They'll push you up against the wall

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I was upstairs in the kitchen fixing myself a salad when I heard a voice call from downstairs. I ran down to my room to see what Josh needed.

"Hello Sleeping Beauty" I poked, "Enjoy your nap?"

"What time is it?" he murmured.

"Just past 2am, Why?"

"Just wondering"

"You hungry?" I asked, "I can make you something."


"Follow me" I commanded, grabbing the stack of freshly washed clothes, "You need a shower and I'm not doing that for you." He sighed and followed me upstairs. I grabbed a towel from the shelf and led him in. "Use whatever you like" I rang, then adding,  "Oh just so you're aware the conditioner on the left has blue dye in it, not that it matters with your hair but it stains, so if you use it be careful."

"Thanks" he replied with a weak smile.

I sat out on the  couch eating my salad while he was in the shower.  I could hear him singing songs I didn't recognize in the shower. Whatever they were, his voice was absolutely amazing. It was full of emotion and you could tell he poured every ounce of pain into it. I could listen to him all night.

Once he was out and dressed he asked about blow-dryers and straighteners and I pointed him to my drawer. I grabbed my shaving cream and razor and set them on the counter.

"Here, shave" I commanded.

"Yes ma'am" he replied with a smirk, "You're hot when you boss me around."

"Move over" I replied with a chuckle and reached for my face wash. We stood there in silence for a while, occupied with our own tasks, until he broke the silence.

"You know I mean it May, you are  beautiful."

"Just finish shaving" I chuckled awkwardly.

"No." he protested, taking my hands in his,"Not until you believe me." With that, he pushed me up against the wall, pinning my hands above my head. He smashed his lips onto mine, moving one of his hands to my neck. He trailed it down my back as I kissed him back, playing with his tongue ring. He moaned into my neck and began leaving love bites behind my ear. "My mom is sleeping keep it down" I hushed. "Make me" he teased. I wiggled free from his grasp and took charge, pinning him against the wall. Due to my stature, his knees were bent but he didn't seem to mind. He gasped as I began grinding my hips into his. I silenced his labored breathing with my mouth, taking his bottom lip between my teeth which caused a loud moan to escape his throat.  "Shut the fuck up Ramsay" I scolded.

Just moments later, I heard a knock on the door.

"Yeah Ramsay, shut the fuck up" the voice mocked and walked away.

Push (Josh Ramsay)Where stories live. Discover now