Hey, dont you feel it now?

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Expecting it to be an administrator I shoved my shit in my bag and took off running, not stopping to look back. I had been making some good land when a tree root decided to get in my way and I hit the ground hard. Muttering a string of profanities, I started to get up when I was met by an extended hand. My eyes trailed their way up a dark grey hoodie, to a pair of beautiful blue eyes.
"T-t-thanks" I stuttered.
He was gorgeous, how had I not noticed him before? Did he even go here?
"I'm Josh" he said with a smile that could heal a thousand broken hearts, "and you are?"
"M-Mabel" I shakily replied.
I keep getting lost in his eyes.
He chuckled, "that's a beautiful name, let's sit?"
I winced in pain as we walked over to the bleachers, taking a seat on the fourth row up.
"You feel it now eh? That was one hard fall" he stated
"Here let me help you out" he said reaching into his school bag How had I not noticed that? He pulled out a first aid kid and began tending to my knee. Who the hell keeps a first aid kit in their bag? A thought crossed my mind but I quickly dismissed it. not him he's too perfect
"What were you doing out here anyways?" What were YOU doing?!
"I could ask you the same question" I replied dreading telling him my dirty secret.
"I just come out here to uh think" he said sounding unsure of himself. What is with this guy?
"Oh um same" I said taking the opportunity
"Fair enough" crisis averted!
This josh guy seemed so intriguing, I had my mind set on getting to know him better. 
"So josh what grade are you in?" I questioned hoping not to sound too nosy with all these questions.
"I'm a senior, and you?"
He's in my grade?
"Hmm it's strange I haven't seen you around."
"Likewise. Have you always gone here?" Did I just say likewise?
"No actually I moved here this summer from Vancouver" well that explains it
"Vancouver is a long ways away from Idaho. What brings you here?" Mabel stop being so nosy
"Ah, I, uh, my dad got a new job" it seemed like I hit a sour nerve
"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to"
"Thanks, It was just uh a hard move on the uh family" he's hiding something
"That's understandable, If you ever need to talk I'm here"
"Mable, we should probably head back to class, lunch block is nearly over" shit my smack
"Uh I'm not really feeling well I think I'll just head home"
"Would you like me to walk with you?" 
Shit no no no I just need to smoke
"I can handle myself thanks" well that came off rude
"You sure? Well I'll see you again yeah?"
"Of course" reaching for his phone I added, "here I'll put my number in your phone"
"O-Ok" he seems anxious
I entered my number in his phone and handed it back. With that I turned on my heels to walk the other direction.

Push (Josh Ramsay)Where stories live. Discover now