Twenty: Sasuke's proposal

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, Takaryu's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only characters that I claim to own is the OCC villain "Hitan Kiasho", the demon fox "Yohko", and Sasuke's inner demon "Takaryu" along with all their powers and abilities. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Key Guide: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-Kurama/Takaryu talking

Twenty: Sasuke's proposal

Winter had finally come to our little village as everyone was preparing for Christmas.  I was no exception as I wanted for Naruto's Christmas to be extra special considering how he has never truly celebrated it before.  It's not that he never got gifts before during Christmas but, this would be the first year that he wasn't celebrating alone.  I along with the other rookies and captains had gotten Naruto several gifts that every ninja could use.  But I had prepared something truly special for Naruto.  I was going to ask Naruto to officially marry me.  Both Takaryu and Kurama knew of my plans but kept it a secret from the blonde.  Takaryu was confused about why I would ask Naruto to marry me when we were already mates.
"Unfortunately humans show their union in a much different way by exchanging rings.  This form of union shows all other humans that they are lovers and mates.  Even though both Sasuke and Naruto are bonded in a demon's term, they aren't by a human's term." Kurama explained to him one day in my mindscape.  I had found my mom's silver and gold braided twist ring with white diamonds and red rubies set in the middle of the twist.  I had to get it resized to fit Naruto's finger without him being aware of what I had planned.  I also had to talk to Tsunade to see if it would be possible for two males to marry.  I knew that some villages frowned upon same sex marriages and relations. 

When I entered Tsunade's office, I could see Tsunade going over some paperwork with Kakashi.
"Kakashi-sensei......  What are you doing here?" I asked.  Kakashi scratched his head in a sheepish manner.
"Well......  I......  Lady Tsunade....... Needed me......."  I could tell that he was nervous about telling me the truth as he couldn't even seem to come up with his half-baked excuses that he usually told us about why he was late to meet our team. 
"Kakashi is to become the sixth hokage." stated Tsunade.
"Congradulations Kakashi-sensei.  Maybe you will take this position more seriously unlike you did with our team." I stated.
"Sasuke......  You wound me." Kakashi stated as he placed his hand over his heart.  This caused Tsunade to lightly laugh.  Kakashi coughed lightly to get her back on track to the subject at hand.
"So how can I help you Sasuke?" asked Tsunade.  I explained to them the stipulation and what I wanted to do.  Tsunade called for Shizune to get some scrolls that would have the answers to my question.  Both Tsunade and Kakashi began to go through the scrolls as they told me to come back within an hour as they should have an answer for me by then.


While Sasuke was out, I began to put the finishing touches on my presents for Sasuke.  Since I didn't have a lot of money to afford expensive gifts, plus the fact of that I had no idea of what kind of things Sasuke would like, I had decided to make him some handmade items.  I asked Ayame if she made the bear that she gave me while I was in the hospital.  When she said yes, I asked her to teach me how to make a stuffed toy for Sasuke.  I also saw one day Hinata knitting a scarf for Kiba and Akamaru.  And asked her the same question.  Both women agreed to show me what to do.  I was going to make Sasuke a plush toy similar to my bear only it was going to be a nine tailed fox.  I was also making a scarf for Sasuke in the Uchiha clans colors of red and white.  I also asked Sai if he could show me how to draw and paint as I wanted to do a dragon picture for Sasuke.  Once my gifts were completed, I wrapped them up nicely and placed them underneath our tree. 
'I hope that Sasuke likes my gifts.' I thought to myself.
*I am certain that he will love them regardless that it didn't cost a lot of money seeing how they came from you.* Kurama stated in the back of my mind.
*I know Kurama.  I just feel like I am a terrible mate and boyfriend since I can't afford any gifts.*
*Naruto...... You are not a bad person because of that.  Haven't you heard that it is the thought that counts?  You are already doing your fair share to help Sasuke out when it comes to the house that you both share.*  Kurama was right in some ways.  I absolutely refused to have Sasuke pay for everything as I wanted to help out in whatever way I could.  I didn't want for him to pay for everything using his clan's money.


I went back to the hokage's office as she gave me some wonderful news.  There was no law forbidding our union through marriage.
"But what will the last name for you guys go by when you do get married?" asked Kakashi.  The most logical choice was for my clan's last name but, I didn't want for our children to be used because of it.   I also felt the same way when it came to Naruto's last name as I didn't want for our children to be looked upon in fear knowing that they came from a Jinchuriki.
*What about combining the last names and clan symbols?* suggested Takaryu.
*You may have something there.  Thanks Takaryu.* I replied before running my idea past Tsunade.  Tsunade scratched her chin thinking over the idea.
"Merging clan names and symbols.  I don't think anybody has ever come up with this idea before.  I kind of like it." replied Tsunade.
"So when Naruto and I get married our last name for our clan will be Uzuchika.  Our symbol will be the Uchiha fan with the Uzumaki swirl near the base of the fan." I stated.
"Uzuchika?" asked Kakashi with a raised brow.
"A combination of Uzumaki, Uchiha, and Namikaze combined." I answered.  Tsunade wrote down the clan name along with a drawing of our combined symbol.
"Like this?" she asked showing me the drawing as I nodded my head.  "Very well.  Good luck to you Sasuke as I have a feeling that Naruto will say yes."
"You have made him happier since you acknowledged your feelings towards one another.  You both have changed so much." Kakashi stated.  I could feel a small smile caress my face as I thanked them both for their time.


It was Christmas morning as I awoke almost eager to rip into my presents.  This caused Sasuke to laugh at my childish antics.
"What, are you a little kid?" Sasuke asked in a teasing tone.  I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Well I am sorry if I can't help but to be excited.  It's my first Christmas that I haven't spent alone and received gifts from other's besides the hokage and our captains." I stated in a pouting fashion with my arms across my chest as I had a frown on my face.
"I am just kidding, you baka." Sasuke stated as he lightly kissed my cheek.  I could feel myself blushing as Sasuke took me by the hand leading me to our Christmas tree.

I sat down on the couch as I activated my demonic eyes as Sasuke gave me my gifts.  I tore into the gifts like an excited kid.  Sasuke just simply smiled at me as I got so many gifts not only from Sasuke, the hokage, and our captains but also the other rookies and their captains. 
"Thank you for all the gifts Sasuke.  But don't you think that you spent too much on me?" I asked.
"Not at all Naruto.  You are worth every penny that I spent." Sasuke replied as he reached for the gifts that I had made him.  I started biting on my lips nervously observing how Sasuke would react towards the gifts.  The first one that he opened up was the painting of a dragon breathing fire as lightning danced around its claws.  It looked or bore many similarities to how Takaryu looked in his full dragon form.  This caused Sasuke to raise his brow in question as he saw my clan symbol stamped in the corner.  "Did you make this Naruto?"
"Yeah...... I asked Sai to teach me how to draw and paint.  I wanted for you to have a dragon picture but couldn't afford the money to pay for one to be done up." I replied nervously.
"Naruto......  Did you make all of my Christmas gifts?" Sasuke asked noticing my reaction.  I could only weakly nod my head yes.  Sasuke placed the painting down as he pulled me into a hug.  "Thank you Naruto.  I know that I will certainly love them seeing how you put your hard work into each and every gift."  I could tell that Sasuke meant every word that he spoke.  True enough Sasuke was indeed intrigued by the items that I had crafted for him.  I could tell in my own way that he loved each and every gift as it brought a smile to my face.


Naruto was beaming after I had opened the three gifts that he had made for me.  He put so much thought and care into each and every gift as I could tell that he was a nervous wreck when I began to open them.  In some ways his handmade gifts showed how much he truly loved me and cared for me as they were ten times better than any store bought ones.  It showed me how much thought, love, devotion, and care he put into the three gifts that were made especially for me.  But I still had a surprise or two of my own for Naruto.
"Naruto, I have one more gift that I want to give you as it comes with a very important question." I stated as I got down onto one knee pulling out a small velvet gift box opening it up to reveal the ring that I had resized for his hand.  I could already see a visible blush cross his face as tears swam in his eyes.  "Naruto Uzumaki, will you make me the happiest man in the world and become my husband?" I asked taking one of his hands into mine as I took the ring out of the box and slid it onto his finger.  Tears began to streak down wildly from his eyes as he nodded his head.
"Yes...... Yes...... A million times over yes Sasuke." he stated leaping into my arms hugging me.  I held him close allowing him to cry his tears of joy and happiness.  "I love you Sasuke." Naruto whispered in between his sobs.
"I love you too Naruto." I whispered back into his ear.

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