Three: the attack

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only character that I claim to own is the OC villain that I have created and all of his justu's for this story. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Key Guide: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-Kurama talking

Three: the attack

Ever since I had returned back to the leaf village, many of the people treated me like I had never left. The one person who had changed the most was Naruto. He wasn't the same scrawny looking dweeb that I once knew. He no longer fought with me as he was to be my guard temporarily to see if I would still act upon my vengeance to destroy the leaf. But I realize now how wrong it was for me to leave to the village in order to kill my older brother Itachi. I had no idea the truth about what the third made him do because of my clan's desire to rule the leaf. I now understood why Itachi spared me, it was so that I could make new strives and rebuild the Uchiha clan. God how stupid was I to go with Orochimaru to gain power this way I could kill my brother. Even though Itachi was listed as a rogue, his status was wiped clean as I was allowed to bury his remains with those of my clan. After getting our current mission and being promoted to the rank of chunin, I couldn't help but to feel sorry for Naruto. After all of his hard work and involvement during the war, he was still a genin. I felt like that I didn't disserve to be a chunin not if it meant that Naruto was left behind. It took me a while to realize just how much the blond knuckle head ninja meant to me. Sure I have tried to kill him twice but each time I couldn't find it in my heart to deliver the final blow. It wasn't until my time with Orochimaru that I tried to piece together why it was that Naruto caused my heart to flutter. It was because I was in love with him. Naruto was the one person in my life whom I had any real sort of bond with, a strong connection. Sure there were the never ending fan girls whom craved my attention. But it was always Naruto whom I wanted even remotely near me. It wasn't just because he was my teammate. It felt much stronger than that. I still haven't told Naruto how I felt about him. In some ways I was afraid that he wouldn't accept me if he learned how I truly felt about him.

Lately I have noticed that Naruto was no longer his bright and cheerful self. He always wore that same cheerful smiling mask when he was around others. But when he thought that he was alone, it came off. It was almost like he was depressed. I became concerned as I wanted to find out why Naruto had lost his ray of sunshine. But I would have to wait until we have completed this mission. It was the first mission completed by team seven since my return as Sai still remained a part of this team. As I walked towards the gate I could feel Sakura literally latch herself onto my arm. No matter how many times I told her no and that I am not interested in her in that way, she always insists on clinging on me. I feel sorry for poor Sai whom has fallen in love with Sakura. But she is about one of the many fan girls whom refuses to give up on being the future Mrs. Uchiha. I wonder how they would react if they found out that I am kind of attracted to the same sex. Guess I would have to wait to find out. Sai, Naruto, and Kakashi were all ready there waiting for us. Kakashi was speaking to Naruto as he just nodded his head. No doubt Kakashi was going over some last minute details with Naruto.
"All right team seven. Lets set out as we should make it to the place that Tsunade showed us on the map within two days at top speed even with us camping out one of those days." stated Kakashi. Once everyone understood we set out. Sakura still stayed close by me as she tried desperately to flirt with me. I just clicked my tongue and ignored whatever she was saying. I was more determined to figure out what was wrong with my Naruto.

After about five hours of traveling, I had about enough of Sakura that I could withstand.
"Kasashi-sensei...... can we break for a bit?" I asked. I needed an excuse to get away from Sakura. Kaksahi stopped as he looked at the team. He clearly saw the reason why I had asked to stop.
"Alright team, lets break for lunch!" he stated as he took out his usual porn book from his pocket.
"Sasuke share lunch with me!" cried out Sakura.
"Sorry Sakura. I have to take care of other business." I stated. She seemed to catch my drift as she blushed deeply.
"Oh kay....." she stated. I noticed that Naruto had set out away from everyone but he was still relatively close to the group. His mask had came off during our travels as he ate alone. He wasn't eating his usual ramen noodles. I don't think I have ever recalled a point when I don't think that I have ever recalled a moment when I saw Naruto stuffing his face with his trade mark ramen noodles. As I walked over towards Naruto, something moved just beyond the corner of my vision. I dodged quickly to see a shuriken had been thrown. Everyone went into combat positions as I allowed my Sharingan to activate.
Laughter rose all around us as I couldn't pin point where it was coming from.
"I must be the luckiest man in the world. It seems two of the people whom I have been looking for is actually coming to find me." stated a mysterious voice. I never noticed Kakashi had put down his book as he also had his single Sharningan exposed. Naruto had his eyes closed as I could feel him gathering Senjutsu (nature energy) this way he could go into Sage Mode.
"Why don't you come out where we can see you?" Kakashi asked.
"Come know what is the fun in that?" asked the mysterious man. By now Naruto had his Sage Mode activated as he took some kunai's out throwing them towards a nearby tree. The kunai's embedded themselves into the tree. "You missed."
"I think not." Naruto replied with hardly any emotion. Suddenly the kunai's that Naruto threw exploded causing the man to come out into the open. It was an older looking man whom appeared to be the same age as Kakashi. He wore a one piece black suit with white bandages covering both his hands up to his elbows and almost like a shirt as it covered his face from the nose down. Hung by his side was a long sword which laid in its sheath. He had short Aqua green hair and glowing copper orange eyes.
"Sage Mode, I am impressed. But it won't be enough to stop me as I will have the Uchiha's Sharningan and the nine tails chakra." stated the masked man as he pulled out his sword preparing to strike even with two trained Sharningan's on him and Naruto in Sage Mode. This guy seemed confident that we didn't stand a chance against him.

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