Chapter 5

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I went home around 10 pm after my little "embracing" session at Amy's. My house was hot which brought anger to my dear soul. I could NOT sleep in heat so I turned on the AC before showering and feeding Jinx. Her litterbox smelt like shit on wheels so I cleaned that too before flopping on my bed.

I had mixed feelings about the entire day in general. Mr. Carter...Mr. Elliot Carter. A man of many faces I presumed, but I've only seen one. His abrasive side- and I didn't know if I enjoyed it or not. Times I wish he could be a little more sensitive and see that I am trying with work. But hey he's only been here for one day so the entire office was n edgem plus construction made it harder for everyone to concentrate even though I was used to it by now. I wish I could see what was going on in his head, then maybe...just maybe I could understand why he is the way he is. But no matter, I still had to work for him regardless. I laid in my bed, wearing just a large t-shirt and some socks. I closed my eyes, replying today's events and tried to fight off the urge to 'celebrate' myself again.

Morning came early, and I woke up in a surprisingly good mood. I began my morning routine, and ran by Starbucks, careful to only put a little bit of sugar in my boss's coffee. I observed myself as I slid into the taxi. I had on a red blouse, black slacks, and some heels to match. I was tired of showing my legs in those ridicoulously tight skirts this week, plus I havent shaved my legs in two days so I reckon they're a bit prickley. I put my hair in a half up, half down style with two strads down to compliment my oval shaped head. I applied a bit of eyeshadow and mascara avoiding eyeliner since it made me look emo with my red hair. Bath and body works would be my best friend and the Sweet Pea smell covered up my arousal near him, and before I knew it I pulled up to the building at exactly 5:35. The elevator was still out of order and I carefully balanced the drinks and myself up the stairs to Mr. Carter office. I knocked twice and heard his soft voice. He sounded tired, he commanded me to come in and I slowly opened the door to see him laid back in his chair with his eye closed. He was wearing a black button up today. "Is everything alright sir?" I ask him, keeping my distance from him, in case he would pull a move like yesterday. He inhaled for a moment and nodded. I frowned slightly and walked up, handing him his coffee. He sips it and looks at it with surprise then back at me,

"Excellent Rayleen." He says pleased and takes another slow sip. I smile to myself and continue to stand there awaiting my instruction. "I'm heading back to my old office and will return by the end of the week. You will be sent after me in two days and return back with me at the end of the week. I have to straighten up a few things ." I wouldn't see him for two days? If I had any rhythem I swear I would have busted a move and started doing the cabbage patch or something. "Until then you have the next two days off. Fully paid." He adds and I almost lay out on the ground. Is he serious? Praise the lawddd! "Oh thank you sir!" I say nodding and turn on my heels. "You're wearing red today." He mumbles and I stop. "You instructed me to wear red, so that's what I did." I say nochalantly. I sense that he has a smirk on his face. "Finally obediant. Perhaps I should give you a raise." I turn to face him. "I've been working for you for 2 days. A raise already?" I ask smiling, of course I'm not complaining. I love my apartment and it is rather large to be one, but it needed renavating.

Plus a raise equals a shopping spree.

Exactly what Amy and I need!

"Sit, let's discuss." He says and I see humor in his eyes, an almost playful look. "The business needs enough money as it is. Why would you dare spend it on a mediocre editor?" I ask completely serious. "Last night I took the time to read some of your past work. Mediocre is an insult. I've seen your potential and surely you got this job for a reason. You are phenomenal." I blush the color of my shirt and look down. "Thank you Mr. Carter." Is all I can say back. I've worked here for 3 1/2 and no besides Amy and a few other of my co-workers saw my work, but Ms. Newmort stuffed it all the way down to the bottom never to be seen, she never ever even gave me a chance.

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