Chapter 6

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"Oh, the view is so pretty, even though it's raining!" Jae Ri said as they found themselves on the outdoor stairway.

"Isn't it? I spent quite a lot of time here in my highschool years." Jihoo said, looking around with an air of nostalgia.

"I can see why, It is very pretty." She said, walking up to the edge and looking over. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning shot through the sky with a flash, and a boom of thunder. Jae Ri gasped in fright and jumped back, and Jihoo grabbed her wrist and jerked her inside to safety. Jihoo noticed her wince in pain.

"Are you alright?" He asked, looking into her eyes worriedly.

"I'm fine....its just my wrist..." She said, pulling her sleeve back, revealing the bandage.

"Oh, I should have changed the bandage today. Come, we'll find a first aid kit." He said, taking her unhurt hand and leading her into a nearby classroom.
Jihoo lead her to sit at the teachers desk as he rummaged in a closet, returning a few moments later with a roll of gauze and some antibiotic ointment. He knelt down on one knee and began changing the bandage.

"Jihoo-ya, you really don't have to go to all this trouble."
He silently continued dressing her wrist.

"Jihoo-ya, really. Its almost healed."

"Keyword: Almost. It is not yet healed, so I will keep taking care of it until it is fully healed." He said, looking up to smile at her.

"Where did you learn so much about first aid?" Jae Ri said, trying to change the subject.

"I am a doctor, you know." He said, laughing a little.

"What?!" Jae Ri said, startled; "I didn't know that! Why aren't you at your practice?"

"I employ other doctors and nurses to take care of the usual patients, I only come in on the special cases." Jihoo said.

"And I'm done." He said, bringing her hand to his mouth and kissing it, before getting to his feet.

"Thank you...Jagi." Jae Ri said, turning her head to hide her blush as she stood.
Jihoo jumped as if startled, then Jae Ri noticed he was blushing.

"Did I make you blush? After all the times you have made me blush, I finally got you back!" She said, laughing.
Suddenly Jihoo pushed her up against the wall, one hand holding her hands above her head and the other on her waist. He leaned in as if to kiss her, but then moved his lips to her ear and whispered:

"Got you." He let her go and put a hand on her cheek. "See? Your face is warm with a blush."

", it looks like the rain isn't going to stop...." She said, stuttering over the words and turning her head to hide yet another blush.

"Maybe I should call Jun Pyo, he might could send a car..." Jihoo said, getting out his phone and calling him. Jae Ri couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. She had enjoyed being alone with Jihoo.

"Really?.......They actually closed the roads?......Typhoon warning?....Aish, I guess we'll stay here then. Tell Jan Di that Jae Ri is okay. Okay. Bye." Jihoo hung up and turned to Jae Ri.

"Jun Pyo says the roads are closed due to the storm. Winds have been pushing cars off the road... We're going to have to spend the night."

"Oh no..." Jae Ri did her best to look disappointed.

"Oh, it won't be too bad. There's this lounge that the F4 used when we went to school here. There's a TV and couches, we can watch movies for a while, and we'll ask the officials for blankets." Jihoo said.

"Do I detect excitement in your voice?" Jae Ri said incredulously.

"Of course. I'm excited to spend time with you." He said, putting his arms around her in a warm embrace.

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