Chapter 45

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Elliot and I needed a vacation. Mentally. Not just moving to a different area away from everyone. But mentally escape.

I felt kind of guilty for giving into him so easily, but how couldnt I? He was far from perfect, he had his demons and Lord knows I had mine. But when you love somebody, and I mean truly love somebody, none of that seems to matter.

After leaving his fathers Elliot brought me shopping for the ball, I was keen on paying it for myself but he got all possessive on me and demanded he was paying for it. He didnt insist. He demanded.

"I just dont see why you wont let me pay for it. And why dont you think this dress is a little prominent?" I whisper, as I twirl around in the long silky silver dress, that fitted around my hips and really increased my bust line.

"It's a ball. Filled with rich snobby people, who want to show off their spouses and lovers in the most beetling dress." Elliot explains, smiling as fold my arms arcoss my chest.

"So this is a time that men auction off their lovers as in "Who Wore It Best?" I guess, how disgusting! Men are such animals.

"In a sense I suppose, but in case you're thinking men are pigs, females are like ravenous animals. Plastered fake smiles in front of each others faces, inconsipiciously conversing about which man makes the most money. It's humourous to watch." He says, cocking an eyebrow at me.

"Are you hinting something?" I tease and he chuckles. "Not at all. Just keep an eye out onFriday; they'll eat you alive." He warns hastily.

"Think I'll get caught up?" I ask with a smirk. "In fact, I know you will. You get very defensive and I have no doubt that if it were up to you. you would have the whole entire room in abalze of comments of how amazing I am." He says as I sit next to him in the changing room.

"Dont they know that already?" I ask and he shakes his head. "As far as they know, I'm just a business man from Utah." He replies and I frown, "You havent conversed with anybody ese about your accomplishments?" I ask.

He shakes his head, and rubs the side of my face. "I'm not one to give myself any sense of avowal. I dont like to brag. If they find out, they find out." He replies with a shrug.

"Look what you've done! You own two major oil companies and two succesful hotels!" I point out and he rolls his eyes. "A BDSM hotel and I didnt really spin off the oil company in Utah. My father wanted me to follow in his footsteps." He enlightens with a shrug.

"You mean you didnt want to be a business man?" I ask and he shakes his head. "The only reason why I did was to impress him, plus it was an easier source of aquirying money. Money's control." He says softly. Control? Which he was obssessed with. Go figure.

"Well what did you want to be?" I ask. Who wouldnt want to be rich?! "I wanted to persue baseball. In 6th grade, I made over 20 homeruns in a 12 week season. I knew that's what I wanted to do. Scouts visited me in elementary school and told me as long as I kept playing baseball, by the time I graduated, I would have a full ride to college. I could even go professional." He tells me. I noticed the way his eyes lit up when he talked about baseball. I could see his love for it. I never really was a fan of baseball. But just imaging myself in the stadium, surrounded by thousands of other fans, with signs. Cheering him on.

It was a fantasy I wish I could indulge.

"What stopped the dream?" I ask in a hushed tone. He gave me an eye and I nodded.

The Incident. "I became insecure about almost everything. I was so obssessed with pleasing my dad, I didnt want him to be ashamed of me. And after what happened I thought he was. I was confused about my whole sexuality. It wasnt like I liked it. I was seduced to thinking it was right. That was just pleasure and if it was, what was the issue?" He says, looking away from me.

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