Eight: home

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only character I claim to own is the OCC villain and his jutsu's. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Key Guide: 'thinking', (author notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-Kurama talking

Eight: home

When I came back to the room that Naruto was in, I had noticed that he was standing at the window. The amber sunset clashed in the sky as it looked like Naruto was glowing. He no longer wore his headband around his forehead but rather around his eyes. He looked so peaceful just listening to the sounds all around him. I noticed that his nose twitched a little when he smelled me. I wonder what I smelled like to him.
"Hey there. Are you ready to go to your new home?" I asked. Naruto turned facing me as I could see the sadness stretched across his face.
"Are you certain that you want to do this Sasuke? I don't want to be a burden to you." A scowl crossed my face even though Naruto couldn't see it.
"Yes I am certain. And you aren't a bother Naruto. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't truly care about you. Think of it as me paying you back for always trying to bring me home and make me see the errors of my decisions." I stated lightly touching the curse mark that Orochimaru had given me. It was now a permeant part of me as it looked almost like a tattoo. Even though the curse that Orochimaru gave me was to make me into his next vessel, I had killed the snake and wiped out the curse from my body when I faced against Itachi. I noticed tears streaking down Naruto's face as he hung his head. He had no clue how much he meant to me. But I was going to show him how I truly felt.
"I am sorry Sasuke. You can clearly understand why I am asking." In someways I could. One was because of his blindness and two because he is a host to one of the most powerful Biju in existence. I clicked my tongue placing the clothes onto the hospital bed.
"None of that matters to me Naruto. You are you and no one else. In all of the years that I have known you, you never let anyone else tell you how to live your life even when you found out that you were a Jinchuriki. May I ask what changed that?" Naruto crossed his arms before his chest almost like he was pouting. He seemed to be debating on telling me. I knew how people thought of him in the past. But did they still feel that way about him? Seeing how he changed since I have been back made me figure that the answer was yes. "Naruto just answer this question for me. Are they still treating you like they did when you were a kid despite all of the things that you have done for them?" I asked. Naruto lowered his arms as sadness crossed his face. He hung his head as the tears streaked down his face. He didn't need to answer me as I could read it by his body language alone. I went up to Naruto wrapping my arms around him. "It's alright Naruto." I stated gently. I allowed Naruto to cry into my shoulder. I wasn't going to stand by and watch the villagers do this to Naruto. He never dissevered to be treated like this even after he had saved this village twice.


I felt so weak and pathetic. Here I am crying my eyes out onto Sasuke's shoulder as he figured out why I have been so depressed and lost my ray of sunshine. It felt nice to be held gently as I could hear not only Sasuke's soft words being whispered into my ear but I could feel Kurama trying to comfort me. I vowed that I would never break down and/or lose my happy mask that I always seemed to wear. For a short time I was viewed as a hero after defeating Pain. But after the war with Obito and when Sasuke came back home not so much. I should have been angry with Sasuke but I knew that none of this was his fault. It was the villagers and their way of thinking. I don't know how long I stood there crying into Sasuke's shoulder. It kind of felt nice to share my troubles with someone other than Kurama. After a while I pulled away from Sasuke trying to dry my sightless eyes.
"Sorry about drenching your shirt Sasuke. It is a problem that I have to deal with alone."
"You are not alone Naruto. You should share your problems with others. There are some who can offer you help as they possibly went through some of the same things. Perhaps you should tell Lady Tsunade about what is happening."
"She already knows. But I will tell you just as I told her, don't worry about it. I don't want others to try to fix my problem. I will earn their respect even if I have to become hokage to do it." I stated. I could feel Sasuke ruffle up my blond spiky locks.
"There is the Naruto Uzumaki that I have come to know so well. Come on and let's get you home."

Sasuke left the room in order to let me get dressed. In the short amount of time that I have been around Sasuke, I could sense that he has changed. It felt kind of weird but also nice at the same time to see this totally different side to him. I wonder what brought about this change in him. After I got finished getting dressed into the clothes that Sasuke had brought for me. I opened the door as I could feel Sasuke leaning against the wall.
"What are we going to do about the flowers and gifts that I had gotten from everyone? It seems like a waste to have them get thrown out."
"Don't worry about it. I will take care of it." Sasuke replied as I could feel his chakra spike. "Shadow Clone Jutsu." I could feel Kurama give me his eyes as I could see at least twenty Sasuke clones. I didn't even know that he knew how to do the Shadow Clone Jutsu. But then again he has seen me perform it time and time again through his Sharningan. "Alright guys I want you to take all of the items within this room back to the house." Sasuke commanded as his clones nodded their heads that they understood as they then set out to work. Sasuke pulled me close to his body tangling one of my arms around his. I could feel a light blush cross my face as could feel Sasuke's muscles. It almost seemed like my body molded well against his own. "Stay close and don't let go. You are going to have to memorize this route just in case."
"Oh kay....." I replied with a studder. I could hear Kurama laughing through our mental link.
*I don't think I have ever seen you this flustered before Naruto. Can it be that you are developing feelings for this new version of Sasuke?* I could feel my face become red hot. I couldn't answer the fox as something about this new version of Sasuke attracted me in ways that no other has ever made me feel.
'Great I feel like one of Sasuke's fan girls.' I thought to myself as we left the hospital. I could feel Kurama retract his eyes as I followed Sasuke's lead. As we roamed through the village, I could feel everyone's hate filled eyes fall upon me as they spoke about me. I could feel my entire body tense up. I think Sasuke had noticed as I could hear him click his tongue loudly as he brought me closer to his body. I could hear Kurama growling low and deep through me.
*If they want a demon so badly, I will be glad to accommodate them.*
*Please don't Kurama.* I replied as I could feel Kurama calm down. I knew that the nine tails was very protective over me ever since I had earned his trust.
"Don't let their words get you down Naruto. You are far stronger than any of these idiots." Sasuke hissed.


I didn't like how the villagers looked at Naruto. Whom are they to judge someone? I find it ironic that they welcomed me back with open arms while they treated Naruto like trash. I made a solemn vow to have the way that the villagers treated Naruto change. I was going to bring back his sunshine. I felt sorry for whomever was going to be stupid enough to stand in my way.
"Your room is right next to mine just in case. I had Tazuna place up hand rails throughout the house in order to guide you through the house. But I will guide you through this way you know where everything is." I told Naruto as he just slowly nodded his head as we approached the gate that surrounded the house. It had both the Uchiha symbol and the Uzumaki swirl side by side. "Welcome home Naruto." I stated leading him inside.

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