Chapter 8

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Utah was nothing as I expected. It was beautiful, the sights were breathtaking and the people were so kind, far more kind than the people in New York. Elliot and I were being driven by Lindon to his old office towards the city. He was being so kind towards me and I was happy that we weren't acting awkward with what had happened earlier. He told me he would discuss the unknown contract over lunch and butterflies formed in my stomach at the slightest thought of it. "The people here are very talkative. They make assumptions and they never keep their mouths closed." Elliot warned me, fixing his tie. "No different from the one back home." I comment, mumbling it quietly to myself, and it makes him laugh. "They're doing it in consideration though. So expect the worst." He warns as we arrive at the very large building. "My father will be here and he'll be happy to see you'll be writing your first report about me. Seeing it will not only be in Utah's and New York's edition but California's as well." Elliot explained to me as he led me towards the entrance. My heart was pounding in my chest 

and all I was worried about was making a good impression. "The office is very loquacious. They make assumptions and are quick to judge." He says his eyes widening at me as if to hint something. "That's no difference to our office back home." I point out notably. The office smelt of pine and and honeycombs. A very interesting mouthwatering scent. As soon as we walked in everyone turned their heads and faces turned to excitement. "Mr. Carter!" 

"My mans Elliot!" 

"Oh my goodness Elliots back!" 

"Who's the sexy redhead?" Voice filled the lobby, causing me to glance bath and forth in confusion as he embraces every address to him. They're quite the characters and Elliot seems to be more uplifted around them. After everyone calmed down, they gazed towards me, taking my stance in and of course my preppy red hair. "Yep she's a New Yorker all right." One of the ladys piped causing the staff into a roar of laughter. I smiled shyly, putting my head down; No it wasnt a New York thing you dumb fuck, it was a Rayleen thing! Gosh, ignorant people. "Actually this is my new PA Rayleen Banks." Elliot said, introducing me and flaunting me off like I was some new shiny car. I had to admit I was beyond flattered and the smirks that I was getting seemed to be approving. "She's quite the catch." One of the guys said coming up to me, he had blonde hair and green eyes, he winked one of them at me and I almost barfed. "I guess you're not too terrible to look at yourself." I reply rolling my eyes. The staff laughs again. "She's a quick one too." Another person called out but I kept my mouth closed. "How long will you be in town?" The floored blonde asked Elliot, turning his back to me. "End of the weekend. Is my father in?" He asks wildly. "In the back. Hotel is almost up and running too. I'm ready to get my subs back!" The blonde said, and Elliot punched his arm signaling him to shush. Subs? Oh boy.

Well I guess meeting the crew wasnt all too bad, they were very humorous which I didnt see in Elliot at all, seeing he rarely even laughed, let alone smile.  

Elliot led me into an elevator until we reached his fathers floor. We were in a large office that viewed long fields of pastures, growing flowers and the most beautiful pond I have ever seen. Now this was a sight to kill for. "Wow." I gasp astonished and slowly walked in. The office was way too big for just him, a long lounge couch was by the large window, similar to Elliots back at home and refreshments were served at every table. Now this was the life! "Enjoying the view?" I hear from behind me and I see an older Mr. Carter standing in front of me. "Yes sir, it's beautiful." I respond quietly, smiling at him. His old face doesnt look like an ordinary old face. Like an old God from SexyVille threw up on him. He was as almost as beautiful as his son. 

Almost..but just not quite. He slowly turns and embraces his son in a hug, causing my heart to smile. A father and son hug? Ugh, I could just die! "Dad, this is Rayleen Banks. You met her when I was first assigned." He says, glancing at me with a twinkle in his eye. "Ah yes, Ms. Banks, pleasure to formally meet you." Mr. Carter replies, reaching out his large hand to grasp mine. "Honor to meet you sir." I say, smiling from ear to ear. "I hope my son isnt working you too hard." He mumbles cheekly with a hearty laugh. "Oh no sir, it's just right." I mutter back, giving Elliot a crafty smile which he returns. "Well the journalist will be here any minute and I want you to interview me and then they will publish it from there. Just wait in the lobby." Elliot says, his voice lowering towards me. Oh- he wanted family bonding. "Oh yes of course. Just let me know if you need my assistance sir." I say, smiling one last time before moving swiftly out the door.  

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