank you Elliot," I reply truthfully.
He always knew what to say.
I stood to my feet, wincing at first but then straightening my back.

"Well enough fun. Now I need to find out what happened to Amy," I state, with a deep sigh.

"There's not much we can do. The police are doing what they can," Eli say.
"Maybe I can find some stuff they missed. Since I'm not on the force," I suggest.

"Find some stuff? And where do you plan on going?" Eli asks, looking at me wildly.
"Johns house." I say, referring to my adopted father.

"Hell no. That's going to the devil himself." Eli denies and I scoff at him.

"He's not there! I just want to go through some stuff. Maybe I can piece some things together. Maybe I know of some things he's written down since I've been around him longer." I suggest and Eli shakes his head again.

"You think I'm going to let you walk straight into his house? By yourself? Unprotected?" Eli asks.

"Of course not. You'll come with me." I say with a smile and his eyes widen.

"Woman, you must've lost your mind. Neither of us are going." He says and he stands up.

"Uh oh. Is someone a chicken?" I ask, batting my eyelashes and he scoffs, "Girl please. I'm a grown ass man." He says and pulls his shorts around his hips.

"Yeah...a grown ass chicken man." I mumble and he purses his lips at me, "It's not going to work Ms. Banks." He says and I close my eyes.
"I know. It's fine. I can't believe my fiancé is a chicken though." I say with a shrug.

"Fine gotdamnit, we'll go!" He shouts and I giggle.
"You were really tantalizing my ego there for a second," he mumbles and I smirk.
"Oh I know my darling." I say and kiss his forehead.

As we approached Johns apartment, I was the one who was now chicken.
And Elliot noticed it.

"Is someone a scardy-cat?" He asks, blinking at me.
"Scardy-cat? That's like calling me a pussy." I say frowning at him.
"It's just cause in obsessed with yours."
"Elliot!" I exclaim and he laughs. "You're right, I'm sorry this is serious. Don't be a chicken and come inside." He urges and I bite the inside of my cheek and glance at the vacant apartment.

Suddenly I hear chicken noises beside me and notice its Eli teasing me.
"You sound like a damn farm. Shut the hell up." I say amusingly and shove his arm.
"Will you come on already? I'm running low on caffeine." He reminds and I sigh. "Fine lets go." I finally bring myself out of the car and follow closely behind him.

The apartment was just how Link described it, it was rummaged through and looked like someone had been searching for something. But I don't know if that had been from the police.

"What are we even looking for?" Elliot asks and I shrug.

"Anything suspicious." I say and he nods. "That pillow there looks awfully suspicious," he teases and I shove his arm and can't help but giggle.

We're silent for a moment as we go through old papers and search the living room.
But all we can find is overdue bills, no wonder he needed this money.

"Ray, we aren't finding much." Elliot calls from the bedroom which I searched twice.
I turned and sighed, knowing I didn't want to leave with at least the tiniest bit of evidence.
My eyes glance over the closet near the pantry and I squint.

I wonder.

Please no dead body.
Please no dead body.

I open it and all I see is towels and I sigh in defeat.
I go to throw a towel in anger and suddenly papers fall out under it.


My eyes scan over the papers eagerly and my eyes widened in my discovery.
"Ray- look what I found!" Elliot shouts joining me in the kitchen.
I look up at him slowly, I had every reason to burst out in tears.

"Baby what's wrong?" He asks, joining me on the ground.

"She tried to save me." I whisper and Eli searched my eyes for an emotion.

"Who?" He asks.
"Eli, she threatened him. She sent him mail. But John had a plan to use that against her but it was too late. I think he killed her." I say, biting my lip as tears slip down my cheek.
"Rayleen, who?" He asks and I sniffle, "Amy." I whisper.

He pauses and hesitates and moves behind him.

"That must explain why I found this." He turns back around and has something folded in cloth, he reveals it to be a knife, one that has clearly already been used.
"Is that blood?" I shriek and visions of my precious Amy being brutally stabbed filled my mind.
I hold my stomach and heave over.
"Baby we don't know if its hers. She may still be out there." Eli offers his comfort but I can't accept.

"But we don't know that. All we have is this." I mumble and my hands go over more papers.

"Wait a minute where did you find that?" I ask.
"In his nightstand." He replies and I freeze. "That means Johns been back here." I whisper and he freezes.
"We have to get out of here." Elliot says.
"Take everything and we'll bring it to the police." He says and I quickly scramble the papers together and bolt out the door as quick as I can.

The police were surprised to see we had found all of this stuff.

I still held one paper.
One incriminating paper.
It was one paper, I had his from Elliot.

It had Amy's ghastly and terrifying threats, along with her confession to breaking into Johns house, searching for him so she could kill him.
But that's not why I took the paper.
It had Elliot's past from prom night on it.
And under it, a list of reasons why he could be thrown into jail immediately for it.

But under it, it had something really odd in it.

Johns confession.

But why would he confess his own faults? And write it so descriptively at that?

In the midst of my deep thought, I didn't notice Javier had joined me.

"Earth-To-Rayleen," he said, snapping his fingers in front of my face. I blinked back and forced a smile across my face.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask him.
"Amy, I've been searching with the cops." He says with a nod and I smile genuinely.
"To find her?" And he nods.
I already knew I wasn't going to tell him what I found until I knew for sure what I was going to do with the information.

"But that's not what I'm here to tell you," he says and I nod for him to continue.

"Don't trust anyone," He says with a sigh and suddenly a frown comes across my face.
"What?" I say and he repeats himself.
"Don't trust anyone. You have no idea of you're being lied to. I don't care who it is. Don't trust them at all." He whispers and I stare at his face for a minute.
But he's dead serious. "So why should I trust what you're saying?" I ask and he blinks back at me, "Because I'm trying to find your best friend."
Well that damn sure made a good point.
Without another word, he rises to his feet and goes back towards Elliot.

What was that supposed to mean?
Link is in full uniform, surrounded by a bunch of policemen, people are being given directions and I lay my head back.

All of this was really getting down to it and I didn't know what to expect next.

So I was going to do what my adopted mother used to say: Prepare for the worst, pray for the best.

After about 10 minutes of sulking, my phone vibrates.

I get a text from a blocked number.

'I want those papers back.' I freeze and stare at it.

Holy shit.

'I know you have the one I want,'


'Come back to the house. Alone. We'll discuss,'

What did I do? Scream?

'And if you still aren't convinced. If you don't come. Your friend Amy is really going to get it.'

That brought me to my feet.
I slipped my hand into my pocket, feeling the car keys and I ran out the door, without being noticed.
I drove recklessly, my hands sweating and my heart racing.

If I were to die tonight. It would be with a purpose.

I died for someone.

I arrived at Johns house and looked down at the paper on my lap and folded it.

Negotiate my ass.

I walked up the stairs and didn't bother knocking.
I just walked straight in.

The lightening was dimmed, just like the office had been.

By the time I reached the middle of the room, I knew it was too late.

I heard chuckling and saw John emerge from the kitchen.

"My dear Rayleen," he whispers harshly.

Fear covered me, enclosed me.

The paper was still in my pocket and I swallowed my dry throat.

I then heard a female screaming.

"GET OUT RAYLEEN!" It was Amy.

But it was too late.

I had already fallen straight into his trap.

Well don't I have a surprise for you guys.

3 requests:
1: go follow->>> B3ll3M
She's writing a BDSM book and its pretty good.

2. Follow Danni_475, her book is called I've Fallen For A Killer.
It says so much in the title and its a good one.

And 3
Go on my page and check out my mystery/thriller book.

It's called 4.

I wrote it about 5 years ago and I have it finished but ill update after I edit them and after I get a certain amount of votes and comments.
It was one of my first completed books.

Hey guess what slaves? Next chapter is chapter 60!
I'm back to updating frequently.
After I finish Possession. I'll start updating She more often.

How did my slaves like the update?
Got a big finale MindFuck. And a few more tiny ones

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