TwentyTwo: Naruto's eyes

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, Takaryu's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only characters that I claim to own is the OCC villain "Hitan Kiasho", the demon fox "Yohko", and Sasuke's inner demon "Takaryu" along with all their powers and abilities. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Key Guide: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-demon speech, ~animals speech~

TwentyTwo: Naruto's eyes

I could feel my body slowly transforming back to normal as I noticed that Naruto's was doing the same.  I slowly moved my now limp cock out of Naruto's ass as I gently laid him down onto the bed.  Every fiber of my being can feel our bond as it became ten times stronger as I could feel that something was wrong with Naruto.  Naruto was panting harder than me.  Sweat and cum clung to our bodies from the after math of our rough and passionate sex.  I laid down next to Naruto as I had a wet cloth laying nearby to clean us off.  I began to gently clean off Naruto as I could feel that he was in pain but I couldn't tell from what.  I knew that when I completed the bond that Naruto's body would be going under some internal changes to ensure that when he goes into heat, he can become pregnant with children.  But this felt like something else.  Naruto's eyes were his usual glassy blue that I was used to seeing since he became blind. 
"Naruto......  Are you all right?" I asked in concern.  Naruto flashed me a brief smile before it completely faded.  Blood began to seep from his eyes as Naruto screamed out in pain.  Seeing Naruto in pain and somewhat feeling it through our bond sent me into a panic.  "Naruto!  What's wrong?" I asked.  Naruto couldn't answer my question as he occasionally screamed and/or whimpered in pain.
*Sasuke...... Take him to the hospital.  I will have Yohko bring Tsunade.  Whatever is happening to him, I can't seem to help stop the pain.* Kurama yelled at me mentally.

I quickly jumped into action as I quickly placed on a pair of shorts.  I then wrapped Naruto up into my old Akatsuki cloak. 
"Naruto hold onto me." I stated reverting to my demonic form.
"Sasuke......  You can't......" Naruto stuttered in pain.
"I don't care who sees me in this form.  I am more worried about you.  I am not going to lose you." I snarled roughly.  This caused Naruto to cringe despite the pain that he was in. "Sorry I didn't mean to snap at you Naruto.  I am just worried about you." I replied.  Naruto weakly nodded his head accepting my apology as I leaned over him to pick him up bridal style.  Naruto wrapped his arms around my neck as I could see Yohko burst out of the house.  "Hang on tight." I stated as I spread open my wings to fly to the hospital.  I was worried because I have never seen Naruto in so much pain.  I hoped that Yohko could get Tsunade to the hospital and fast.

I could see the hospital up ahead as I slowly began to descend being careful not to move Naruto so much.  He let out an occasional whimper as by now the top part of the cloak was covered with Naruto's blood.  Tsunade stood outside of the hospital with Yohko by her side.  I landed gently earning a shocked gasp and look from the hokage.
"Sasuke?" she asked.  I quickly began to transform back to my normal human form.
"Something is wrong with Naruto.  We completed the bond but he began to bleed from his eyes." I replied.  Tsunade nodded her head as she proceeded to take Naruto from me rushing into the hospital.  It took all of my willpower not to break down into tears.  Yohko padded next to me whimpering lightly.  "You were a great help Yohko.  Let's just hope that Tsunade is able to figure out what's wrong with Naruto." I stated gently scratching his ears.

It felt like I have been waiting forever for some news about Naruto's condition.  Yohko's head was on my lap as I sat in the waiting room.  Finally, I could see Tsunade come out from the examination room as I slowly rose to my feet as Yohko also got up.
"How is he?" I asked roughly as I could feel that I was on the verge of breaking down into tears.
"Well his body adjusted well to the bond completing." she stated as if it was a matter of fact.  I could really use some good news right about now.  "As for his eyes, it seems that he has a brand new never before seen kekkigenkai that combines several dojutsu together."  This caused me to look at Tsunade in confusion.  "Come with me."  Both Yohko and I followed Tsunade to Naruto's room.


Both Kurama and I were still trying to wrap our minds around the fact that I now had a kekkigenkai within my eyes that has never been seen before.  Thanks to my newfound eyes, I could see much more than I bargained for.  It looked like the Rinnegan only it had several different layers and a lot less circles.  In the first inner circle was my demonic sage eyes in the normal orange color.  In the second circle was the Sharningan with the three commas connected to the sage circle of the eyes.  This circle was the usual red color that I have seen possessed by Sasuke.  Finally, the third circle was that of the Rinnegan in its normal purple color.  With the sage eyes, I could see nature energy that was all around me.  With the Sharningan, I could copy and understand all different types of jutsus.  And with the Rinnegan, I could see chakra and its color that flows within a person.  Both Kurama and I named our newfound eye, Kankaku which translated means sensory.  It felt a bit weird to be able to see again without Kurama's aid.
*Perhaps it has something to do with Hagomoro-sama when he gave you some of his chakra to defeat Madara.  After all you are his direct descendant so maybe, you have the ability to awaken all of the versions of the six paths sage eyes.* Kurama stated.
*It kind of makes sense.  Will I be able to turn it off or is it permeant?* I asked.
*I don't know Naruto.  But I can tell you one thing, Sasuke was extremely worried about you.  I have never seen him so concerned.*
*What do you expect when you see your mate in pain and seeing him bleed almost to death?  He kind of felt powerless to help you.  I know that he will be glad to see that you are all right Naruto.* stated Takaryu.  By now I could sense Sasuke, Yohko, and Tsunade had come to the room.  Both Yohko and Sasuke looked shocked to see my newfound eyes.  Yohko came running up to me as his tails wagged excitedly.
~Master you are all right!  But your eyes......~
*Yes Yohko I can see perfectly as I am sorry that I worried you.  Kurama has a theory to why it happened.*
~Does this mean that you no longer need me?~ asked Yohko as his tails went between his legs.  I gently scratched his head and ears.
*No...... not at all Yohko.  You are a very important part of our family despite me regaining my vision.* I explained.
~Thank you Master.~

Sasuke had broken down into tears as he ran to my bedside hugging me as he cried into my shoulder.  I gently ran my fingers through his hair.
"Hey...... everything is going to be fine.  I am not going anywhere anytime soon." I stated gently allowing Sasuke to cry.  Tsunade looked at me in concern.  I don't think she was used to seeing this vulnerable side to Sasuke.  "Kurama has an idea of how come I have gained this new type of kekkigenkai.  It has something to do with my lineage and when Hagomoro gave me and Sasuke his chakra and power to stop Madara."
"Part of that result allowed Sasuke to gain the Rinnegan in one of his eyes." stated Tsunade.  By now Sasuke had fallen asleep within my arms.
"Exactly.  But for some reason it took longer to awaken within me.  Maybe completing the bond with Sasuke gave it a kick start."
"Whatever the reasons, get some rest Naruto as you have been through a lot.  Once you and Sasuke are well rested, we will have to train you on how to use your newfound kekkeigenkai."
"Kurama named it Kankaku which translates as sensory."
"Kankaku Bijon...... sensory vision.  It does have a nice ring to it.  Well get some rest Naruto.  You both need it."
"Thanks grandma." I replied as I watched her leave.  I used Kurama's chakra to pick up Sasuke and to lay him down next to me on the bed.  Yohko curled up by my legs.  I knew that these newfound eyes could help with dealing with Hitan Kiasho.  I continued to run my fingers through Sasuke's hair as I began to slowly drift off to sleep hoping that I could learn how to use my newfound eyes quickly.  I had this gut feeling that soon enough we were going to cross paths once more with Hitan but this time, it would be to the death.  Hopefully for him and his goals.

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