A Burden Lifted

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hello so author's note: this book literally gets updated once a year and also it's become a joke among my friends

So anything that happens from this point on is a joke

K thanks

Shawn's POV
I'm in love and she remains in my life

I stood nervously in front of her door, a comic book and a pack of ramen behind my back. Serenity's a super nerdy, laid back girl. Flowers and chocolates simply wouldn't do.

I kept raising my hand to knock, but I just couldn't seem to bring myself to do it.

I really like her.

I've really liked her this whole time, but I've never been able to express it.

I've written countless songs about her, and I couldn't bring myself to sing any to her.

On my newest album, Nervous, Fallin' All in You, Why, Because I Had You, and When You're Ready are all about her.

I just really want to tell her how I feel.

But I don't know if I can.


I stood at the door, my hand hovering inches from the door.

"What are you doing?"

I turned quickly, dropping the comic book and ramen.

It was Ashton. Calum strolled up behind him.

Calum's eyes widened.

"Are you gonna ask her out?" He nearly shouted, grabbing my shoulders, hopping excitedly.

I shushed him harshly. "Be quiet! She can't know I'm here!"

"Well, weren't you just going to knock on the door?" Ashton countered, gesturing at the door.

"Well...maybe..." I replied shyly, slowly picking up the items I dropped.

"Maybe? What do you mean, maybe! You have to!" Ashton yelled back at me.

"Oh, what would you know? You're gone at like Panda Express or something more than half of the time!" I shouted back.

Calum laughed. "Come on, man. You can do it." He patted my shoulder reassuringly.

"I'm just...I'm scared she won't say yes." I quietly admitted.

Calum furrowed his eyebrows. "Why wouldn't she?"

I looked up at him slowly.

"Because she still likes you."

There were a few moments of awkward silence.

Then Calum and Ashton burst out laughing.

I stared between them, terribly confused.

Why was my pain funny to them?

Of course, at that moment, Serenity opened the door.


I looked behind me. Ashton and Calum had disappeared.

"Uh..." I held out the comic and ramen.

She looked down at them.

"Come in."


We sat on her couch, and I watched her eat the ramen as she flipped through the comic.

"You know I already have this issue, right?"

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