Happy Virus : Chanyeol Imagine 1

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ATTENTION: I will be using the "I" perspective thanks. But it will still have the (y/n).
(b/n) < your bestfriend's name
This Imagine may contain swear words.

Chanyeol's POV


Aish! Where is that girl. She came running out of school and worst it was raining. I wanted to punch the jerk that made her cry. But (y/n) was more important. Long story short, she caught her useless boyfriend cheating with what looked like her bestfriend. I came running out school after her, stupid me I forgot she was fast.


I stopped and saw her sitting in the middle of the road. She was hiding her face between her legs. I rushed to her spot. I hugged her and lifted her face to face me. She looked at me with swollen eyes because of her crying.

"Are you okay?"


"C'mon lets go back or you'll get sick"

"I don't care if I get sick I just wanna die"

"Let's go. Don't kill yourself because of a jerk you're better than that"

She still sat there only way for her stand up was for me to carry her. I grabbed her and walked back to school. Once we arrived I saw a bus stop with a roof. I sat her at the bench and  I waited for her to stop crying.


That voice sounds trouble. The voices were now in front of us. Guess what? The jerk still got guts to face her.

"There you are, C'mon were going"

He grabbed her hand forcefully.

"Don't touch me. You bastard"

She said trying to push him away from her. He held her hand tight that made her cringe, I could see the red mark forming where his grip is. I held the guy's hand and pushed him.

"Stop hurting her. She's already broken inside and you intend to hurt her even more"

"Well, I'm her boyfriend and you're her f*uckin bestfriend"

I walked in front of (y/n). Now she was behind me, she wrapped her hand around my arm.

"Well, she's not yours to hurt nor to have"

"You little-"

He rushed at me and punched me right in my face. I was down in the ground and when he was ready to punch me again, (y/n) suddenly walked in front of me. I held her hand trying to signal to her to step aside the scene.

"No, Chanyeol. Now you f*ckin jerk punch me"

He didn't move a muscle and just looked at her.

"C'mon you f*ckin coward"

She shouted. Then someone entered the scene, I stood up and held her shoulder.

"That f*ckin traitor, let me go Chanyeol. I wanna slap the hell out of her"

"Stop let's just go home, it's raining"

She got out of my grip and walked towards the two. (b/n) turned and well as (y/n) said earlier she slapped the hell out of her.

(Y/N)'s POV

I walked in front of my bestfriend but shall we say ex-bestfriend. My hands itched to punch her face but all I could do was slap her. I didn't realize that because of the anger I was feeling, I was able to slap her so hard she fell to the ground.

"Listen here you ungrateful little pieces of sh*t, I never want to see your f*cking faces here at school because the next time I see you two, your lives will be a mess. I don't care if you transfer just get out of my life"

Then I  walked back at Chanyeol and grabbed him in his arm and dragged him away from the two. I just wanted to get out of that place. We walked back to my house still raining without an umbrella and passing is our favorite shaved ice restaurant, I didn't care if its raining I just want to eat shaved ice and hopefully all the anger I was feeling will wash away. When I was about to enter Chanyeol suddenly pulled me.

"You are not eating that"

"But, this is our favorite place"

"No. Not this time, we need to eat something hot or much more better is that we go back to your house and dry ourselves"

"Ah, arasso"

Walking, again and he said.

"Don't worry I'll buy you tomorrow when it's not raining or you're not soaking wet"

"Jinja?! All the shaved ice I could eat"

"I didn't say that"

"Deal! Then let's hurry home, my shaved ice depends on it"

We both ran in the rain, just imagine to little kids that didn't care about world and just had fun. We arrived at the front of my house.

"Thank you for everything"

"That's nothing, I'am the giant here"

"Aish. But seriously thanks for you know?"

"You know what??"

"For always by my side and for taking a punch for me"

"Aww. It was nothing little girl. Now go inside and eat soup"

"Okay giant. Bye"

I said while I opened the gate and slowly entered.


"Okay giant. Bye"

Then I turned around and was going home. Then I heard the gate open and heard her shouting.


Then she came running out with an umbrella.

"Why did you go out again?"

"I just couldn't stop worrying"

"Yah, I'll be fine"

"Your house is 5 blocks from mine. I think you might be the one who'll be sick. So, here"

Then she handed me her umbrella.

"See you soon"

I said but she suddenly hugged me.

"Woah?! What are you doing"

"Just hug me back pabo"

Then I hugged her back, she suddenly kissed me in the checks and said thank you again and went inside. I walked home with a stupid smile in my face and butterflies in my stomach. I didn't even remember the bruise I had in my mouth. Just the feeling of the girl you like kissing you was WOW! on the cheeks but still.

This is the first part of Chanyeol's Imagine
Hope you like it.

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