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Finn's POV
Our last words ringing in my head
I wish we'd take back all the things we said. I'm tryna find a way to yesterday
Turning in circles and chasing our tails
And wondering why we created this wasteland

I've made many mistakes in my days. But the biggest mistake was leaving Julia Marilynn Embrant.

My even bigger mistake was replacing her with Quinn Wimberly.

My even biggest mistake was doing that Roast Video of Julie.

I said a lot of horrible things in that video. A lot of what I said I deeply regret.

A lot of what I said I wouldn't dare to mention, but there were some things that stood out in my mind.

I swear, she's an absolute whale.

She eats like 30 times a day.

The poor girl should've realized she was dating a prince before she left me.

She was so unappreciative.

She was too innocent.

She wasn't any fun.

I cheated on her with her best friend and she was so oblivious. I wonder is she's naturally blonde.

She dyes her hair red and suddenly the girl becomes an idiot.

She only dated me for my money.

I couldn't believe half the things I said about her.

I truly cared for her, and then I go and insult her like nobody's business.

She was perfection. She was kind. She was loving. She was beautiful. She was perfect.

And I forgot that.

I forgot that Julie was the first person I really ever loved. I forgot that Julie was the first person to really care about me. I forgot that Julie was capable of just leaving me without a trace.

I want Julie back.

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