Fifteen: back home

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only characters that I claim to own is the OCC villain, the demon fox, and their abilities. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Key Guide: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-Kurama talking

Fifteen: back home

We managed to complete both missions easily as Yamato had finally caught up with us as we were leaving Suna. He was accompanied by Shikimaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka, and Choji Akamichi. They were brought along just in case Hitan decided to attack again. Naruto had decided to tell the trio up front about our unique situation involving him being able to use my eyes to see.
"Naruto, are you certain that it is wise to trust them with this information?" asked Kakashi.
"It is just as Sai stated. I should have more trust especially in my friends, colleagues, and teammates. I don't want to keep living in fear of how people see me. I know that they are wrong about me and about Kurama." Naruto replied. This brought tears to my eyes as I was glad that my Kit was finally standing up for himself.
"We understand and are sorry if we ever gave you the impression that we thought of you and/or the nine tails as a monster, Naruto." Shikimaru stated as Ino and Choji nodded their heads in agreement.
*I am proud of you Kit. I would keep it up even when we return to the village. I don't want to see you depressed any more. I say to hell to what they think about you. We both know that it's not true.* I told him.
*I will try my best Kurama.* Naruto replied. I sent him a large mental image of a toothy grin causing Naruto to laugh mentally.

We made it back to Konaha without any problems as we had to report to the hokage's office. I have noticed that since we have been back, we haven't received as many hate filled glares. I could sense that Naruto was wondering what happened to Sakura and her mom. Naruto couldn't bring to hate them for what they believed and what they tried and/or have done to him.
*Sometimes I think that you have too kind of a heart Naruto.*
*Is that a bad thing Kurama?* Naruto asked me.
*Not really Naruto. If I have learned anything about you is that you don't get mad and/or angry easily. You tend to forgive people even if you have been through the toughest things because of them. I can see a lot of father more than your mother within you.*
*Do you think they would be proud of the accomplishments that I have made?*
*Without a doubt Kit. I am know that I am proud of how far you have come.*
*Gosh you flatter me Kurama.*
*On a more serious note. Before your relationship with Sasuke gets serious, you should tell Tsunade. Just to give her a heads up about it so when you do bear cubs, she will have to monitor your and the cubs health. She will also have to help you through the birthing process.*
*All right Kurama.*


When we arrived at the hokage's office, I could hear Tsunade leap up as she rushed out from behind the desk towards me. She scooped me up into a bone breaking hug. I could feel the tears dripping down her face.
"I am so sorry Naruto. I feel responsible that I allowed Sakura to go with you on your mission. When I found out the reasons why she didn't fully heal you. I was furious. I told her that you were only the container for the fox. The incident with her father had nothing to do with you. The reason why her mother lost her position on the council was because she tried to kill you when you nothing about the burden you carried within you. She went not only against the fourth's wishes but also the thirds."
"I know Grandma. I don't blame her for her reactions. It is the way her mother raised her and what they believed. What is going to happen to Sakura and her mother?" I asked as Tsunade freed me from her grip.
"They are being held until we can determine their fate. I am saddened as we are losing a very talented healer and medic. I thought that I had trained her better than that." Tsunade replied.
"Would it be alright if I spoke to them?" I asked.
"Not without an armed escort. I don't want them to try to attack you again Naruto. You have already been through enough." replied Tsunade as I could sense her leave as she possibly went to sit down.

Tsunade let out a long sigh knowing full well the reasons why I needed to see them.
"Let me think about this Naruto. I have much to consider given the facts about what happened during your mission." I nodded my head understand what Tsunade said.
"Here is the scroll from the sand village." Kakashi-sensei stated.
"Yes...... Thank you. I will have several people try to break the coded message within this scroll. Hopefully it shall give us some insight into Hitan Kaisho's end game. Until we can come up with some sort of plan on how to deal with him, you are all dismissed. Except for you Naruto. You and I need to talk." I kind of gulp at the harshness of her words but said nothing as I only nodded my head.
"I will meet you at home Naruto." Sasuke stated as he gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I kind of blushed at Sasuke's openily show of affection. Not that I was bothered by it but, I had no idea if the village had any rule and/or regulations when it came to two of the same sex's having romatic relationships.

Everyone left Tsunade's office as I was told to sit down as a chair was brought in for me.
"Tell me what happened and why Sakura attacked you." Tsunade stated calmly. I held nothing back as I told her everything including the parts about Jinchuriki being able to take on male mates and bearing cubs. Tsunade was shocked to learn some of these things as she had no idea how truly gifted the Jinchuriki were. "I see......."
"Sasuke and I are going to take this one step at a time. We don't want to go rushing into things. I decided to be a bit more open about the fact about my eyes. Team Ten already knows as well as my own team. I don't want to continue to live in fear about how others see me."
"I am glad that you have finally come out of your shell and dropped your mask. You seem a bit happier than usual."
"I guess I am. Even with all of the things I have been through, I was still able to earn someone's love and to have those who know me best don't think that I am a monster and/or demon."
"I don't think that there are any law forbidding male relationships. Just let me know when you do go into heat decide to have children."
"Will do Grandma." I stated leaving the hokage's tower.


As we journeyed back to the home we shared with Sasuke. I came into the realization of the date. With everything that has been going on, I haven't realized that Naruto's birthday was tomorrow. It was the same day that I was sealed within my current host after being ripped from Kushina. I wanted to do something special for Naruto's birthday but I couldn't think of anything that I could give him. I don't think in all of the years that I have been sealed within Naruto, not once has he ever truly celebrated his birthday. Usually he spends the day locked within his room armed with weapons in case people broke into his small apartment in order to kill the demon or at least torture him. This year Naruto would be turning eighteen. I wanted for him to celebrate it with the friends who knew him best. I would have to rely on Sasuke to set it up.
*Naruto when we get home, I need to talk to Sasuke. And I don't want you to listen into the conversation.*
*This is a first coming from you but, all right.* replied Naruto. A smug smile crossed my muzzle.
"Sasuke, I am home." Naruto cried out as he undid Yohko's special collar. Yohko darted through the house as he let out loud yips when he found Sasuke.
*He's in the kitchen.* I told Naruto mentally. Naruto made his way to the kitchen as the smell of whatever Sasuke was cooking drifted in the air.
"Welcome home Naruto." Sasuke greeted him as Naruto sat down at the table.
"Sasuke...... Kurama wants to talk to you."
"About what?"
"I don't know. He won't tell me."
"All right. Let him speak to me." I could feel Naruto giving me control as I found myself staring at Sasuke face to face, so to speak.
"Uchiha......" I stated bluntly.
"Kyuubi...... What is this about?" Sasuke asked a bit coldly.
"Do you know what tomorrow is?"
"The day you were sealed." he answered.
"It's also Naruto's birthday." Sasuke's mouth made an O. "Now granted he can't bear any of this right now. He hasn't, not once in eighteen years ever celebrated his birthday. I would like for that to change."
"I see. I will go and see Lady Tsunade, we will get all of the teams and the people who don't see Naruto as a monster and/or demon. We can hold a surprise party for Naruto." Sasuke stated as his face seemed to lighten up with the possibilities.
"Yes but, he may become depressed about tomorrow so to keep him happy and unaware of what is going on, may I suggest that you take Naruto out on a date."
"That's actually not a bad idea. Thanks for the heads up Kurama. I promise that tomorrow is going to be a memorable day for Naruto." Sasuke stated with a smile on his face.
"I hope so." I replied before giving Naruto back control.
"So what was that all about?" Naruto asked Sasuke.
"Nothing that you should be concerned about. He just wanted to make sure I fully understand the risks. And if I do decide to go through the mating process, to come up with a name for my inner demon." Sasuke replied.

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