And you're feeling it

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I woke up to my alarm clock screaming at me as if nothing unusual had happened the previous day. Rolling myself into a seated position, I wiped the sleep from my eyes and let out an obnoxious yawn. When I stood up I felt all the effects of the previous day; The feeling was one I could only describe as heavy, so heavy in fact that I collapsed before I could stabilize myself. I dreaded facing Josh. I know I need help, but I can't let my parents know about this. They would undoubtedly kick me out. I know I need help, but I don't want it. I don't want to live without heroin, it's the only thing that helps me and I'm not about to give that up. My mind was racing, How do I face josh? How do I do this? How do I live without it? I'm not doing this.

I got to health class just seconds after the bell. Few seats remained which sent a rush of panic through my veins. Oh god where do I sit what if they hate me oh god how do I ask to sit what if they say no what if they laugh at me. Just when I thought all hope was lost, I spotted an empty seat next to a boy with his head down in the back of the class. I took a chance and walked to the back of the class "do you mind if I sit here?" I asked. Immediately his head perked up and I was greeted by none other than a blue haired Josh. Fantastic.

"J-josh, I didn't know you had this class"
"I do"
"Why didn't you say something?"
"I d-didn't want to sound creepy"
"I'm sorry"
"For?" He questioned
"Not noticing you" I quickly spat
With a hush he replied, "It's okay nobody does" shit
"It's fine"
What a lovely start to this shit day.

My teacher gave yet another anti-drug lecture, this time going over the effects they have on the human body. "Now I'm aware some of you likely think drugs are the answer.." She began. I wasn't paying any attention until I heard her say "heroin. It's NOT a drug to mess with." I immediately tensed, and glanced at Josh. His body was stiff and his eyes were glazed over as if he had just seen a ghost. I reached over resting my hand on his white knuckles, kneading slow circles into his skin. He sent me a weak smile then set his head back down. I too rested my head on my desk not caring to hear anymore of what this shit was doing to me. I know what it does I just don't care. I continued to lose myself in thought, slowly drifting away from consciousness.

"MABEL! JOSH! PAY ATTENTION! DO YOU WANT TO BE SOME CRACKED OUT DRUGGIE IN REHAB WITH NO LIFE?" The fuck "uh no ma'am" I muttered while josh kept his head down "JOSH DO YOU?" He lifted his head slowly, his cheeks bright red. "No ma'am" he rehearsed, then plopped his head right back down. She smacked a laminated photo of some mottled organs on his desk. "Joshua Ramsay, by putting your head down you are giving me the impression that you don't care if your organs look like this, is that how you feel?" she snapped. "No ma'am" he spat, then mumbled lightly "too late."

At last the bell rang, freeing josh and I from that hell. He was the first one to leave the classroom, where he sprinted madly down the hall. I sprinted wildly after him, pushing people out out of my way desperate to catch up. I was making good ground when I tripped on a bottle that had been left in the hall, sending my things tumbling. Feeling pain shoot up my leg, I looked down to see the wound on my knee had re-opened. By the time I had re-collected my books and composed myself, Josh had made it outside, far beyond my sight.

Hello Young Grasshoppers.
This sucks and is total filler so I'm sorry y'all had to wait 5ever for filler but idgaf.

Any guesses where Josh ran off to?

Soggy Young Children, hi ily.

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