Chapter 16

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Jae Ri held her own in video games against the boys, so much so they quit in exasperation. While the others played pool, Jae Ri and Jihoo cuddled close together on the couch.
"So, how long have you two been together?" Woo bin asked, flopping down on the couch.
"About 5 months." Jae Ri said bashfully.
"Aish, that's a long time! When's the wedding?"
"Hopefully not very long." Jihoo said, playfully poking Jae Ri on the nose. Suddenly her phone rang.

"Hello? Oh eomma- what's wrong?.....You can't be serious! What will we do? Should I come home?..... Are you sure?? Okay then... I'm going to help out any way I can. Take care of yourself. Goodnight eomma." She hung up, looking troubled.
"What's wrong?" Jihoo asked.
"Some hoodlums broke in and stole some money. Thankfully the heirloom jewelry is safe, but it will be tough on her for a while. I feel torn between going back... She told me it was unnecessary." Jae Ri said fretfully.
"That's terrible! Let me help, Jae Ri. How much was stolen?"
"Oh Jihoo I couldn't possibly accept."
"Jae Ri, one day she will be my family too. And family looks after family." Jihoo said, looking deeply into her eyes. Jae Ri suddenly found herself speechless.
"Let's talk more about it in the morning, okay?" Jihoo said. Jae Ri agreed and they settled in to watch the others play pool.

"Where's Jae Ri gone?" Ga eul said groggily, waking up the next morning.
"Probably wherever Jihoo is, they can hardly stand to be separated from each other." Jan Di said laughing. They dressed and went downstairs and found Jae Ri fully dressed, cooking pancakes for everyone. Jihoo was nearby, talking to Woo Bin, even though his eyes would slowly drift off to look at Jae Ri.
"Oh hello sleepyheads! Breakfast is almost ready, then we can open gifts!" Jae Ri said, smiling brightly. Jan Di repressed a laugh when she saw Jihoo instantly light up when Jae Ri smiled.
"Did you stay with the guys last night?" Ga Eul said, walking over to Yijung and leaning against him as he put an arm around her.
"It did sort of end up that way, yeah. Me and Jagi fell asleep on the couch downstairs, so the others came up into the guest rooms and let us be." Jae Ri said, coloring slightly.
"Their wedding bed will be a sofa." Goo Jun Pyo said, smirking as the young couple blushed.

They all ate the pancakes and thanked Jae Ri. Everyone slowly made their way to the living room and began opening their gifts. Everyone oooed and awed over their gifts in turn, when Jihoo silently went to Jae Ri and handed her a rectangular box, like a bracelet would come in. Jae Ri slowly unwrapped it, and once she saw the contents she screamed and lept into Jihoo's arms. Everyone turned to stare.
"What is all the screaming for???" Jan Di asked. Jae Ri took a moment to breathe before responding.
"It's tickets to see SHINee!! Front row!! With a meet and greet!!!" Jan Di started screaming with her and the men looked at each other bemusedly.

After everything calmed down, Jae Ri and Jihoo bundled up, Jihoo in his new hat and scarf courtesy of Jae Ri, and went for a ride in his car. They stopped by a park with a walking trail and took a walk together, snow falling gently around them.
"Jae Ri?" Jihoo stopped suddenly.
"Yes Jihoo?"
"I need to know.... do you want to marry me?" He said, lifting his eyes from the ground to look at her.
"Yes, Jihoo. I want to marry you." Jae Ri said, smiling. Jihoo broke into a grin and kissed her.
"Before I can formally ask, there is one thing we need to do."
"What's that?"
"I need to meet your mother and ask for your hand."

I am so sorry for the long wait!!! I just had no good ideas for a while, and I got a job so I've not had the time to write. But here it is, I hope you all enjoy!!

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