Chapter 21

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"Well what did you do last night?" Amy asked, she saw my off expression as I sat down in my chair. I shrugged and went straight for my computer. I had a killer hangover and I wanted to avoid my boss. 

"Any leads on your stalker person?" Amy asks, trying to make eye contact with me but I turn away. "No." I whisper. Amy looks at me intently and sadly, her eyes peering into mine. "What have you eaten?" She asks slowly and I pause. "An apple." I reply finally looking at her. "Really? An apple?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. "Okay, it was applesauce. I can barely eat anything with this shitty hangover anyways." I mumble. "Hangover? Why were you drinking? And without me?" She asked me, poking out her bottom lip. "Long story." I reply with a soft smile.

"Who brought you home?" She asks. "A guy named Andre." I said, shaking my head. "A guy named Andre huh? Did you two do anything?" She asks seriously. Amy was very straightforward if she wanted me to have sex but she wanted to make sure it was with the right guy. "No. We movie hopped and did other things teenagers do." I reply easily with a shrug. "Thats it? You have a hangover and all you did was movie hop?" She didnt seem convinced and frankly neither would I. I sucked on my bottom lip and nodded. "Ive know you since college, you're a terrible liar Rayleen." She said with a sigh. "Okay so then what did you do?" Her voice sounded motherly and I frowned. "Nothing. I just told him everything about me. Thats all. I told him about my sexual fantasies...he tried something. I said no, he stopped. The end." It was the truth after all. "Anything else happen last night? Anything at all?" I swallow nervously and I look down. "Positive." I say with a straight face. She eyes me then stands up, "Okay. Well...if you want to talk you know where to find me. Flirting with the construction workers who are working on the building." It causes an immediate smile across my face and I giggle. She slips through my door and leaves me in peace. I plug my iPhone 5 up to my computer and run my hands through my hair. My first email was from... 

Oh god. 

Elliot. It was sent to me ten minutes ago. Oh God oh God..what did it say? I was still his assistant..that wasnt going to change.. Peering through one eye I opened the email:

" Ms. Banks, I worry about your whereabouts last night. Did you arrive safely? Come by my office before noon.  

Mr. Carter" 

My heart stopped....he cared...he actually cared. On the downside I was Ms. Banks 

"I arrived home with with no difficulty, I appreciate your concern Mr. Carter. Anything you need me to do in the meantime?" 

Professionalism is key....right? Why did my stomach feel like this?

"Nothing at all. Make sure you eat before you come to my office. That is all for now." 

I frowned and looked down. He cared more than I wanted but hey, it was something. I heard a knock on my door and called for them to come in. It was Pheobe, "Rayleen, you have flowers." She said and walked in with a large bouquet of flowers. I blinked and I was equally as surprised as she was. She walked in and sat the flowers on my desk and left. I sat up abruptly and retrieved a note from the side.  

"I enjoyed last night. We must do that again some time. Enjoy your day beautiful.  

-Andre." Only Lord knows why I smiled like a damn fool. I remember that during my explosion of life confessions I told him where I worked and I was more than surprised he remembered. I did want to hang out with him again. He made me feel free. Besides the fact fingers twitched at the keys as I scrolled through my phone and found a contact, that I knew was his. "After work, meet me at a cafe? By the way, your flowers were lovely." After pressing send I felt guilty. He was a cover up, he hid my true feelings...for...him.

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