Chapter 28

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The service was beautiful and I gave a thousand kudos to Elliot's mom. They released butterflies at her casket to represent rebirth. Although in the back of mind I was thinking on how butterflies die after two weeks... They also released doves after her burial and a lot of people showed up. People I'm sure my mother didn't even know, but their support was beyond appreciated."Linda thank you for the service. My mother would've loved it." I whispered as we; Elliot, Amy and I sat in the back seat of the limo. "No problem baby girl. I wanted you to feel alive at the funeral." She exclaimed with a grin on her face. "Talk about a contradiction." Amy murmured causing Elliot to hit her foot. "Hey!" She screeched back at him, but he ignored her. "Well when we get back Amy, you can drive Rayleen to her mothers." Linda explains. I nod with a smile and rest my head on Eli's shoulder.

The funeral took a toll on my emotions, wavering from happiness to utter turmoil. They even had someone sing "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" causing everyone but me to burst into a hysteria of tears. On a more optimistic note, people left me beautiful flowers and cards. Although that did get a lot of comments out of Amy such as ,"When my dad died and they have me flowers and cards. I was pissed off. Flowers and cards ain't gonna bring my daddy back. I have to walk around my house with these sarcastic cards that say 'Im sorry for the loss of your father. I know he's dead forever and won't ever return but please take this card I got from the dollar store. I hope it makes you feel better. Love Aunt Cindy.' " She said that in a sarcastic tone, causing me to actually burst into laughter. But frankly I had to agree that cards and flowers were overrated. 

As we walked in to Eli's penthouse, his mom pulled me aside. "I know you're stressing but I need to talk to you." Her eyes showed fear, which was new for me. I have never seen fear embedded in Linda Carter's eyes or his sons. I nodded and she sat me down on the sofa. "First off- I'm aware of you and my sons doings." Oh goodness me. My eyes widened and I cleared my throat nervously. "Um- doings as in..." I stopped and she smiled. "I know you and my son play." She adds softly. This has to be in The Worlds Top 10 Embarrassing Moments: your boyfriends mother discovers you're indulging in BDSM acts.

Can I just disappear?!

"Please sweetie. I'm a submissive and a wife of a well respected and known dominant. My son is bound to be one too! Plus you left his playroom door wide open and I'm afraid you aren't that quiet my dear." She says with a smirk on her face. I'm certain that my face was the same shade of my hair. "You're still a um...a..." I stop and she chuckles, "A submissive, yes darling, what you think I'm too young to have playtime?" Her question was in amusement but I shook my head quickly and she chuckled again, "I'm just pulling your tail babes. But what I really wanted to talk to you about is Eli." I swallowed and looked down at my feet. Oh lord almighty . "He's been through a lot, so please hear him out. He doesn't know why he's like that. But please give him a chance." She begs with soft eyes. I frown for a moment, "What are you talking about ?" I ask curiously . She immediately sits up and her eyes widen, "Oh. You mean- he never told you..." She looks scared shitless and I shake my head. "Tell me what?" The secrecy was murdering me! "Oh. It's best I'm not the one to tell you. Let him do that." She says in an awkward tone. I press my lips together and nod slowly. What was Carter hiding? I inhaled deeply and stood to y feet, "Whatever it is.I'm sure it isn't terrible." I say with a hopeful smile. But she doesn't return the expression, just a blank non-reassuring look. Which worries me sick. She lets me walk off and I try to avoid the main possibilities of what Eli was hiding from me.

Amy took Linda's car and drove us to my moms house. I remained quiet during most of the ride while Amy sang Sleeping With Sirens songs at the top of her lungs. "If you can't hang, then there's the door baby!" She screamed like a mad man and I clicked her phone and turned the music down. "Hey my part was about to come up!" She protested. I ignored her childishness and glared at her. "Uh Boyfriend Momma Drama alert, what's wrong?" She asked, giving me soft eyes. I looked out the window, gentle raindrops colored the glass I was looking through and yet the sun was shining bright among the trees. "Not really. Just everything seems to be scattered and aside from you- she's the only person who's actually grounding me." I confessed quietly. My eyes fluttered at the statement and I didn't even know how to embrace the fact that I still wasn't completely okay. I was just alright. "I mean everything isn't completely resolved. You're mother just died and you were just released from a mental hospital." I nodded, she was right. "I know and surprisingly all I want to do is go back to work." I mumbled. "We'll considering the office knows everything . It won't be inconspicuous." She points out and I smile softly. "I wasn't trying to go back inconspicuous. Just to occupy my mind." I explain quietly. "Take some time off with your boyfriend." She offers and I sigh and say nothing. "Oh goodness me. What happened?" She asks. She knew when I was hiding something. "He told me he was in love with me." The words sounded so foreign coming from my mouth. So alien. 

It felt like the words didn't even belong in my mouth. Of course which was natural in Amy behavior-she squealed. "Holy Fuckity Fuck Fuck what did you say back?" She asks eagerly, trying to drive and show her excitement at the same time. "I said leave." I whispered, quietly and peered at her through the corner of my eye. Amy paused and reverted her gaze back the road, "If I wasn't driving, I'd take you over my knee myself!" I gaped at her, "What? It took me by surprise and the timing was wrong."  

"I think the timing was just right. After everything you've been through the last few days. A confession of true deep affection should reassure your whole conscious." She points out. "Or fuel my vendetta." I mumble truthfully. She scoffs at me, "You're in major denial. He cares and I see that." She says speaking to me softy but I just choose to ignore her. Perhaps she was right but of course my pride would never let me admit that. The rest of the ride was Amy singing off key.

The outside of my moms house was dull and dark. The gloominess was practically visible and yet my mind felt ominous. "Go on Rayleen. I'll be out here waiting for you. Take your time." Amy reassures with a sincere smile. I return the facial expression and turn to the house. A rush of loving flashbacks and painful memories flooded my brain. Regardless...I smiled. Finally inhaling deeply, I walked into the house to find it...empty. My heart dropped and I rushed up the stairs out to find empty rooms...nothing was left. Everything was bare, not even a speckle of a dust was collected on any wall. I bolted for the window and looked out to see Amy jumping up and down. "GET OUT OF THERE!" She screamed and My heart collapsed. "Andre's in there!" She added with a screech.

Andre? I turned around slowly to see a deranged looking Andre staring at me. My skin was crawling with fear. I felt it in the air. It was tantalizing my every molecule .

"You fucking BITCH!" He roared and attacked me. I wrestled away from his wrath trying to dodge his leap. He caught me by the throat and hung me over the window. I gasped for air and tears pierced my eyes as I begged for release. "You worthless piece of shit. You're going to lose everything!" He chanted in my ear and I saw Amy look behind her in the car. Everything was happening so fast and yet in slow motion. "Don't think pretty boys going to get away with everything either. The police are going to find out soon. You'll have nothing left." The world went blurred as he said this, my hands clutched his arm trying to pry myself away from his grasp. My vision was clouded, air was leaving..everything was. My throat croaked and I looked up only for a moment to see Amy trying to start the car-but not before another car swerve into the drivers seat, casting Amy and the car to roll down the hill into the driveway. Adrenaline surged through my body, setting everything aflame.

My skin was boiling. Gritting through my teeth, I let out a gut wrenching scream. I gripped Andre's arm and used all my strength to cast him over the edge of the 2 story window and collapsed on the ground. I was mentally wiped. I was bent. Burnt. Tears pooled out of my eyes and I wailed in pain. I felt it everywhere. My hands dug into my pockets and I pulled out my phone and obliviously dialed 911. I couldn't breathe. "911 please state your emergency" I swallowed and my bottom lip quivered , "My only friend was just hit with a car....and I think I just killed a man." I breathed. "Ma'am? Ma'am?" The lady repeated in my phone, but my mind stretched and I dropped it to the floor and shakily stood to my feet. Her voice sounded distant and I stood to my feet to look over the ledge. I gained all my mental strength to see Andre's body. But it was gone.



Welllll here's the update. 

My Switch life starts this week...time to embrace my inner Domme so wish me luck. I'll update in a day or two. 

Are my slaves content with the update? 


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