Eighteen: Sasuke's inner demon

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, Takaryu's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only characters that I claim to own is the OCC villain "Hitan Kiasho", the demon fox "Yohko", and Sasuke's inner demon "Takaryu" along with all their powers and abilities. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Key Guide: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-Kurama/Takaryu talking

Eighteen: Sasuke's inner demon

After our love making and Naruto marking me as his mate, I collapsed besides Naruto. I could see a soft smile caress his face before his eyes closed as he fell into a peaceful sleep. Soft purrs rumbled through his lips causing a smile to stretch across my face. I was still a bit worn out but I managed to grab a blanket to cover our nude bodies. I wrapped my arms around Naruto's waist kissing him gently on the forehead.
"I love you usuratonkashi." I whispered softly running my hand through Naruto's soft locks. I slowly began to drift off to sleep holding Naruto close to me. As I began to drift off, I could feel my neck throbbing and burning. I didn't pay much attention to it as I just brushed it off as a after effect from Naruto claiming me.

When I opened my eyes I could find myself standing outside of an oriental style temple as Sakura petals rained down from the trees. Almost instantly I knew where I was. I was within my inner mindscape that held my inner demon. Besides the temple laid a dark red shrine, no doubt that was the house or connection for Kurama. But first I had to speak with my inner demon. I went up to the temple throwing open the doors to see a large grey dragon with black feathered wings curled up in the middle of the room. The dragons head lifted to meet my eyes as he stared at me with Sharningan and Rinnegan eyes.
"Master?" he questioned unsure of what was going on.
"Please don't refer to me as that. You and I are equals here. Please call me by my name, its Sasuke." I told him.
"Sasuke......" he growled out my name trying to get used to the sound of it.
"Your name is Takaryu it means bird dragon. You are a product from me mating with a Jinchuriki. The host for the nine tailed fox demon Kurama." I allowed Takaryu to digest the information that I have told him. Suddenly his body began to glow as he shapeshifted into a human form that almost looked like a much older and more mature version of me. Takaryu looked exactly as I did in my second stage cursed form except for that he had black feathered wings. Tan horns emerged from his long silvery gray spiked locks as a long dragon tail had a black feathered tip. He wore an outfit similar to what I had once worn during the time when I was with Orochimaru. Only his was in different colors. Violet blue sleeves caressed his arms leaving his large claw-like hands free. He wore a dark brown pants around his legs leaving his claw-like feet bear and free. He wore part of an open cream shirt like a skirt as it was held up by a purple rope (see my deviantart page for the picture).

I could hear a sharp whistle arose from behind me. I turned sharply to see a human that I didn't recognize. He wore an orange kimono as he had long reddish orange hair tied back into a pony tail as two long black strands framed his face. He had the same red demonic eyes that I have seen from Naruto. A long reddish orange fox tail gently wagged at his side.
"Kurama?" I asked in curiosity.
"Hey there Uchiha. He turned out better than I thought possible." Kurama stated.
"Takaryu meet the nine tailed fox Kyuubi no Yohko otherwise known as Kurama." Kurama strode past me and over towards Takaryu as he circled my inner demon eying him over.
"Oh yes he will do nicely. It is nice to meet you Takaryu. I will take it from here Sasuke." Kurama stated. I nodded my head that I understood as I left the temple.


Kurama explained everything to me and told me how he has used his powers to help my master Sasuke Uchiha to create me. Being one of the nine Biju created by the sage of six paths Hagoromo Otsutsuki from the ten tails. Kurama was the oldest and the strongest of the Biju, as he was known as king to most humans but to the other biju he was their brother. He was sealed and captured by the Uzumaki clan and sealed away. His first host was married to the first hokage of the leaf. That is when Madara Uchiha struck taking control of Kurama forcing him out of his host and to attack the village. Kurama was freed from Madara's control as he wondered about keeping hidden until he was found and sealed once again. His last host before his current one was Kushina Uzumaki. She was married to the fourth hokage. That was before Obito came and took control of Kurama forcing him out of his host to attack the village claiming that he was Madara Uchiha. Both Kushina and Minato sacrificed their lives to seal Kurama into his current host, Naruto Uzuamki the son of Minato and Kushina.

Kurama showed me everything that Naruto has been through. I felt sorry for his host but I had to admire his determination. But it all came to an end after the war as Naruto fell into a deep depression when the village turned on him not acknowledging him as the hero that he was. Kurama allowed me and showed me how to access Sasuke's memories. I was a bit confussed how my host tried to kill Naruto whom now became his lover and mate. I found out that Sasuke had denied his feelings for the blond Jinchuriki for a long time before he discovered how much he truly loved and cared for the blond. I got to know my human host by accessing his memories. I found out what kind of person Sasuke was and everything he has been through. Much like Naruto, he hasn't lead an easy life but, he was admired by the villagers and all of the people in the leaf as they viewed him as a hero for his efforts in the war. But none of it wouldn't be possible if he didn't have help from Naruto. Their teamwork and bond was so close as they truly understood one another.
"If Sasuke and Naruto are mates, what does that make us to each other?" I asked. A fanged smile crossed Kurama's face.
"Much like them we too are each other's mates. But we have more than enough time to bond as mates and get to truly know one another." Kurama stated as he left my home. I followed him outside to see the Sakura petals falling down like raindrops. "Your connection to me is through that shrine. Next time I would love to see you in your true form." A light blush crossed my face causing Kurama to lightly chuckle at my reaction before he went into the shrine, vanishing from my sight. Since I was outside, I decided to get used to my human form and the powers that I had gained in order to help out my host when the time came.

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